硝酸盐(NO3−)是一种在水体中广泛存在的无机污染物。近几十年来,由于人类的工业和农业活动,水体中的NO3−浓度不断升高,已逐渐成为世界各国密切关注的问题[1-2]。我国30个省71条主要河流样品的硝酸盐数据表明,这些样品中有约7.83%的硝酸盐含量超过45 mg·L−1[1]。一般而言,污水厂二沉池出水中的硝酸盐浓度在10 mg·L−1,约占我国污水厂一级A标准中规定出水总氮浓度要求(15 mg·L−1)的67%左右,而一些水环境敏感地区(如滇池、太湖等)的污水厂出水总氮浓度的内控指标低至5 mg·L−1(以氮计),硝态氮去除对污水厂总氮控制造成极大压力。污水厂出水中硝酸盐氮浓度过高导致的总氮超标是城镇污水处理厂中最常见的问题之一[3]。目前,污水中的NO3−主要通过生物反硝化去除,需要外加碳源、延长反硝化停留时间或增大回流比强化脱氮,能耗和药耗高。化学还原法具有还原效率高、操作简单、成本低等优点,如果能利用化学还原方法强化NO3−脱除,将有助于降低厌氧生物脱氮负荷,进一步提高污水中的总氮去除效率。
近年来,基于二氧化碳阴离子自由基 (CO2·−)的高级还原技术逐步引起人们关注。CO2·−分子结构中存在一个未成对的电子,具有很强的还原特性,还原电位E0(CO2/CO2·−)为−1.9 V[4]。CO2·−作为电子供体,通过电子传递、亲核攻击等途径还原降解污染物[5-6]。研究表明,CO2·−能有效去除水中卤代有机物、全氟化合物、溴酸盐和六价铬等污染物[7-10]。近期研究发现,基于CO2·−的高级还原技术能将NO3−定向还原为气态氮,并且水中共存的溶解性有机物对CO2·−驱动的NO3−还原去除影响很小,仅在有机物浓度30 mg·L−1时的NO3−还原去除略有下降[11-12]。但是,目前基于污水体系的CO2·−的高级还原研究较少,其实际应用仍存在诸多挑战[11]。
紫外消毒已在污水处理中广泛应用,截至2016年我国已建成使用的5 000多座城镇污水厂中超过50%采用了中压紫外消毒。硝酸盐在波长250~400 nm具有吸光性,特别是在302 nm处具有特征吸收峰,摩尔吸光系数为7.2 L·(mol·cm)−1。同时,甲酸盐(HCOO−)可作为一种新型绿色碳源被投入到二级生物反应池中促进生物脱氮过程[13-14],未被生物利用的甲酸盐则进入紫外消毒阶段。污水中NO3−在紫外辐照下光解产生含氮活性物种(RNS)(式(1))和羟基自由基(HO·)(式(2))[15],HO·与甲酸盐或者甲酸反应生成CO2·−(式(3)~(4))。CO2·−的还原性可以促进进一步硝酸盐还原(式(5))。
Removal efficiency and mechanism of nitrate in the medium pressure ultraviolet/formate system
摘要: 研究了中压紫外/甲酸盐(MPUV/ HCOO−)还原体系对硝酸盐(NO3−)的去除效能和机制。结果表明,MPUV/HCOO−体系的NO3−去除效果显著高于单独MPUV光解。当NO3−初始浓度为0.1 mmol·L−1,HCOO−投加量为1 mmol·L−1时,MPUV/HCOO−体系中NO3−的伪一级动力学降解速率(5.7×10−3 min−1)是单独MPUV(1.0×10−3 min−1)光解的5.7倍,且HCOO−的投加使得120 min后NO3−还原率由13.7%提升至44.1%。增大紫外光强和弱碱性pH环境均有利于NO3−降解。该研究认为,中压紫外直接光解NO3−以及由HCOO−转化生成的二氧化碳阴离子自由基(CO2·−)介导的还原过程被认为共同促进了NO3−的还原效率。利用激光闪光光解技术,首次定量了CO2·−与NO3−和NO2−的二级反应速率常数分别为1.57×106 L·(mol·s)−1和9.12×107 L·(mol·s)−1。MPUV/HCOO−体系将硝酸盐转化为亚硝酸盐,补充投加过氧化氢促进CO2·−的生成,CO2·−与亚硝酸盐反应进一步生成气态氮(氮气、氧化亚氮等)从水中脱除。在污水处理中,借助中压紫外消毒和生物处理系统中剩余碳源甲酸盐构建中压紫外/甲酸盐体系,有望强化污水深度脱氮,具有良好的应用前景。
- 硝酸盐 /
- 深度脱氮 /
- 中压紫外 /
- 甲酸盐 /
- 二氧化碳阴离子自由基(CO2·)
Abstract: In this study, the nitrate removal efficiency and mechanism in the combination of medium pressure ultraviolet and formate (MPUV/HCOO−) system was investigated. The results showed that the nitrate removal efficiency in the MPUV/HCOO− system was significantly higher than that of MPUV photolysis alone. When the initial NO3− concentration was 0.1 mmol·L−1 and the HCOO− dosage was 1 mmol·L−1, the pseudo-first-order degradation rate of NO3− in the MPUV/HCOO− system (5.7×10−3 min−1) was 5.7 times higher than that of MPUV photolysis alone (1.0×10−3 min−1). The addition of HCOO− increased the NO3− reduction efficiency from 13.7% to 44.1% after 120 minutes. Increasing MPUV intensity and weakly alkaline pH condition were conducive to nitrate degradation. This study indicated that the reduction efficiency of NO3− was collectively enhanced by the direct photolysis of NO3− by MPUV and the reduction process mediated by carbon dioxide radical anion (CO2·−) generated from HCOO−. Using the laser flash photolysis technology, the second order rate constants of the reaction between CO2·− and nitrate or CO2·− and nitrite were first quantified as 1.57×106 L·(mol·s)−1 or 9.12×107 L·(mol·s)−1, respectively. The MPUV/HCOO− system could lead to the transformation from NO3− to NO2−, supplemental hydrogen peroxide promoted the formation of CO2·−, which could react with NO2− and produce gaseous nitrogen (such as nitrogen gas and nitrous oxide) discharged from water. In wastewater treatment, the MPUV/HCOO− system could be constructed with the medium pressure ultraviolet disinfection and the residual formate as the carbon source of biological treatment, which is expected to strengthen the deep denitrification of sewage and has a good application prospect. -
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