蓝藻水华通常是指在富营养化水体中出现蓝藻大量繁殖的现象,主要表现为水体表面覆盖着一层蓝绿色并伴有恶臭气味的浮沫,水体藻细胞浓度一般都达到并超过1.5×107个·L−1,叶绿素a质量浓度大于10 mg·m−3[5]。叶绿素a(chlorophyll a, Chl-a)是浮游植物(藻类)中最常见的色素,其质量浓度是评价水体富营养化程度的核心参数[6]。传统的湖泊营养状态评价方法主要依赖于对水体的实地取样分析,然而该方法易受局部天气与环境影响,取样与测试过程也比较耗时耗力、成本较高,较难实现对湖泊富营养状态在精细时空尺度上的监测[7]。与之相比,遥感(remote sensing, RS)技术具有覆盖范围广、获取资料快、周期短等优点,可弥补传统水质采样的诸多不足,因此,已被广泛应用于湖泊水环境和水生态等方面的监测。目前,在利用遥感技术的水质参数反演方面,反演方法经历了分析法、经验法、半经验法、机器学习和综合法[8],已建立起具有较高精度和一定普适性的水质参数反演模型,可以用于宏观的水质评价[9-10]。并且形成了遥感反演叶绿素a质量浓度的多种算法,但不同的算法也存在一定的局限性[11],且不同的算法在不同的传感器之间的适应性也存在差异[12]。
已有许多针对不同地区、不同季节、不同水质参数、不同的反演方法和算法、不同的卫星遥感数据源的水质反演方面的研究。潘鑫等[13]利用高分六号卫星影像,采用3种模型对太湖进行叶绿素a质量浓度反演,得出了适合高分六号卫星影像太湖叶绿素a质量浓度反演的模型。郑震[14]基于OLI影像,建立了叶绿素a质量浓度反演的数学回归模型,分析了东张水库叶绿素a质量浓度的时空分布特点。陈命男[15]利用Landsat 8数据,建立了淀山湖的叶绿素a反演的回归模型。但雨生等[16]基于Sentinel-2数据建立了可靠的BP神经网络模型,用以监测平寨水库水质。马丰魁等[17]以密云水库为研究对象,采用BP神经网络算法反演4个水质参数,并且得到了较为可信的研究结果。徐鹏飞等[18]建立了神经网络模型,对千岛湖清洁水体的叶绿素a质量浓度进行反演,并利用该模型对千岛湖的叶绿素a质量浓度进行时空特征分析。
由此可见,已有许多利用遥感数据反演水质参数的研究,分析方法亦较为成熟,这些研究为不同地区湖泊的水质监测提供了可靠的参考依据。但内陆水体光学特征具有较强的区域性和季节性[8],而且针对叶绿素a反演的各种算法仍受到季节和地理位置等的限制[11],致使各地区建立的水质参数反演模型不具有普适性。为此,针对不同地区、不同季节及不同的传感器[11],仍需要根据实际情况有针对性地建立适合当地的相关模型,为水污染防治提供合理的数据支撑[19]。近年来,利用遥感技术监测洱海水质情况的研究主要包括蓝藻水华的空间分布特征[20]、土地利用变化与水质的关系[21]、干季水质的时空变化[22]等。毕顺等[23]利用OLCI数据,采用了三波段模型对洱海2017年4月19日叶绿素a质量浓度的分布进行了估算。但该研究的三波段模型中第三波段的选取需要满足一系列的假设条件,且三波段模型主要适用于中高浓度叶绿素水体,不适用于高度浑浊水体[11];还有研究[24]表明,OLCI数据虽具有较高辐射分辨率,但其空间分辨率(为300 m)较低,在中小型内陆水体的监测上能力有限。由于洱海属中型湖泊,因此,选用空间分辨率较高的多光谱遥感影像能较为准确地获取水质采样点的反射率数据,这也是提高模型水质反演精度较为主要的因素之一[25]。
Mass concentration inversion for chlorophyll a in Erhai lake based on Sentinel-2
- Received Date: 25/04/2022
- Available Online: 30/09/2022
Key words:
- chlorophyll inversion /
- Sentinel-2 /
- Erhai lake /
- BP neural network
Abstract: In order to dynamically monitor eutrophic pollutants in Erhai lake, the remote sensing technology was used to invert the chlorophyll-a mass concentration, the core parameter reflecting eutrophication of water. The inversion model suitable for the local season was established to conduct the macro monitoring of the mass concentration of chlorophyll-a in water. Based on Sentinel-2 images and measured mass concentration data of chlorophyll a in Erhai lake in autumn, the inversion bands were selected by parameter correlation analysis method, then BP neural network model and multiple linear regression model were established. Seven sample points were randomly selected to cross-verify the two models, and then the mass concentration of chlorophyll a in Erhai lake was inverted. The results showed that a significant correlation occurred between Sentinel - 2 data and the mass concentration of chlorophyll a (the absolute value of Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient was higher than 0.7, P < 0.001), and the bands or band combinations with the largest correlation coefficient in single band, single band ratio and dual band ratio were B6, B7 / B6 and (B6 + B8) / (B7 + B8a), respectively; the three-layer BP neural network model with four neuron nodes in hidden layer had the smallest root mean square error and the largest determination coefficient, which were 0.0028 and 0.925, respectively. On October 12th and November 9th, 2019, the spatial distribution of mass concentration of chlorophyll a in the northern part of Erhai lake was higher than that in the southern part. The mean absolute percentage error of BP neural network model was 21.36%, the root mean square error was 0.002 8, and the coefficient of determination was 0.925. The mean absolute percentage error of multiple linear regression model was 27.90%, the root mean square error was 0.004 5, and the coefficient of determination was 0.788. In general, the inversion accuracy of mass concentration of chlorophyll-a by BP neural network model was higher than that by multiple linear regression model. The results of this study can provide a reference for relevant departments to dynamically monitor water quality of Erhai lake and formulate water quality protection measures of Erhai lake.