Research Progress on Effect of Elevated CO2 on Growth and Toxicity of Marine Toxic Microalgae
摘要: 近年来,由人类活动引起的近海环境污染不断加剧,这使得有害藻华(harmful algal blooms, HABs)暴发的范围及危害不断扩大,其中有毒微藻藻华也因其毒性效应而逐渐受到关注。18世纪后期以来,全球气候变化加剧了有毒藻华的发生和发展,其中有毒藻华暴发的潜力和危害性也可能增加,环境二氧化碳(CO2)就是其中一个影响因素。到2019年为止,环境CO2浓度已达到工业化(1750年)前的148%,对有毒藻华的发生、发展产生了重要影响。CO2浓度的升高能够缓解微藻的碳限制,促进产毒藻类的固碳和生长;同时,CO2溶于海水使得海水pH降低,也有可能对某些有毒藻华微藻的生长产生影响。CO2浓度升高还会影响有毒微藻藻毒素的合成,提高产毒效率或促使毒素由低毒性组分转化为高毒性。本文综述了环境CO2浓度升高对有毒藻华微藻生长和产毒等的研究进展,探讨了CO2升高背景下有毒藻华暴发的潜力及危害性,以期为深入研究全球变化对有毒藻华的影响提供参考,并为有毒藻华监测预警方案的优化提供理论支撑。Abstract: In recent years, the pollution of coastal environment has been aggravated by human activities. As a result, the coverage and influence of harmful algae blooms (HABs) have been expanded. Among them, toxic algal blooms have drawn much attention due to its toxin productions. Since the industrial revolution after 18th Centry, the climate changes resulted from elevated environmental carbon dioxide (CO2) have intensified the occurrence of HABs and could increase their toxicity. It was reported that the environmental CO2 level in 2019 has reached 148% of that before industrialization (1750), which may influence the potent and harm of toxic algal blooms. The elevated CO2 can alleviate the carbon limitation and promote carbon fixation and growth of toxic microalgae. However, lower pH may inhibit the growth of some species. The increasing of CO2 concentration can also affect the toxin production and increase the cytotoxicity of some species, which increases the toxin synthesis or changes the toxin composition with higher toxic components. This paper reviews the effects of elevated CO2 on the growth and toxicity of marine toxic microalgae, discussed the potential changes of toxic algal blooms under elevated CO2 and provided optimization suggestions to strengthen toxic algal bloom monitoring with climate changes. This study suggests that it is necessary to consider the changes of environmental CO2 during coastal water monitoring. And adjusting the monitoring index of toxic algae density timely may provide a more accurate way to predict the toxicity of HABs.
Key words:
- CO2 /
- climate change /
- harmful algal blooms /
- algal toxin
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