
刘新, 左小凡, 吴禹, 王梦皎, 赵珍, 蒋豫. 给水厂铁铝泥构建过滤柱去除富营养化河水中过量磷[J]. 环境工程学报, 2019, 13(4): 784-791. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809152
引用本文: 刘新, 左小凡, 吴禹, 王梦皎, 赵珍, 蒋豫. 给水厂铁铝泥构建过滤柱去除富营养化河水中过量磷[J]. 环境工程学报, 2019, 13(4): 784-791. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809152
LIU Xin, ZUO Xiaofan, WU Yu, WANG Mengjiao, ZHAO Zhen, JIANG Yu. Removal of excessive phosphorus from eutrophic river water by filtration columns constructed with ferric and aluminum sludge[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2019, 13(4): 784-791. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809152
Citation: LIU Xin, ZUO Xiaofan, WU Yu, WANG Mengjiao, ZHAO Zhen, JIANG Yu. Removal of excessive phosphorus from eutrophic river water by filtration columns constructed with ferric and aluminum sludge[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2019, 13(4): 784-791. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809152


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Removal of excessive phosphorus from eutrophic river water by filtration columns constructed with ferric and aluminum sludge

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  • 摘要: 为避免因FAS释放过量有机物和氮而产生的潜在不利影响,分析了以给水厂铁铝泥(FAS)构建过滤柱处理富营养化河水的特征与机制,研究了以厌氧热处理改性后的FAS作为辅助基质(2%)构建过滤柱。结果表明:在对其他性质无影响的情况下,FAS的添加显著提高了过滤柱对水体中磷的去除率,促使出水磷浓度在整个运行期间小于0.01 mg·L-1;被FAS吸附的磷主要以NaOH提取态、HCl可提取态和残渣态存在。高通量测序分析结果表明,FAS的添加促使过滤柱中富集了Rhodoplanes、Sulfuritalea、Nitrospira、Leucobacter、Geobacter、Dechloromonas等有助于生物地球化学循环和复合污染控制的菌群。FAS作为辅助基质构建过滤柱可有效控制富营养化河水中磷污染。
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  • 刊出日期:  2019-04-15
刘新, 左小凡, 吴禹, 王梦皎, 赵珍, 蒋豫. 给水厂铁铝泥构建过滤柱去除富营养化河水中过量磷[J]. 环境工程学报, 2019, 13(4): 784-791. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809152
引用本文: 刘新, 左小凡, 吴禹, 王梦皎, 赵珍, 蒋豫. 给水厂铁铝泥构建过滤柱去除富营养化河水中过量磷[J]. 环境工程学报, 2019, 13(4): 784-791. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809152
LIU Xin, ZUO Xiaofan, WU Yu, WANG Mengjiao, ZHAO Zhen, JIANG Yu. Removal of excessive phosphorus from eutrophic river water by filtration columns constructed with ferric and aluminum sludge[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2019, 13(4): 784-791. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809152
Citation: LIU Xin, ZUO Xiaofan, WU Yu, WANG Mengjiao, ZHAO Zhen, JIANG Yu. Removal of excessive phosphorus from eutrophic river water by filtration columns constructed with ferric and aluminum sludge[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2019, 13(4): 784-791. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809152


  • 1. 南京林业大学生物与环境学院,南京210037
  • 2. 江苏省生态环境评估中心江苏省排污权登记与交易管理中心,南京210036




摘要: 为避免因FAS释放过量有机物和氮而产生的潜在不利影响,分析了以给水厂铁铝泥(FAS)构建过滤柱处理富营养化河水的特征与机制,研究了以厌氧热处理改性后的FAS作为辅助基质(2%)构建过滤柱。结果表明:在对其他性质无影响的情况下,FAS的添加显著提高了过滤柱对水体中磷的去除率,促使出水磷浓度在整个运行期间小于0.01 mg·L-1;被FAS吸附的磷主要以NaOH提取态、HCl可提取态和残渣态存在。高通量测序分析结果表明,FAS的添加促使过滤柱中富集了Rhodoplanes、Sulfuritalea、Nitrospira、Leucobacter、Geobacter、Dechloromonas等有助于生物地球化学循环和复合污染控制的菌群。FAS作为辅助基质构建过滤柱可有效控制富营养化河水中磷污染。

English Abstract

参考文献 (31)



