生活污水根据其来源可以分为来自厕所的黑水和来自厨房、洗涤、洗澡等的灰水,其中黑水主要包括粪便、尿液和冲厕水等[2]。人粪尿的日均排放量仅占生活污水的1%~2%(体积比),但生活污水中约60% 的化学需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD)、97%的总氮(Total Nitrogen, TN)和90%的总磷(Total Phosphorus, TP)源自于黑水[3]。因此,源分离是一种能充分利用黑水中营养物质并大幅降低污水处理成本的有效方案[4]。通过“黑灰分离”,对黑水进行处理,获得液态或固态肥,实现黑水资源化利用。化粪池是农村地区常见的无动力黑水简易处理设施[5],通过厌氧消化实现对黑水中有机物的降解,然而,化粪池的简易厌氧消化不能有效去除黑水中所含有的大量病原微生物。王玉华等[6]研究发现在三格式化粪池中,经30 d以上的厌氧消化,粪大肠菌值无法满足无害化卫生要求,增加了利用过程中的安全风险。通过提高发酵温度或与餐厨垃圾、畜禽粪便、厌氧污泥、农业废弃物共消化等方式,可有效灭活病原微生物,同时产生清洁能源甲烷,实现黑水的资源化,但需要额外的设施收集农户黑水和产生的甲烷,增加了建设成本,在广大农村地区推广应用难度较大。因此,强化黑水在化粪池内厌氧发酵,促进大分子有机物的水解和病原微生物的灭活,是进行黑水安全资源化利用的关键[7]。
Influence of anaerobic fermentation bacterial agents on the effectiveness of anaerobic fermentation and harmlessness of blackwater
摘要: 为实现农村黑水的安全资源化利用,本研究通过添加厌氧发酵菌剂,分别考察了菌剂投加量、发酵温度对黑水中有机物的转化和病原微生物灭活效果的影响,分析了发酵体系中微生物群落结构的变化。结果表明厌氧发酵菌剂对黑水厌氧发酵有明显促进作用,适宜投加量为黑水量的1‰。较高温度有利于黑水发酵,SCOD积累量最高达
1497 mg·L−1,VFA积累量为359 mg·L−1,80.3%的纤维素被降解,粪大肠菌群数、蛔虫卵数均达到无害化要求。低温时微生物活性降低但仍有明显促进效果。发酵体系中,厚壁菌门、拟杆菌门和变形菌门是主要优势菌门,相对丰度分别为35.8%~63.0%、9.9%~43.8%和2.6%~31.5%;优势菌属为Acinetobacter, Tissierella, Bacteroides菌属,相对丰度分别为14.0%~22.5%、6.4%~14.5%和1.3%~7.9%。厌氧发酵菌剂的投加提高了具有水解酸化功能的厚壁菌门的丰度,降低了变形菌门的丰度;同时提高了具有降解木质素、纤维素的Dysgonomonas丰度,降低了Acinetobacter, Ruminococcus和 Romboutsia的丰度。本研究结果可为应用厌氧发酵菌剂促进黑水厌氧发酵、臭味控制、实现黑水的高效无害化和资源化提供依据。Abstract: In order to safely and resourceful utilization of rural blackwater, the anaerobic fermentation bacterial agents were added in the blackwater, the effects of bacterial dosage and fermentation temperature on the conversion of organic matter and the inactivation effect of pathogenic microorganisms in black water were investigated, and the changes in the microbial community structure of the fermentation system were analysed, respectively. The results showed that anaerobic fermentation bacterial agents significantly promoted the anaerobic fermentation of black water, and the optimal dosage was 1‰ of black water. The high temperature was conducive to the fermentation process, the highest SCOD and VFA accumulation were1497 mg·L−1 and 359 mg·L−1, respectively; 80.3% of cellulose was degraded, and the counts of Fecal coliform and Ascaris lumbricoides egg met the requirements of harmlessness. At lower temperatures, the microbial activity decreased, but still exhibited a considerable promotional effect. In the fermentation system, Firmicutes, Bacteroidota and Proteobacteria were the main dominant phyla, with relative abundances of 35.8%~63.0%, 9.9%~43.8%, and 2.6%~31.5%, respectively; and the dominant genera were Acinetobacter, Tissierella, and Bacteroides, with relative abundances of 14.0%~22.5%, 6.4%~14.5%, and 1.3%~7.9%, respectively. 