Research Progress on Biological Function of Microcystins
摘要: 在全球气候变化的大背景下,藻类水华暴发愈加频繁,产生的藻毒素对人类和动物的健康造成了严峻的威胁,其中以微囊藻毒素最为突出。阐明以微囊藻毒素为代表的藻毒素产生的原因无疑对水环境治理具有长远意义,然而微囊藻毒素的生物学功能至今尚不明确。微囊藻毒素的产生和多种环境条件相关,而微囊藻中也只有部分是产毒株系。尽管该毒素的毒理学靶点主要在人类和其他哺乳动物的蛋白磷酸酶,然而结合进化生物学和地质历史的证据可知,微囊藻毒素的出现比包括哺乳动物在内的后生动物的起源要早得多,因此微囊藻毒素并非藻类为了防御后生动物摄食而进化出来的,这引发了该毒素原本生物学功能的多年广泛研讨。本文综述了近年来关于微囊藻毒素生物学功能的新进展,并侧重在地质历史及当今全球气候变化背景下讨论该领域的研究意义。Abstract: Under the background of global climate change, algal bloom outbreaks are becoming more frequent, and the production of algal toxins pose a serious threat to human and animal health, among which microcystins are the most prominent. Elucidating the cause of algal toxins represented by microcystins is of great significance to water environment management in the long run. However, the biological function of microcystins is still unclear. The production of microcystins is related to a variety of environmental conditions, and only some of Microcystis strains are toxin-producing. Although the toxicological targets of the toxin are mainly protein phosphatases in human and mammalian, evolutionary biology and geological history suggest that microcystins emerged much earlier than the origin of metazoans, including mammals, and thus was not evolved by algae as a defense against metazoan feeding. This led to years of extensive researches on the original biological function of the toxins. This paper reviews recent advances in the biological function of microcystins and highlights their significance in the context of geological history and current global climate changes.
Key words:
- microcystin /
- cyanobacterial bloom /
- biological function /
- global climate changes
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