传统城镇污水厂在污水处理过程中会消耗大量电能和药剂,导致处理成本增加。同步硝化反硝化(simultaneous nitrification and denitrification,SND)在同一个反应池内实现硝化和反硝化,可显著缩短反应时间、降低曝气能耗。SND在各种结构的处理工艺中均可实现,其反应机理包括:利用活性污泥絮体内部缺氧环境、利用生物膜[1-3]或颗粒污泥[4-6]内缺氧环境,或者利用异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌(heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification,HD-AN)[7-8]等。
实现SND的关键在于通过控制DO创造合适的微氧或缺氧环境,同时提供充足的碳源。其控制策略包括:将好氧池DO控制在较低水平(一般为0.3~1.0 mg·L−1)[9-10],或者间歇曝气[11],缩短好氧水力停留时间(hydrolic retention time,HRT)[12],以及分段进水等。利用聚磷菌(phosphate accumulating organisms,PAOs)和聚糖菌(glycogen accumulating organisms,GAOs)等菌种储存聚羟基链烷酸(poly-hydroxyalkanoates,PHAs)的特性,可实现内碳源反硝化;通过延长厌氧HRT、缩短好氧HRT,可以强化厌氧阶段PHAs的合成,改善好氧阶段SND效果[11-12]。SND工艺可与多种工艺进行优化组合。比如,SND可与短程硝化工艺组合,实现同步短程硝化-反硝化[6, 11, 13-14]。SND也可与强化生物除磷工艺(enhanced biological phosphorus removal,EBPR)结合,实现同步硝化反硝化除磷(simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal process,SNDPR)[5-6, 9-13]。但现有研究大多基于序批式反应器(sequencing batch reactor,SBR),对于连续流工艺的SND强化策略和最佳工艺参数等方面研究较少,缺乏相关工艺优化和运行经验。
Enhanced SND performance of step-wise aeration A2O2-MBR process
摘要: 针对城镇污水厂对低C/N比污水脱氮效果差、能耗高的问题,研发了梯度曝气A2O2-MBR工艺,设置单独的低氧池(O1池)和好氧池(O2池),O1和O2池DO质量浓度逐步降至0.6 mg·L−1和1.7 mg·L−1。进水碳氮比(C/N)从6.0逐步降至5.0和4.0,总氮(TN)去除率保持在85%左右。O1和O2池同步硝化反硝化效率保持在90%左右,O池(O1池+O2池)和膜池对TN去除的贡献在82.5%以上,对COD去除的贡献在64.9%~83.2%。高通量测序结果表明,在低DO低C/N比条件下,系统中亚硝酸盐氧化菌(nitrite-oxidizing bacteria,NOB)丰度下降,反硝化聚糖菌(denitrifying glycogen accumulating organisms,DGAOs)丰度增加;反硝化菌类群丰富,其中Pseudomonas的丰度最高,Thauera和Zoogloea在低C/N比条件下丰度增加。大部分TN通过常规异养反硝化菌(denitrifying bacteria,DNB)去除,DGAOs的贡献较小。与启动阶段相比,O1池和O2池总曝气量下降了44.2%。结果表明,通过采用梯度曝气方式,并逐步降低DO浓度,可促进功能菌的富集,强化SND作用,改善TN去除效果,并降低能耗。Abstract: Aiming at poor denitrification effect and high energy consumption when treating the wastewater with the low C/N ratio in wastewater treatment plant (WWTPs), a step-wise aeration A2O2-MBR process was developed. The separated low-oxic zone(O1) and oxic zone(O2) were design with the DO concentrations decreased gradually to 0.6 mg·L−1 and 1.7 mg·L−1, respectively. When the influent C/N ratio decreased from 6.0 to 5.0 and 4.0, the total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiency maintained at around 85%. The simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) efficiency of the O1 and O2 zones kept at around 90%. Both O zones (O1+O2) and membrane zones contributed to above 82.5% of TN removal, and 64.9%~83.2% of COD removal. High-throughput gene sequencing showed that, under low DO and low C/N ratio conditions, the abundance of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) decreased, while the abundance of denitrifying glycogen accumulating organisms (DGAOs) increased. Rich denitrifiers occurrred, of which the abundance of Pseudomonas was highest. Besides, the abundance of Thauera and Zoogloea increased under low C/N ratio condition. Most of TN was removed by ordinary denitrifying bacteria (DNB), rather than DGAOs. Compared with the startup stage, the total aeration rate of the O1 and O2 zones decreased by 44.2%. The results showed that the step-wise aeration mode could gradually lower the DO concentrations, enrich the functional bacteria, then enhance the SND effect, increase TN removal, save the energy consumption.