22.5%, 6.4%~14.5% and 1.3%~7.9%, respectively. The addition of anaerobic fermentation agents increased the abundance of the Firmicutes with hydrolytic acidification function and decreased the abundance of the Bacteroidota. Meanwhile, it increased the abundance of the Dysgonomonas with the function of degrading lignin and cellulose, and decreased the abundance of the Acinetobacter, Ruminococcus, and Romboutsia. This study provides a reference for the application of anaerobic fermentation bacterial agents to promote the anaerobic fermentation of blackwater, control odour production and effectively achieve the harmlessness and resourcefulness of blackwater. -
表 1 厌氧发酵菌剂微生物群落丰度
Table 1. Microbial community abundance of the anaerobic fermentation bacterial agent
门水平分类 相对丰度/% 属水平分类 相对丰度/% 厚壁菌门(Firmicutes) 88.28 乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus) 87.40 变形菌门(Proteobacteria) 11.21 罗尔斯通菌属(Ralstonia) 6.55 拟杆菌门(Bacteroidota) 0.25 假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas) 2.06 放线菌门(Actinobacteriota) 0.08 寡养单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas) 1.07 蓝藻菌门(Cyanobacteria) 0.05 李斯特菌属(Listeria) 0.48 脱硫杆菌门(Desulfobacterota) 0.02 根瘤菌属(Allorhizobium-Rhizobium) 0.37 疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobiota) 0.02 气单胞菌属(Aeromonas) 0.19 脱铁杆菌门(Deferribacterota) 0.02 弧菌属(Vibrio) 0.13 奇异球菌门(Deinococcota) 0.02 固氮螺菌属(Azospirillum) 0.12 梭杆菌门(Fusobacteriota) 0.02 普氏菌属(Prevotella_9) 0.08 表 2 不同菌剂投加量下,黑水的粪大肠菌群值
Table 2. Fecal coliform values of blackwater at different dosages of bacterial agents
发酵时间/d F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 0 4.0×10−6 4.0×10−6 4.0×10−6 4.0×10−6 4.0×10−6 4.0×10−6 10 4.0×10−5 0.4 0.6 3.6 4.3 4.3 表 3 不同温度下,黑水的粪大肠菌群的最大可能数
Table 3. Most probable number of Fecal coliform in black water at different temperatures
发酵时间/d T0/(MPN·L−1) T1/(MPN·L−1) T2/(MPN·L−1) T3/(MPN·L−1) 0 9.2×109 9.2×109 9.2×109 9.2×109 1 1.7×1010 9.2×109 1.1×1010 1.3×1010 2 1.9×1010 5.3×109 7.4×109 9.1×109 3 2.1×1010 3.7×106 4.3×106 8.3×108 4 2.3×109 4.7×105 2.9×105 3.5×106 5 1.9×109 7.3×104 1.3×105 7.2×105 6 2.3×1010 5 900 8.3×104 5.5×105 7 2.5×1010 3 700 9 300 1.3×104 8 2.3×1010 2 800 4 900 8 600 9 2.3×1010 3 300 3 100 7 900 10 2.5×1010 3 400 5 400 6 400 表 4 不同温度下,黑水的蛔虫卵的最大可能数
Table 4. Most probable number of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs in black water at different temperatures
MPN·L−1 发酵时间/d T0 T1 T2 T3 0 2.6×103 2.6×103 2.6×103 2.6×103 10 1.2×103 4 11 60 表 5 微生物多样性及丰富度指数统计
Table 5. Microbial diversity and the statistics of abundance index
样本 Reads Richness Simpson Shannon Coverage BW 76 843 624 0.123 4.68 1 D1M0 84 338 649 0.125 4.64 1 D1M1 79 960 1 276 0.021 7 6.91 1 D5M0 85 827 577 0.066 5 4.55 1 D5M1 76 468 1 194 0.032 2 6.7 1 D10M0 71 067 682 0.076 6 4.71 1 D10M1 83 976 1 038 0.039 6 6.59 1 -
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