Medium-level temperature pyrolysis of mixture of dried sewage sludge and bituminous coal for syngas production
摘要: 以2种不同产地烟煤和某污水处理厂污水污泥作为研究对象,在实验室预处理,将两者按不同比例掺混后使用管式电阻炉进行中温热解实验,探讨了烟煤与干化污泥掺混热解产气特性。实验结果表明:烟煤掺混干化污泥热解,不改变两者热解产H2、CO和CH4的规律。在相同热解温度下,烟煤的掺混比例越高,产生H2体积百分含量越大。对于CH4,掺混物料产气峰值热解温度由800 ℃降低至700 ℃。混合物料中污泥掺混比例增加会增加CO含量。通过热重实验,随着物料中配入干化污泥质量比重增加,热解反应所需活化能减小。Abstract: Medium-level temperature co-pyrolysis gas production characteristics on some dried sewage sludge and two different kinds of bituminous coals were investigated on the experimental tube furnace with different mixing ratio for sample pretreatment, respectively. The results of co-pyrolysis of bituminous coal and dried sewage sludge indicated that the values of H2,CO and CH4 concentration were similar to those of bituminous coal or dried sewage sludge in each pyrolysis stage. At the same pyrolysis temperature, the higher the blending ratio of bituminous coal could lead to generate the larger the H2 concentration. For CH4 gas, the pyrolysis temperature of the peak concentration was dropped from 800 ℃ to 700 ℃. The increase of dried sewage sludge mixing ratio in the mixture pyrolysis would increase the CO content. The activation energy of pyrolysis different blend samples was analyzed using a thermogravimetric analyzer, it was found that dried sewage sludge addition could decrease activation energy, the higher the proportion of dried sewage sludge in the mixture was, the less activation energy was.
Key words:
- bituminous coal /
- dried sewage sludge /
- medium-level temperature pyrolysis /
- hydrogen
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