随着城市化进程的不断推进,城镇污水处理厂产生了大量剩余污泥,而剩余污泥通常具有较高的含水率 (97%~99%) ,这不仅造成运输困难,也增加了对其处置的难度和成本[1]。此外,污泥中含有大量的病原体、有机物和重金属等毒害物质,随意处置会造成环境污染和生态失衡。对污泥进行减量化脱水能节省后续处理成本,避免二次污染[2]。因此,寻求一种经济高效的污泥脱水处理工艺具有重要意义。
有研究发现,胞外聚合物 (EPS) 是阻碍污泥脱水的重要因素之一[1]。EPS主要是由蛋白质、多糖和核酸等组成的高分子聚合物,其中含有大量结合水。EPS质量浓度会影响剩余污泥的生物絮凝和泥水分离效能,因此,有效处理EPS是改善污泥脱水性能的关键因素[3]。近年来,超声波[4]、电化学法[5]、紫外[6]、酸碱消化[7]和高级氧化[8]等方法被广泛应用于强化污泥脱水性能。其中,高级氧化技术是解决污水脱水问题的有效方法之一。
次氯酸钠 (NaClO) 是一种水处理中广泛使用的强氧化剂。与传统芬顿法中的H2O2相比,NaClO具有水亲和力强、不易腐蚀金属、便于运输、易于制备以及储存安全等优势,具有十分广阔的市场前景和研究价值。BEHIN等[9]利用Fe2+活化NaClO处理工业废水中的芳香化合物,表现出良好的处理效果。ZHAO等[10]研究发现,Fe2+/NaClO工艺可以去除垃圾渗滤液中难降解组分。JESSIELEENA等[11]研究了Fe2+/NaClO工艺在提高制革厂污泥脱水性、有机物降解性和铬浸出性方面的效果,但缺乏对污泥内部各类型结合水的迁移转化与污泥亲疏水性结构、官能团的关联性探究。
Performance and Mechanisms of Fe2+ Combined with NaClO for Enhanced Sludge Dewatering
摘要: 为了强化污泥脱水性能,采用亚铁离子 (Fe2+) 活化次氯酸钠 (NaClO) 氧化工艺改善其脱水效果,考察了Fe2+/NaClO体系中Fe2+和NaClO投加量、初始pH对污泥脱水性能的影响,并探究强化污泥深度脱水的作用机制。研究表明,初始pH为5.0、Fe2+和NaClO投加量 (以总悬浮固体计) 分别为48.61和39.04 mg·g−1时,污泥的脱水性能最佳,污泥含水率和比阻分别由91.32%和11.81×1012 m·kg−1降低至71.74%和1.71×1012 m·kg−1。Fe2+/NaClO氧化体系使胞外聚合物 (EPS) 降解和部分细胞裂解,反应生成的强氧化性的·OH会降解松散附着型EPS (LB-EPS) 和紧密黏附型EPS (TB-EPS) 中的蛋白质和多糖,改变蛋白质二级结构,导致蛋白质结构松散,暴露了更多的疏水位点,同时减少污泥表面的亲水性官能团,释放EPS结合水。Fe3+使污泥絮体颗粒在絮凝形成松散、多孔的絮体结构,有利于胞内结合水的排出,从而改善污泥脱水性能。本研究结果可为有效去除污泥中的结合水和提高污泥的脱水性能提供参考。Abstract: The application of ferrous iron (Fe2+)-activated sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) could improve the waste-activated sludge dewatering. The impacts of Fe2+ dosages, NaClO dosages, and initial pH values on sludge dewatering performance were explored. In addition, the mechanisms of enhancing deep sludge dewatering were investigated. The results indicated that the water content and specific resistance to filtration of sludge decreased from 91.32% and 11.81×1012 m·kg−1 to 71.74% and 1.71×1012 m·kg−1, respectively, when Fe2+ dosage, NaClO dosage, and initial pH were fixed at, 48.61 mg·g−1, 39.04 mg·g−1 and 5.0. The oxidation of Fe2+/NaClO system resulted in the destruction of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and partial cell lysis. Meanwhile, the strongly oxidizing ·OH degraded the proteins and polysaccharides in TB-EPS/LB-EPS, and altered protein secondary structure, resulting in loosening of protein structure and exposure of additional hydrophobic sites. In addition, this process lowered hydrophilic functional groups on the sludge surface and released EPS-bound water. Simultaneously, Fe3+ induced the sludge floc particles to form a loose and porous structure, which aided in the outflow of intracellularly bound water, thus enhancing the dewatering performance of the sludge. This result has developed a novel and cost-effective method for rapidly removing bound water from sludge and enhancing sludge dewatering performance.
Key words:
- ferrous iron /
- sodium hypochlorite /
- sludge dewatering /
- oxidation /
- enhanced coagulation
表 1 不同蛋白质二级结构的占比
Table 1. Percentage of different protein secondary structures
% (质量分数) 反应体系 聚集链 β-折叠 无规则卷曲 α-螺旋 3-旋转螺旋 反平行β-折叠/聚集链 α-螺旋/(β-折叠+无规则卷曲) 原污泥 7.74 16.31 20.02 24.37 20.94 10.62 67.07 Fe2+ 4.46 17.59 23.25 22.62 21.62 10.27 55.39 NaClO 5.96 16.93 22.34 23.08 21.35 10.33 58.76 Fe2+/NaClO 4.64 18.41 23.21 21.90 21.59 10.25 52.62 表 2 不同工艺C 1s、O 1s和N 1s在不同结合能下的峰面积比例
Table 2. Proportions of peak areas of different processes C 1s, O 1s, and, N 1s under different binding energies
元素 反应体系 C 1s/eV
峰面积/%O 1s/eV
峰面积/%N 1s/eV
峰面积/%284.8 286.3 288.0 531.7 532.7 399.9 401.3 原污泥 57.09 27.48 15.43 86.03 13.97 66.26 33.74 Fe2+ 63.74 22.34 13.92 78.11 21.89 60.04 39.96 NaClO 62.90 22.91 14.19 77.03 22.97 57.87 42.13 Fe2+/NaClO 67.21 20.49 12.30 72.81 27.19 55.00 45.00 -
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