浊度 (turbidity,T,NTU) 是水环境监测的重要参数,反映了光在水体传输中的受阻程度,浊度的变化能够表征水中悬浮颗粒物浓度的变化,对水中污染物质迁移具有重要指示作用[1-2],浊度还会通过影响水下光的传播改变水生生态系统的初级生产力和生态平衡[3],因此浊度对于水资源管理、水生态保护等具有重要意义。长三角地区水环境状况复杂多变,前人对长三角地区的水体浊度[4]、总悬浮物浓度 (total suspended matter concentration,TSM,mg∙L−1) [5]、透明度[6]等开展了众多研究,但研究多为大型河湖水体,中小型湖泊和河流研究较少,长三角示范区是引领长三角地区高质量一体化发展的重要区域,浊度反演研究可为示范区绿色发展提供重要依据。
如何利用卫星数据准确估算水体浊度是国内外学者研究的重点,常见的有经验模型、半经验模型和机器学习模型。HOU等[5]运用MODIS 555 nm和645 nm波段表面反射率比值构建了总悬浮物浓度经验模型用于长江中下游流域大型湖泊和水库的浊度动态监测。DOXARAN等[7]基于MODIS 858 nm和645 nm波段表面反射率比值构建浊度反演经验模型,用于研究法国吉伦特河口最大浑浊带浊度动态变化。DOGLIOTTI等[8]从固有光学特性出发基于MODIS 645 nm波段遥感反射率 (remote sensing reflectance,Rrs,sr−1) 发展了适用于沿海和河口水域中低浊度的半经验反演模型。MA等[9]运用梯度增强决策树 (gradient boosting decision trees,GBDT) 估算了中国东北地区湖泊浊度。前人研究的浊度反演模型大多应用于开阔的近海河口水域,受人类活动影响较小,研究对象多为光学敏感性较高的高度浑浊水体。而本研究水体主要为中低浊度水体,且研究区内湖荡密布,航道众多,生产生活密集,水动力变化复杂,针对此类水体浊度的长时序监测研究尚不多见。
本研究以长三角示范区内典型河湖为研究区,运用实测数据构建并对比了经验模型、半经验模型和机器学习模型三类浊度反演模型,随后基于最佳的XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting) 模型运用Landsat卫星数据反演研究区浊度,分析浊度的长期时空动态变化及其驱动因素。
Inversion and long-term series analysis of turbidity in inland rivers and lakes based on XGBoost
摘要: 浊度是影响水下光场及营养盐循环的关键要素之一,浊度监测可以为河湖水质的污染防控和预警提供科学依据。以长三角示范区的典型河湖为研究区,使用实测数据构建浊度反演模型,并利用1984—2022年Landsat卫星数据分析了研究区河湖浊度的长时序动态变化。对比传统经验模型、半经验模型和机器学习模型,XGBoost机器学习模型精度最高 (R2为0.68,RMSE为4.78 NTU) 。浊度反演结果表明,近40年河流航道和淀山湖北部非渔场区域浊度上升了10%和12%,而元荡湖和大莲湖浊度下降了19%和27%,并且浊度随着建设用地面积的增加而增大;研究区浊度季节性变化显著,秋冬季平均浊度比春夏季高6 NTU,月平均浊度与月平均降水量负相关,相关系数为-0.61 (p<0.05) ,但与月平均风速没有显著的相关性。基于XGBoost的Landsat长时序浊度反演能够把握研究区浊度的时空变化趋势,明确水污染管理与治理方向,最终助力长三角一体化发展。Abstract: Turbidity is one of the key elements affecting the underwater light field and nutrient cycling. Turbidity monitoring can provide a scientific basis for pollution prevention, control, and early warning of river and lake water quality. The typical rivers and lakes in the demonstration zone of the Yangtze River Delta were taken as the study area. The turbidity inversion model was constructed using in-situ data, based on which the long-term dynamic changes of turbidity in the rivers and lakes of the study area were analyzed using a total of 323 Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI images from 1984 to 2022. Through the comparison between the traditional empirical model, semi-empirical model, and machine learning model, the machine learning model named XGBoost demonstrated the highest accuracy (R2 and RMSE were 0.68 and 4.78 NTU, respectively). The results of turbidity inversion showed that, in the last 40 years, turbidity in the river channel and the northern non-fishing area of Dianshan Lake increased by 10% and 12%, respectively, while turbidity in Yuandang Lake and Dalian Lake decreased by 19% and 27%, respectively. Moreover, it was found that turbidity increased with the expansion of the built-up land area. The seasonal variation of turbidity in the study area was significant and the average turbidity in autumn and winter was 6 NTU higher than that in spring and summer. The monthly average turbidity was negatively correlated with the monthly average precipitation (r=-0.61, p<0.05), but its correlation with the monthly average wind speed was found to be insignificant. The XGBoost-based long-term inversion of turbidity from Landsat images can not only capture the spatiotemporal trend of turbidity in the study area, but also reveal the direction of water pollution management and control, eventually contributing to the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.
