自2020年1月1日起“限硫令”实施后,低硫燃料油(low sulphur fuel oil, LSFO)已逐步取代普通船用高硫燃料油(high sulphur fuel oil, HSFO)成为市场主流,且在生态环境脆弱的硫排放控制海域(如北极地区)应用最广. 由于与传统汽缸油不匹配[1]、催化剂残留颗粒过多[2]、润滑性不足[3]等原因,多项研究指出LSFO会对船舶动力系统造成异常磨损、腐蚀[4-5],进而增加船舶航行过程中的漏油风险. 溢油事故一旦发生,其对水生生态系统造成的影响和随食物链传递威胁人类健康的风险不容忽视[6-7]. 因此,针对LSFO的潜在生物毒性与生态风险亟待研究.
2020年7月25日在毛里求斯海域搁浅的“若潮号”货轮泄露了超过1.0×103 t LSFO,这是首次发生的大型LSFO泄漏事故,相关研究[8-9]报道了事故对附近海域造成的严重生态灾难. 在LSFO对水生生物的毒性效应方面,Hansen等[10]比较了一种轻质LSFO和一种HSFO对大西洋鳕鱼仔鱼的毒性作用,通过对燃料油介导的芳香烃受体(aryl hydrocarbon receptor, AhR)基因激活以及与骨生成等通路相关基因的研究,发现轻质LSFO与HSFO的毒理学机制类似,高浓度的轻质LSFO暴露组甚至表现出比HSFO暴露组更严重的形态学畸形. 而在其它研究中[11],轻质LSFO对海洋浮游动物表现出较低的毒性,另外一种重质LSFO对浮游动物群落多样性的影响则更为显著. 以上事故和研究表明,LSFO的泄漏风险及其对水生生物的危害不可小觑,且不同类型LSFO间性质差异较大,其毒性影响还有待进一步验证.
虽然“深水地平线”[12]事件后,已有大量学者开展了原油和HSFO的水生生物毒理学研究[13-14],但因生产工艺不同,LSFO与以上二者在性质、成分上存在差异[15-16],作为国际海事组织及我国交通运输部指定的船用燃料类型,目前有关LSFO的研究数据较少,其毒性作用特征尚未得到关注. 因此,本研究以模式生物斑马鱼胚胎及仔鱼为受试生物,选取了市场上广泛应用的3种LSFO:WRG(wide range gas oil(RMB 30型))、MGO(marine gas oil(DMA型))和VLSFO(very low sulphur fuel oil(RMG 180型)),综合分析不同类型LSFO及其水溶性组分(water accommodated fractions, WAFs)溶液的性质和组成,通过120 h急性毒性实验,系统研究了LSFO WAFs对斑马鱼胚胎/仔鱼的影响. 同时,针对目前斑马鱼仔鱼形态学评估方法耗时费力且评价标准不明确的局限性,本研究开发了一种基于深度学习的自动化致畸效应评分系统,以实现对仔鱼畸形图像的批量处理及自动评分;最后,应用毒性单位(toxic unit, TU)模型评估LSFO WAFs中不同组分的毒性差异. 实验结果可为进一步研究LSFO对水生生物的毒性效应及其生态风险评估提供一定参考.
Toxic effects of low sulphur fuel oil on early life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
摘要: 低硫燃料油(low sulphur fuel oil,LSFO)是指硫含量小于0.5%的燃料油. 为控制航行过程中尾气硫化物的排放,减少大气污染,LSFO正逐步取代传统高硫燃料油在全球海域被广泛使用,但有关LSFO的环境风险和毒理学研究仍十分有限. 本研究选取3种不同类型的LSFO:中质油WRG(wide range gas oil)、轻质油MGO(marine gas oil)和重质油VLSFO(very low sulphur fuel oil),通过制备其水溶性组分(water accommodated fractions,WAFs)溶液,综合分析LSFO及其WAFs的理化性质和组成成分;并以斑马鱼胚胎/仔鱼为受试生物,探究3类LSFO的WAFs的潜在生物毒性. 结果表明,轻质油MGO及其WAFs中半挥发性有机物(semi-volatile organic compounds,SVOCs)、挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)和总石油烃(total petroleum hydrocarbon,TPH)含量之和最高,中质油WRG次之,重质油VLSFO最低. WAFs的浓度由SVOCs和VOCs浓度之和表示,根据《水和废水监测分析方法(第四版)》分级标准,WRG的WAFs急性毒性特征为低毒,而MGO的WAFs和VLSFO的WAFs分别为高毒和极高毒,其半数致死浓度(LC50)分别为1.58 mg·L−1和0.83 mg·L−1. MGO和VLSFO的WAFs对胚胎孵化抑制浓度(EC20)分别为0.85 mg·L−1和0.65 mg·L−1. 未稀释的MGO和VLSFO的WAFs会导致仔鱼出现鱼鳔发育不完全/未充气等畸形. 3种LSFO的WAFs均会诱导胚胎/仔鱼体内活性氧物种含量显著升高. 基于毒性单位模型的组分毒性差异分析表明,以萘类化合物为主的轻质多环芳烃是主要毒性贡献因子,LSFO的WAFs组分间可能存在拮抗作用从而减弱其生物毒性.Abstract: Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (LSFO) is an emerging category of fuel oil with a sulphur content of less than 0.5%. To control the emission of sulphur dioxide and to reduce atmospheric pollution, LSFO is steadily replacing the marine traditional high-sulphur fuel oil for wider utilizations. However, environmental risks and toxicological studies on LSFO are scarce. In this study, three different LSFOs: medium oil WRG (wide range gas oil), light oil MGO (marine gas oil), and heavy oil VLSFO (very low sulphur fuel oil) were investigated. These LSFOs and their water-accommodated fractions (WAFs) were thoroughly characterized for chemical compositions and physicochemical properties. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos/larvae were selected as test organism to investigate the toxic effects of LSFO WAFs. The results showed that the total amount of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in the light oil MGO and its WAFs was the highest, followed by the medium oil WRG, and the heavy oil VLSFO being the lowest. The concentration of WAFs is expressed as the sum of the concentrations of SVOCs and VOCs, according to the classification standard of “Water and Wastewater Monitoring and Analysis Methods (fourth edition)”, the acute toxicity of WRG WAFs to zebrafish embryos was minimal, whereas MGO WAFs and VLSFO WAFs were highly and extremely toxic, with LC50 values of 1.58 mg·L−1and 0.83 mg·L−1, respectively. MGO and VLSFO WAFs had inhibitory concentrations (EC20) on embryo hatching of 0.85 mg·L−1 and 0.65 mg·L−1, respectively; undiluted MGO and VLSFO WAFs could induce serious deformities in larvae, such as incomplete swim bladder development or inflation failure. All three LSFO WAFs induced significant increases in the content of reactive oxygen species in embryos/larvae. Based on the toxic unit model, the toxicity difference analysis of components revealed low molecular weight PAHs, mainly the naphthalenes, were the main toxicity contributors. And the possible antagonistic effect among the components of LSFO WAFs likely weakened their toxic effects on the organism.
Key words:
- low sulphur fuel oil (LSFO) /
- zebrafish /
- embryos /
- larval /
- acute toxicity /
- oxidative damage.
图 6 LSFO WAFs暴露120 h后斑马鱼仔鱼各畸形类型比例和GTS得分情况
Figure 6. Proportion of different deformities and GTS scores of zebrafish larvae after exposure to LSFO WAFs for 120 h. Proportion of different deformities and GTS scores of exposures to WRG WAFs (a-b), MGO WAFs (c-d) and VLSFO WAFs (e-f) (* means P ≤ 0.05, * * means P ≤ 0.01)
表 1 LSFO及其WAFs化学表征色谱/质谱条件
Table 1. Chromatographic/mass spectrometry conditions for chemical characterization of the LSFOs and WAFs
Ion source
programGC-MS/MS DB-5MS (30 m ×
0.25 μm × 0.25 mm)氦气:1.20 不分流 280 250 40 ℃(4 min)→10 ℃·min−1→
320 ℃(2 min)GC-FID DB-1(30 m ×
0.53 mm × 1.5 μm)氢气:40.0
氮气:30.0不分流 330 280 40 ℃(1 min)→6 ℃·min−1→
330 ℃(10 min)P&T GC-MS DB-624 (60 m ×
0.25 μm × 1.4 μm)氦气:1.30 分流,30:1 230 225 35 ℃(3 min→6 ℃·min−1→
100 ℃→12 ℃·min−1→180 ℃→
20 ℃·min−1→200 ℃(7 min)表 2 低硫燃料油的基础理化性质
Table 2. Physicochemical properties of the LSFO
Type of oil tested密度/(kg·m-3)
Pour point闭口闪点/℃
Flash point运动黏度/(mm2·s−1)
Viscosity(20 ℃)硫含量/%
Sulphur content蜡含量/%
Wax content沥青质含量/%
Asphaltene contentWRG 0.873 -6.00 108 90.4 0.04 0.00 <0.05 MGO 0.865 -30.0 70.0 8.21 0.08 0.00 <0.05 VLSFO 0.970 12.0 >120 1156 0.48 0.80 2.78 -
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