臭氧(O3)常温下呈淡蓝色,具有强氧化性. 平流层的臭氧可通过吸收紫外线,降低紫外线对植物的伤害;对流层的臭氧增加则会污染空气[1],是近地面重要的大气污染物. 近地面O3主要由人为源和天然源排放的挥发性有机物(VOCs)和氮氧化物(NOX)等污染物通过光化学反应生成[2]. 近地面臭氧会影响生态系统及危害人类健康,进而影响全球气候变化[3]. 因此,对近地面臭氧的分析与研究具有重要的意义.
近几年,我国环境空气中以O3为首要污染物的天数逐年递增[4],已成为我国大气污染治理存在的主要问题之一,其变化特征和形成机理是近年来研究环境空气污染状况的方向和重点,是污染防控措施的前提和基础[4]. 我国大气污染过程是一个复合型污染,在不同地区,不同影响因素,表现出不同的变化特征. 例如京津冀、成渝各季节O3浓度值均呈现相似规律夏季>春季>秋季>冬季的变化特征[5-6];长三角地区呈现春夏高,秋冬低的季节变化特征[7];珠三角地区则呈现出秋季高,春季次之,夏、冬低的特点[8]. 林文鹏等[9]研究分析我国2019 年243 个城市共计1215 个站点的臭氧浓度数据,表明中我国大部分城市臭氧高发期主要集中在夏季6、7 月份,春末秋初次之,冬季基本不发生污染的变化特征,与海南省现有研究呈相反的特征[10-11]. 目前海南省大气臭氧污染研究,主要集中在海口市和三亚市等重点城市,对非重点城市研究较少.
文昌市位于海南省东北角,紧邻海口市,与雷州半岛隔海相望,是海南省受珠三角地区污染传输影响最先到达的区域. 本文以2017—2021 年文昌市O3浓度变化趋势与前体物氮氧化物浓度及风速、风向、温度、相对湿度等气象因子进行关联性分析,同时对2019 年9 月底和2021 年1 月上旬两次典型O3污染过程的输送路径及潜在源区进行分析,为了解我国南部区域臭氧传输机理以及为文昌市大气污染防治工作提供科学帮助.
Characteristics, transport routes and potential sources of ozone pollution in Wenchang
摘要: 通过对2017—2021 年文昌市O3和气象观测数据的分析,利用后向轨迹聚类和潜在源区等分析方法,研究了该文昌市O3污染特征. 研究结果发现,2017—2021 年文昌市O3总体优良,O3日最大8 h滑动平均值在18—212 μg·m−3之间,超过160 μg·m−3的超标天多发生在9 月—次年1 月. 与国内多数城市不同,文昌市O3浓度与平均气温、相对湿度、平均风速、降水量为负相关关系;O3浓度与风向变化关系密切;夏季以偏南风为主,受外来污染传输影响较小,O3浓度较低;秋冬季主导风向为东北风,O3浓度较高,受内陆区域的污染传输影响明显增多. 文昌市O3超标的天气形势主要表现为台风外围和冷高压南下两种. 经聚类分析表明文昌市O3污染主要潜在源区为珠三角地区.Abstract: Based on the analysis of O3 and meteorological observation data in Wenchang City from 2017 to 2021, the characteristics of O3 pollution in Wenchang City were studied by using the methods of potential source areas and backward trajectory clustering models. The results showed that: (1) O3 in Wenchang City is generally excellent from 2017 to 2021 and the daily maximum 8-hour average O3 concentrations between 18 μg·m-3 and 212 μg·m−3; and the days exceeding the standard of 160 μg·m−3 mostly occurred from September to January of the following year. (2) Unlike most cities in China, the O3 concentration in Wenchang was negatively correlated with negative correlation with mean temperature,relative humidity, mean wind speed and precipitation, and was closely related to wind direction; in summer, it was mainly southerly wind, which was less affected by external pollution transmission, and the O3 concentration was low.in autumn and winter, the dominant wind direction was the northeast wind, and the concentration of O3 was higher, whichwas obviously affected by the pollution transmission in inland areas. (3) The weather situation of O3 over-standard in Wenchang was mainly manifested in the periphery of the typhoon and the southward movement of the cold high. Cluster analysis showed that the main potential source of O3 pollution in Wenchang was Pearl River Delta.
Key words:
- Wenchang /
- ozone /
- pollution /
- weather patterns /
- potential sources
表 1 气象因子与O3-8 h浓度的相关系数
Table 1. The correlation coefficient between meteorological factors and O3-8h concentration
Mean temperature相对湿度/%
Relative humidity平均风速/(m·s−1)
Mean wind speed降水量/mm
Precipitation春季 −0.308** 0.102** −0.228** 0.004 夏季 −0.014 0.045** 0.020* −0.001 秋季 −0.269** −0.203** 0.118** −0.050** 冬季 −0.067** −0.241** −0.012 −0.01 全年 −0.235** −0.092** −0.047** −0.021** ** 在0.01级别(双尾),相关性显著. ** At 0.01 level (two-tailed) , the correlation was significant.
* 在0.05级别(双尾),相关性显著. * At 0.05 level (two-tailed) , the correlation was significant.表 2 文昌市后向轨迹聚类统计结果
Table 2. Clustering statistical results of backward trajectory of Wenchang City
Cluster trajectories
accounted for all
Reaching the receptor site
corresponds to the hourly
average concentration of O3超标轨迹占
Out-of-standard track
accounted for the total
out-of-standard track超标轨迹对应
The over-standard trajectory
corresponds to the hourly
average concentration of O32019 年9 月20—29 日 1 15.42 106±35 11.9 137±19 2 27.92 120±34 27 149±17 3 17.92 154±46 22.2 174±26 4 9.17 150±22 14.3 159±12 5 29.58 111±41 24.6 154±18 2021 年1 月4—6 日 1 30.56 126±41 84.6 161±23 2 20.83 98±13 7.7 118±0 3 25 89±16 7.7 119±0 4 16.67 74±12 0 0 5 6.94 90±1 0 0 -
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