Key words:
- turbidity /
- XGBoost /
- Landsat /
- long-term series /
- demonstration zone of the Yangtze River Delta
表 1 采样位置、时间和数量
Table 1. Sampling location, time and number of samples
编号 位置 时间 采样数量 有效数据量 1 太湖西山岛以北 2022-10-24 35 6 2 元荡湖 2022-10-25 35 29 3 太浦河、汾湖、三白荡 2022-11-23 18 15 4 淀山湖南部 2022-12-13 20 15 5 淀山湖、元荡湖 2023-03-26 18 16 表 2 基于QAA计算OLI的颗粒物后向散射系数bbp(655)
Table 2. Calculation of bbp at 655 nm for OLI based on QAA
步骤 计算 1 $ {r_{rs}}(\lambda ) = {R_{rs}}(\lambda )/(0.52+1.7{R_{rs}}(\lambda )) $ 2 , 其中$ \mu (\lambda ) = \dfrac{{ - {g_0}+\sqrt {{{({g_0})}^2}+4{g_1} \times {r_{rs}}(\lambda )} }}{{2{g_1}}} $ = 0.089,$ {g_0} $ = 0.1245$ {g_1} $ 如果Rrs(655)<0.0015 sr−1 否则655 nm = $ {\lambda _0} $ 3 $ \chi = log\left( {\dfrac{{{r_{rs}}(443)+{r_{rs}}(483)}}{{{r_{rs}}(561)+5{r_{rs}}(655)/{r_{rs}}(483) \times {r_{rs}}(655)}}} \right) $ $ a({\lambda _0}) = a(561) = {a_{\text{w}}}(561)+{10^{{h_0}+{h_1}\chi+{h_2}{\chi ^2}}} $ ,$ {h_0} = - 1.146 $ ,$ {h_1} = - 1.366 $ $ {h_2} = - 0.469 $ $ a({\lambda _0}) = a(655)\; = {a_{\text{w}}}(655)+0.39{(\dfrac{{{R_{rs}}(655)}}{{{R_{rs}}(443)+{R_{rs}}(483)}})^{1.14}} $ 4 $ {b_{{\text{bp}}}}({\lambda _0}) = {b_{{\text{bp}}}}(561) = \dfrac{{\mu (561) \times a(561)}}{{1 - \mu (561)}} - {b_{{\text{bw}}}}(561) $ $ {b_{{\text{bp}}}}({\lambda _0}) = {b_{{\text{bp}}}}(655) = \dfrac{{\mu (655) \times a(655)}}{{1 - \mu (655)}} - {b_{{\text{bw}}}}(655) $ 5 $ \eta = 2.0(1 - 1.2exp( - 0.9{r_{rs}}(443)/{r_{rs}}(561))) $ 6 $ {b_{{\text{bp}}}}(\lambda ) = {b_{{\text{bp}}}}({\lambda _0}){({\lambda _0}/\lambda )^\eta } $ 注:表中a和aw分别为总吸收系数和纯海水吸收系数,m−1;bbw和bbp分别为纯海水和悬浮颗粒的后向散射系数,m−1。rrs(λ)为水表面以下遥感反射率,sr−1,Rrs(λ)是水面以上遥感反射率,sr−1。 表 3 遥感反射率光谱特征组合与浊度的相关性
Table 3. Correlation between combinations of Rrs spectral features and turbidity
波段组合 相关系数r 波段组合 相关系数r B2 0.49** B3 0.50** B4 0.71** B5 0.65** B4/B2 0.78** B4/B3 0.88** B4/B5 −0.23* (B4-B2)/(B4+B2) 0.76** (B4-B3)/(B4+B3) 0.87** (B4-B5)/(B4+B5) −0.38** 注:*表示相关性在0.05水平上显著;**表示相关性在0.01水平上显著。 表 4 浊度反演模型参数化及比较
Table 4. Parameterization and comparison of turbidity inversion models
序号 模型 表达式 留一交叉验证 R2 RMSE (NTU) MAPE (%) 1 二次多项式 $ y = 136.38{x_1}^2 - 97.36{x_1}+19.55 $ 0.78 5.25 31.43 2 指数函数 $ y = 5{e^{2.72{x_1}}} - 15.16 $ 0.78 5.25 30.35 3 幂函数 $ y = 62.7{x_1}^{2.99} - 3.28 $ 0.78 5.26 30.93 4 SESB-based $ y = 117.14{\rho _{\text{w}}}(\lambda )/(1 - {\rho _{\text{w}}}(\lambda )/0.1686)+9.63 $ 0.39 8.72 57.91 5 QAA-based $ y = 74.14x_2^{0.96} $ 0.54 7.60 48.83 6 XGBoost $ y = {f_{{\text{XGBoost}}}}({x_1}) $ 0.83 4.58 23.79 注:x1表示OLI传感器B4/B3,x2表示bbp(655),m−1,y表示实测浊度,NTU;fXGBoost表示XGBoost模型函数。 -
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