目前,活性污泥法仍是应用最为广泛的污水处理技术。在我国城镇化和环境保护协同发展的趋势下,污水处理成为绿色发展理念下重要的一环,而剩余污泥的处理处置成为污水处理的一大难题。剩余污泥处理和处置所需的费用高达整个污水处理厂投资和运行费用的25%~65%[1]。在现有的污水处理厂中,为保证生化系统的脱氮除磷效果,污泥龄(sludge rentention time,SRT)一般控制在12~20 d[2-3]。然而,较短的SRT会产生大量的剩余污泥,预计在2020—2025年,我国污泥年产量将突破6×107 t[4],这将给污水处理厂带来巨大的经济负担。近些年,污泥减量化已成为研究的热点,且其也是解决污泥问题的理想途径之一[5]。SRT作为处理工艺的重要参数,直接影响生化系统的脱氮除磷能力[6]。传统的研究观点[7-8]认为,较长的SRT不利于磷的去除。然而,左宁等[9]发现,SRT为50 d时,排富磷污水除磷的LSP和PNR系统可以同时获得良好的污泥减量[10]与除磷效果。韩玮等[2]研究了厌氧/好氧交替运行的SBR系统,SRT为48 d时仍能保证出水TP质量浓度长期稳定达标。这为延长SRT,减少剩余污泥的排放,并保证系统较高的脱氮除磷效果提供了可行性。但是,目前有关在超长SRT的条件下,如何使系统长期稳定运行以及如何保障系统脱氮除磷效果等研究还较少见报道。
本研究采用微压内循环生物反应器[11-12](micro-pressure inner-loop bioreactor,MPR)开展了研究。MPR是一种新型多菌群生物反应器,与传统的SBR工艺相比,特殊的流态与传质特性使其溶解氧(dissolved oxygen,DO)由内向外逐渐升高,在单一池体内可实现同时具有中心厌氧、中部缺氧、外部好氧的生化反应环境。这丰富了系统微生物的种类,使多功能菌群分区,在协同作用下,为系统同步去除有机物和脱氮除磷提供了良好环境[13-15],也为系统在高MLSS下的长期稳定运行提供有利条件。本研究以人工配置的模拟城市污水为研究对象,在不断减少剩余污泥排放的目标下,探究了MPR系统在超长SRT下长期运行的脱氮除磷效果及稳定性,以期为MPR工艺的实际工程应用及污泥减量化等研究提供参考。
Effects of ultra-long sludge rentention time on denitrification and phosphorus removal by MPR process
摘要: 针对高MLSS下系统的稳定运行及脱氮除磷效果,采用微压内循环生物相反应器(MPR)处理模拟城市污水,探究了超长污泥龄(SRT)在50、70、90 d时,MPR不断减少剩余污泥排放量下的脱氮除磷效果。结果表明,当SRT由50 d提升至90 d时,MPR工艺的脱氮能力得到增强,TN的平均去除率由75.97%提高到84.60%。在延长SRT后,MPR工艺对TP的去除速率有所降低,但TP的去除率仍可稳定保持在97%以上,超长SRT对TP的去除效果影响不显著。在SRT为90 d时,系统稳定期的平均MLSS为13 252 mg·L−1,SVI为70 mL·g−1。此时系统脱氮除磷效果最佳,COD、
${ {\rm{NH}}_4^ +} $ -N、TN、TP平均出水质量浓度分别为24.73、0.49、6.99、0.07 mg·L−1,出水优于GB 18918-2002一级A标准。以上结果表明,在超长SRT下,MPR系统不仅可长期稳定运行,还可保障较高的脱氮除磷效果。-
- 微压内循环生物相反应器(MPR) /
- 超长污泥龄 /
- 脱氮除磷 /
- 城市污水
Abstract: In this study, aiming at the stable operation of the system and the effect of denitrification and phosphorus removal under the high MLSS, the Micro-Pressure Inner-Loop Bioreactor (MPR) was used to treat simulated urban sewage, and its effects of denitrification and phosphorus removal under the condition of the continuous reduction of residual sludge discharge at SRTs of 50, 70 and 90 days. The results showed that when SRT increased from 50 d to 90 d, the denitrification performance of MPR process was strengthened, and the average removal rate of TN increased from 75.97% to 84.60%. At the same time, after SRT was extended, the TP removal rate of MPR process decreased, but the TP removal rate was stably over 97%, and ultra-long SRT had slight effect on TP removal. When SRT was 90 d, the average MLSS and SVI during stability period of the system were 13 252 mg·L−1 and 70 mL·g−1, respectively. At this time, the system had the best performance on denitrification and phosphorus removal. The average effluent mass concentrations of COD,$ {\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ -N, TN, TP were 24.73, 0.49, 6.99, 0.07 mg·L−1, respectively, and the water quality of effluent was better than the GB18918-2002 grade A standard. The study shows that under the ultra-long SRT, the MPR system can not only run stably for a long time, but also ensure high denitrification and phosphorus removal effects. -
表 1 实验进水水质
Table 1. Water quality of experimental influent
数值类型 COD/
(mg·L−1)$ {\rm{NH}}_4^ + \text{-N}/$
(mg·L−1)pH 浓度范围 353~537 38~54 23~34 2.4~4.3 7.8~8.2 平均值 426 44.9 29.2 3.31 8 表 2 各阶段污泥增长及排放情况
Table 2. Sludge growth and discharge at each stage
SRT/d 运行时间/d 初始MLSS/
MLSS/(mg·L−1)增长速率/% 相应减少剩余
污泥排放量/L50 50 3 880 5 128 32.16 60~127 70 50 4 840 9 215 90.39 72~138 90 60 9 180 13 252 44.36 93~173 注:减少剩余污泥量相对于一般污水处理厂控制的SRT在12~20 d(Ns在0.07~0.4 kg·(kg·d)−1)。 表 3 各阶段MPR系统磷的释放与吸收率
Table 3. Phosphorus release and absorption rate of MPR system at each stage
SRT/d 进水TP/
(mg·(g·h)−1)50 3.74 3.41 6.37 70 3.58 4.23 5.01 90 3.14 4.20 2.62 -
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