山楂Crataegi Fructus为蔷薇科植物山里红Crataegus pinnatifida Bge. var. Major N. E. Br.或山楂Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.的干燥成熟果实. 山楂为药食两用品种,在临床应用广泛,具有消食健胃,行气散瘀,化浊降脂之功效,常用于肉食积滞,胃脘胀满,瘀血经闭等症[1]. 研究表明,山楂富含黄酮、有机酸、三萜酸等化学成分,其中的三萜酸类成分主要为山楂酸、科罗索酸、齐墩果酸、熊果酸等,大多具有保肝、抗炎、抗肿瘤、降血糖、调血脂等作用[2]. 因此,三萜酸类成分的组成和含量对山楂的质量控制具有重要意义.
加速溶剂萃取法(ASE)是一种利用有机溶剂在高温高压下快速高效提取化合物的自动化萃取技术,有简便、省时、回收率高、溶剂用量少等优点[3]. 文献报道采用ASE萃取中药中的齐墩果酸和熊果酸的提取效率优于超声提取[4]. 目前尚未见山楂中5种三萜酸类成分ASE提取的报道.
三萜酸类的检测主要为高效液相色谱法,采用紫外/二极管阵列检测器[5]. 但由于三萜酸类紫外吸收弱,只能在200 nm附近检测,易受干扰,对低含量成分的灵敏度受限. 有报道建立了基于蒸发光散射检测器(ELSD)、串联质谱检测器(MS/MS)的检测方法[6,7]. 电雾式检测器(charged aerosol detector,CAD)是一种通用型检测器,其响应值不依赖于被测物质的光学性质和离子化效率,具有较高的检测灵敏度和均匀一致的响应因子,适合缺少紫外发色基团的药物成分的检测. 迄今尚未见采用CAD同时测定山楂中多种三萜酸的报道. 本研究拟建立ASE-CAD方法用以检测山楂及其炮制品中山楂酸、科罗索酸、白桦脂酸、齐墩果酸和熊果酸等5种三萜酸类成分的含量.
Simultaneous determination of five triterpenic acids in Crataegi Fructus by accelerated solvent extraction-charged aerosol detector
摘要: 建立一种快速溶剂萃取-电雾式检测器(ASE-CAD)同时测定山楂及其炮制品中5种三萜酸类成分含量的方法. 试验确定ASE萃取山楂的最优条件:以甲醇作溶剂,提取温度100℃,静态提取时间5 min,循环次数2次,提取池冲洗体积60%. HPLC方法:采用Thermo Acclaim C30(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm)色谱柱,乙腈-1%乙酸铵为流动相,梯度洗脱,体积流量1.0 mL·min−1,柱温 25 ℃,CAD雾化温度70 ℃,采集频率5 Hz,分别测定齐墩果酸、熊果酸、白桦脂酸、科罗索酸、山楂酸的含量. 结果表明,齐墩果酸、白桦脂酸、科罗索酸、山楂酸的线性范围为5 — 75 μg·mL−1,熊果酸的线性范围为5 — 250 μg·mL−1;相关系数均不小于0.9970;平均回收率在88% — 101%之间,RSD均小于5%. 该方法准确、简便、重复性好,适用于山楂及其炮制品中齐墩果酸、熊果酸、白桦脂酸、科罗索酸、山楂酸的含量测定.Abstract: The objective of this paper is to establish a method for the simultaneous determination of five triterpenic acids in Crataegi Frucuts and its processed products by accelerate solvent extraction (ASE)- charged aerosol detector (CAD). The optimal extraction conditions were determined by the ASE test: methanol was used as solvent, ASE extraction temperature was 100 ℃, extraction time was 5 min and cycle time was 2. For the HPLC analysis, Thermo Acclaim C30 (4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm) was employed, the mobile phase for the analysis pump was composed of acetonitrile-1% ammonium acetate in program of gradient elution, and the flow rate was 1.0 mL·min with oven temperature 25 ℃. The parameters applied for CAD are nebulizer temperature at 70 ℃ and data rate at 5 Hz. The results showed that the calibration curves were linear over a concentration range of 5 — 75 μg·mL−1 for oleanolic acid, betulinic acid, corosolic acid and maslinic acid, and 5 — 250 μg·mL−1 for ursolic acid. The correlation coefficients were greater than 0.9970. The average recoveries were between 88% and 101%, with RSDs less than 5%. This method is accurate, simple and reproducible. It can be used for the determination of oleanolic acid, betulinic acid, corosolic acid, maslinic acid and ursolic acid in Crataegi Frucuts.
表 1 不同山楂样品中5种三萜酸的含量(μg·g−1,n=3)
Table 1. Contents of five triterpenic acids in samples (μg·g−1,n=3)
编号 饮片类型 产地 山楂酸 科罗索酸 白桦酯酸 齐墩果酸 熊果酸 总含量 S1 生山楂 四川 25.36 104.37 97.85 666.70 3983.37 4877.65 S2 生山楂 四川 63.61 125.56 90.90 757.82 4594.35 5632.24 S3 生山楂 广东 306.18 761.31 42.14 368.50 2097.14 3575.27 S4 生山楂 广东 208.78 528.70 34.83 251.71 1506.44 2530.46 S5 生山楂 山东 22.46 91.73 84.91 539.25 3280.92 4019.27 S6 生山楂 山东 25.82 92.45 77.10 579.53 3502.93 4277.83 S7 生山楂 河北 30.76 95.43 107.39 609.00 3748.19 4590.77 S8 炒山楂 河北 25.50 80.58 76.47 576.21 3311.61 4070.37 S9 焦山楂 河北 7.26 84.12 60.64 510.54 3024.49 3687.05 S10 炒山楂 四川 21.79 96.87 96.11 747.55 4549.72 5512.04 S11 焦山楂 四川 25.88 95.87 79.16 534.37 3228.27 3963.55 S12 山楂炭 四川 17.32 82.37 79.07 546.74 3343.75 4069.25 -
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