表 1 A2O2-MBR工艺各阶段工艺参数
Table 1. Operation parameters of the A2O2-MBR process at each stage
运行时间/d 进水COD/
(mg·L−1)C/N比 DO质量浓度/(mg·L−1) 曝气量/(mL·min−1) 低氧池 好氧池 低氧池 好氧池1 好氧池2 1~25 300 6.0 2.76 3.99 400 640 640 26~40 300 6.0 1.98 3.34 320 600 600 41~58 300 6.0 1.12 1.64 280 500 500 59~87 300 6.0 1.29 1.96 280 600 600 88~136 300 6.0 1.46 2.08 240~280 500 600 137~171 300 6.0 0.89 1.95 200 500 500~600 172~192 300 6.0 0.70 1.79 120~160 500 500 193~213 300 6.0 0.48 1.82 100 500 500 214~283 300 6.0 0.58 1.76 120 500 500 284~333 250 5.0 0.70 1.71 120 500 500 334~356 200 4.0 0.70 1.69 120 500 500 357~375 200 4.0 0.63 1.73 100 500 500 376~393 200 4.0 0.58 1.75 80 500 500 表 2 高通量测序污泥样品信息
Table 2. The activated sludge samples used for high-throughput gene sequencing analysis
编号取样时间/d C/N 低氧池DO
浓度/(mg·L−1)TN去除率/% S1 — — — — A1 26 6 2.47 77.5 B1 194 6 0.59 82.8 B2 278 6 0.59 86.1 C1 333 5 0.66 86.3 C2 375 4 0.71 84.6 表 3 A2O2-MBR工艺不同阶段氨氮和TN去除效果
Table 3. Ammonia and TN removal effects at various stages of the A2O2-MBR process
时间/d 进水C/N比 平均DO质量浓度/(mg·L−1) NH4+-N平均去除率/% TN平均去除率/% 低氧池 好氧池 1~87 6.0 1.80±0.61 2.73±0.93 97.0±1.8 78.9±1.8 88~201 6.0 1.06±0.33 1.96±0.14 98.4±1.0 79.6±1.3 202~234 6.0 0.50±0.08 1.87±0.08 92.2±1.5 76.3±2.8 235~283 6.0 0.60±0.07 1.68±0.08 97.8±0.9 85.0±1.1 284~333 5.0 0.70±0.05 1.71±0.06 97.6±0.9 84.9±1.4 334~356 4.0 0.70±0.05 1.69±0.08 98.2±0.4 80.9±1.5 357~393 4.0 0.61±0.05 1.74±0.04 98.3±0.4 84.7±0.7 表 4 不同SND工艺参数和处理效果比较
Table 4. The operating parameters and removal effects of various SND process
工艺 进水C/N HRT/h 好氧HRT/h DO/(mg·L−1) SND效率/% TN去除率/% 参考文献 SBR 5~10 16 7 0.3 60~88 70~91 [10] SBR 6 12 8 1~2 79.2 89.6 [31] SBR 3.5 14.6 6.7 1.0 49.3 77.7 [12] AOA-SBR 3.5 20 8 0.5 59.6 92.1 [13] AOA-SBR 5 15 5~10 0.3 100 98.9 [32] SBR-AGS 3.4 14~18 10~14 0.1~0.7 73.1 81.4 [6] SBR-AGS 6.7 5.2 3.3 1.8 75 80~90 [33] SBR-AGS 3~4 24 12 0.5~1.0 / 77 [34] 好氧/微氧固定床 4 12 12 4/0.5 / 97.6 [35] SBBR 2.6~4.1 15 11 2.5 70.57 82.95 [17] AOA+膜 4.4 14 3.9 1~2 / 92.2 [18] MUCT 5~7 / / 1.2~2 35.3 85.5 [36] UCT-MBR 7.3 15.5 / 0.9 / 90.27 [37] OOA-MBR 10.9 4.8 2.4 1.2~1.6 83.67 77.7 [1] 氧化沟-MABR 1.5~2.3 24 / 1~4 51~71 85.7 [38] A2O2-MBR 4 12 6 0.6 90 84.7 本文 -
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