Strategy and development direction for arsenic pollution control in drinking water in Bangladesh
摘要: 孟加拉国是“一带一路”重要节点国家,经济社会快速发展,正从“最不发达国家”进入到“发展中国家”行列。同时,孟加拉国是全世界砷污染最严重的国家之一,其地下水砷污染形成过程与环境地球化学机制、人群砷暴露途径与风险水平、砷中毒机制与控制原理等在全球范围内具有重要研究价值。此外,孟加拉国政府和国际社会为控制饮用水砷污染开展了大量工作,已取得很好的成效。以饮用水砷污染及其健康风险控制为目标,制定科学、合理、有效的砷污染控制策略,对于孟加拉国在全国范围内从根本解决饮用水安全问题具有重要意义。Abstract: Bangladesh is an important node along the Belt & Road countries. Owning to its rapid socio-economic development during the recent twenty years, Bangladesh is transitioning from a least-developed to a developing country. Meanwhile, Bangladesh is suffering from the most serious arsenic pollution in drinking water all over the world. Thus, the geochemistry mechanisms of arsenic pollution in ground water, the exposure pathways and potential risks of local residents, as well as arsenic toxicology and control principles have become critical but remained unclear yet in the context of Bangladesh. In recent years, Bangladesh’s local government and international communities have devoted many efforts and achieved preliminary outcomes to control arsenic pollution and endemic arsenisms. For the sake of reducing further the arsenic contamination and relevant health risks, it is vital to establish scientific-reasonable, technological-feasible, and economic-effective solutions to fundamentally resolving the arsenic-derived issues and ensuring water safety in Bangladesh.
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