
周师帅, 顾平, 刘阳, 何利斌, 张光辉, 董丽华, 袁艳林. 预除氧-沉淀-柱式膜分离组合工艺处理模拟含碘放射性废水[J]. 环境工程学报, 2019, 13(3): 586-593. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809058
引用本文: 周师帅, 顾平, 刘阳, 何利斌, 张光辉, 董丽华, 袁艳林. 预除氧-沉淀-柱式膜分离组合工艺处理模拟含碘放射性废水[J]. 环境工程学报, 2019, 13(3): 586-593. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809058
ZHOU Shishuai, GU Ping, LIU Yang, HE Libin, ZHANG Guanghui, DONG Lihua, YUAN Yanlin. Iodide removal from the simulated radioactive wastewater by predeoxygenation-precipitation-column membrane separation combined process[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2019, 13(3): 586-593. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809058
Citation: ZHOU Shishuai, GU Ping, LIU Yang, HE Libin, ZHANG Guanghui, DONG Lihua, YUAN Yanlin. Iodide removal from the simulated radioactive wastewater by predeoxygenation-precipitation-column membrane separation combined process[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2019, 13(3): 586-593. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809058


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Iodide removal from the simulated radioactive wastewater by predeoxygenation-precipitation-column membrane separation combined process

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  • 摘要: 为了优化沉淀-微滤组合除碘工艺,开发预除氧-沉淀-柱式膜分离组合工艺处理模拟含碘放射性废水,考察了小试实验的除碘效果、出水水质及连续出水、间歇出水模式的柱式膜污染情况。结果表明:使用Na2SO3作除氧剂、Cu2+作催化剂对原水进行预除氧,投加量分别为150 mg·L-1和1 mg·L-1;沉淀剂CuCl投加量为100 mg·L-1。实验装置连续运行216 h,累积处理水量为2 160 L,运行稳定后,I-平均去除率为93.9%,出水水质较稳定,出水Cu2+须进行后续处理。产生污泥的体积较小,浓缩倍数为8 640。间歇出水模式有利于减缓膜污染,柱式膜的最终膜比通量降至初始膜比通量的47%。与沉淀-微滤工艺相比,预除氧-沉淀-柱式膜分离组合工艺装置简单,运行成本降低。
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  • 刊出日期:  2019-03-14
周师帅, 顾平, 刘阳, 何利斌, 张光辉, 董丽华, 袁艳林. 预除氧-沉淀-柱式膜分离组合工艺处理模拟含碘放射性废水[J]. 环境工程学报, 2019, 13(3): 586-593. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809058
引用本文: 周师帅, 顾平, 刘阳, 何利斌, 张光辉, 董丽华, 袁艳林. 预除氧-沉淀-柱式膜分离组合工艺处理模拟含碘放射性废水[J]. 环境工程学报, 2019, 13(3): 586-593. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809058
ZHOU Shishuai, GU Ping, LIU Yang, HE Libin, ZHANG Guanghui, DONG Lihua, YUAN Yanlin. Iodide removal from the simulated radioactive wastewater by predeoxygenation-precipitation-column membrane separation combined process[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2019, 13(3): 586-593. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809058
Citation: ZHOU Shishuai, GU Ping, LIU Yang, HE Libin, ZHANG Guanghui, DONG Lihua, YUAN Yanlin. Iodide removal from the simulated radioactive wastewater by predeoxygenation-precipitation-column membrane separation combined process[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2019, 13(3): 586-593. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.201809058


  • 1. 天津大学环境科学与工程学院,天津 300350


摘要: 为了优化沉淀-微滤组合除碘工艺,开发预除氧-沉淀-柱式膜分离组合工艺处理模拟含碘放射性废水,考察了小试实验的除碘效果、出水水质及连续出水、间歇出水模式的柱式膜污染情况。结果表明:使用Na2SO3作除氧剂、Cu2+作催化剂对原水进行预除氧,投加量分别为150 mg·L-1和1 mg·L-1;沉淀剂CuCl投加量为100 mg·L-1。实验装置连续运行216 h,累积处理水量为2 160 L,运行稳定后,I-平均去除率为93.9%,出水水质较稳定,出水Cu2+须进行后续处理。产生污泥的体积较小,浓缩倍数为8 640。间歇出水模式有利于减缓膜污染,柱式膜的最终膜比通量降至初始膜比通量的47%。与沉淀-微滤工艺相比,预除氧-沉淀-柱式膜分离组合工艺装置简单,运行成本降低。

English Abstract

参考文献 (26)



