蓝藻水华在世界各地许多湖库水体频繁发生,其代谢产生的微囊藻毒素(microcystins,MCs)引发的水源地和饮用水安全问题长期以来受到各地政府和学者的持续关注,至今已报道检测出百余种MCs的异构体。其中,Microcystin-LR是一类具强致癌效应的肝毒素,天然水体中Microcystin-LR大部分以细胞结合态、少部分以溶解态存在,一般条件下极难降解,可通过水生生物富集和食物链进入人体,对健康造成严重威胁。目前,在世界卫生组织(WHO)和我国《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2012)中,Microcystin-LR是唯一被明确管制的MCs指标,其最高浓度限值均为1 μg·L−1,因此,对水中Microcystin-LR的去除或无害化降解成为研究热点。已报道水中Microcystin-LR的去除方法包括物理吸附法[1-2]、化学氧化法[3-4]、微生物降解法等[5-6]。物理吸附(如活性炭)对于低浓度污染去除效率高,但无法从根本上去除Microcystin-LR,并存在二次污染的潜在风险;化学氧化法(如臭氧、高锰酸钾等)反应速度快,但矿化率低,反应过程可能产生具诱发癌变的基因毒性中间副产物;微生物降解法温和安全,但反应时间长、稳定可控性差。近十多年来对于水中难降解微污染有机物的研究,光催化技术因其具有降解高效彻底、环境友好等优点在水处理领域发展迅速[7],包括用于降解水中Microcystin-LR的研究也逐渐深入。
自1972年起,FUJISHIMA [8]发现,在TiO2电极上将水光解产生氢气的现象后,TiO2日益成为最具发展前景的半导体光催化剂,引发了广泛研究兴趣,并在环境污染物降解、清洁能源制取等多领域取得良好的研究进展[7,9]。但由于TiO2光谱响应范围窄(仅对紫外光响应)、光生电子-空穴对(e−-h+)易复合等缺点的制约,无法满足其在环保领域提升高效节能处理技术的发展需求。为促进TiO2光催化响应活性和效率,学者们对TiO2开展大量相关的掺杂元素(氮、硫等非金属,铜、铋等金属)改性与负载复合材料(硅藻土、活性炭)等研究,结果表明可不同程度提高可见光降解处理效率[10]。特别是氮元素掺杂对提高TiO2的可见光响应活性已从理论到对多种有机污染物降解实验效果被反复验证有效[11]。氧化石墨烯(GO)作为一种单层二维碳纳米材料,是碳原子以sp2杂化轨道组成的六角型平面结构,具有比表面积大、吸附性能好、表面富含多类含氧官能团,电荷迁移率高等特性,在光催化领域将其作为负载材料引入成为近年来关注热点。已证实GO负载不仅增强了材料的分散性、减缓了团聚现象,还能促进价带电子激发跃迁至导带,提高光生载流子的迁移速率,有效降低e−-h+的复合率,使光催化活性得到提高[12-13]。
Visible-light photodegradation of Microcystin-LR by N-TiO2/rGO nanomaterials
摘要: 以尿素、钛酸丁酯、氧化石墨烯为原料,采用水热法制备了N-TiO2/rGO复合纳米光催化剂,通过SEM、BET、XRD、Raman、FT-IR、UV-vis DRS等分析方法对催化剂进行了表征和分析,研究了该复合材料在可见光下对水中Microcystin-LR的降解动力学及相关反应机理。结果表明,相较未负载的N-TiO2,N-TiO2/rGO对可见光的响应范围显著拓宽,表面颗粒分布均匀,比表面积增大,其多层立体孔隙结构能有效克服团聚现象,光生载流子分离效率提升。在水热温度为180℃、掺N比为6%(质量百分比)及GO负载量为5%(质量百分比)的制备条件下,可获得光催化活性最优的N-TiO2/rGO复合纳米材料;投加1 g·L−1该材料,在可见光下对水中初始质量浓度为 1 mg·L−1 Microcystin-LR催化反应90 min后,降解率可达89.8%,反应速率常数为0.025 3 min−1。自由基捕获实验结果表明,·OH对光催化反应降解Microcystin-LR中起主导作用,贡献率为95.0 %,而空穴(h+)贡献率仅占3.9 %。Abstract: In this study, urea (nitrogen source), butyl titanate (precursor) and GO (carrier) were taken as raw materials, the novel photocatalysts of N-TiO2/rGO were synthesized by hydrothermal method for efficient degradation of Microcystin-LR (MC-LR). Then N-TiO2/rGO was characterized by SEM, BET, XRD, Raman, FT-IR and UV-vis DRS. Furthermore, the mechanism and reaction kinetics of MC-LR degradation in water by N-TiO2/rGO under visible light were studied. The results showed that, compared to unloaded N-TiO2, the compound photocatalyst of N-TiO2/rGO widened the visible-light response range, showed more evenly distribution of surface particles, and increased the specific surface area. In addition, the agglomeration behaviour of N-TiO2/rGO decreased obviously due to the multilayer three-dimensional pores structure, and the photocarries separation efficiency greatly improved. The optimum preparation conditions of N-TiO2/rGO occurred at hydrothermal temperature of 180℃, 6 wt% N-doped and 5 wt% GO-loaded, which exhibited the best visible light photocatalytic activity. The degradation efficiency of MC-LR (1 mg·L−1 of initial concentration) in water achieved 89.8% after 90 minutes photocatalysis at N-TiO2/rGO dosage of 1 g·L−1, and the reaction rate constant was 0.025 3 min−1. Free radical trapping experiments demonstrated that ·OH radical played the dominant role on the photocatalytic degradation of MC-LR, it contribution accounted for 95.0%, while the contribution of hole (H+) only accounted for 3.9%.
Key words:
- Microcystin-LR /
- N-doped /
- TiO2 /
- GO /
- visible light photocatalysis
表 1 GO、TiO2、N-TiO2和N-TiO2/rGO的比表面积、孔容和孔径
Table 1. Specific surface area, pore volume and pore size of GO, TiO2, N-TiO2 and N-TiO2/rGO
样品 比表面积/(m2·g−1) 孔容/(cm3·g−1) 孔径/nm GO 6.125 0.019 12.421 TiO2 101.055 0.173 3.939 N-TiO2 200.127 0.427 6.874 N-TiO2/rGO 265.124 0.561 7.822 表 2 不同材料可见光催化降解Microcystin-LR的动力学拟合方程
Table 2. Kinetic fitting equations of visible-light photocatalytic degradation of Microcystin-LR by different materials
材料 准一级动力学方程 R2 k/min-1 TiO2 ln(C0/C)=0.003 2x+0.026 6 0.926 4 0.003 2 N-TiO2/rGO ln(C0/C)=0.008 9x−0.036 1 0.957 9 0.008 9 N-TiO2/rGO ln(C0/C)=0.025 3x−0.067 0 0.986 1 0.025 3 -
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