Biosynthesis Pathways and Metabolic Processes of Arsenobetaine
摘要: 砷污染问题引起全球高度关注,在中国、南亚和东南亚等地尤为严重。砷通过食物链传递对生态系统以及人类健康造成潜在危害。研究发现海洋鱼类具有独特的高砷甜菜碱(arsenobetaine, AsB)富集能力,人类通过摄食海洋鱼类会摄取大量的AsB,可能造成潜在的健康危害。然而,AsB在不同生物体内的生物转化(合成和降解)过程尚不清楚。本文对已知和推测的AsB合成和降解过程进行综述,探究海洋生物体内高AsB富集原因和可能的合成途径,哺乳动物体内的AsB代谢过程,以及环境中微生物在AsB降解过程中发挥的作用,加深我们对AsB沿食物链传递和代谢过程的认识,为防治砷污染,降低砷污染对生态与人体健康的风险提供理论依据,促进砷生态毒理学的发展。Abstract: Arsenic pollution, a serious environmental problem especially in China, South Asia and Southeast Asia, has aroused great concern worldwide. Arsenic is transmitted through the food chain and results in potential risk to the ecosystems and human health. It has been reported that marine fish have a unique enrichment capacity of high concentration of arsenobetaine (AsB), and human uptake a large amount of AsB through consumption of marine fish. However, the process of AsB biotransformation (biosynthesis and degradation) in different organisms is not clear. In this review, the biosynthetic and degradation processes of AsB were summarized to explore the reasons of high AsB enrichment in marine organisms and possible synthetic pathways. We also reviewed the potential AsB metabolic processes in mammals, and the involvement of microorganisms in AsB degradation was also included. All these information should provide a theoretical basis for understanding the transmission and metabolism process of AsB along the food chain, and promote the development of arsenic ecotoxicology. Better understanding of the biosynthetic and metabolic process of AsB not only supply fundamental information in making strategies to prevent and control arsenic pollution, but also in reducing the risk of arsenic pollution to the ecology and human health.
Key words:
- arsenobetaine /
- marine organisms /
- mammal /
- biotransformation /
- synthesis /
- degradation
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