Multi-task Neutral Network Models for Simultaneous Prediction of Bioaccumulation Parameters of Organic Chemicals in Fish
摘要: 获取化学品的生物积累性数据是评价其生态及健康风险的前提。基于机器学习算法的模型已被用于生物积累性预测,填补相关数据空缺。但已有预测模型仅针对单一终点,忽略了不同终点间的内在联系。基于多任务学习算法的模型,有望实现多个生物积累参数的同时预测。本研究采用反向传播(back-propagation, BP)神经网络机器学习算法,基于分子Dragon描述符和4种分子指纹,建立了可同时预测化学品鱼体生物富集因子(BCF)和生物放大因子(BMF)的多任务模型,并与单任务模型进行了比较。结果表明,多任务模型的拟合效果、稳健性和预测能力均优于单任务模型。采用Dragon描述符作为输入的多任务模型表现最好,其训练集的决定系数(R2)、均方根误差(RMSE)和平均绝对误差(MAE)分别为0.925~0.964、0.168~0.247和0.133;验证集的R2、RMSE和MAE分别为0.771~0.894、0.176~0.213和0.168~0.176;10折交叉验证系数(Q2cv)为0.785~0.867。基于验证集与训练集分子间的谷本相似度表征了模型应用域。本研究所建模型可有效填补化学品生物积累性数据,为化学品生物积累性及风险评价提供技术支持。Abstract: Acquisition of bioaccumulation parameters is a prerequisite for assessing the ecological and health risks of chemicals. Machine learning based models have been developed for bioaccumulation assessment to fill the data gap. However, current prediction models on bioaccumulation parameters are mostly single-task models, neglecting the inherent correlations among different endpoints. Multi-task learning based models are promising for simultaneous prediction of multiple bioaccumulation parameters. In this study, multi-task models were developed using the back-propagation (BP) neural networks algorithm based on Dragon descriptors and four kinds of molecular fingerprints, to simultaneously predict bioconcentration factors (BCF) and biomagnification factors (BMF) of chemicals in fish. The predicted BCF and BMF from these models were compared with those from corresponding single-task models. Results showed that the multi-task models outperformed the single-task models in goodness-of-fit, robustness, and predictability. The best multi-task model was obtained using Dragon descriptors as the input, with determination coefficients (R2), root mean square errors (RMSE) and mean absolute errors (MAE) being 0.925~0.964, 0.168~0.247, and 0.133 for the training set, and 0.771~0.894, 0.176~0.213, and 0.168~0.176 for the validation set, respectively. The 10-fold cross validation coefficients (Q2cv) of the best model are 0.785~0.867. The application domains of the models were characterized by Tanimoto similarity between compounds from the training and the validation sets. The developed models in this study could provide data for bioaccumulation of chemicals and support chemical risk assessment.
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