Matrix optimization for underlying surface in a sponge city and its effect on artificial rainwater treatment
摘要: 针对日益严重的城市内涝和雨水径流污染问题,引入沸石、蛭石、陶粒和煤渣作为海绵城市下垫面基质,采用人工调配雨水,通过渗滤柱模拟下垫面对雨水的下渗、储蓄和净化效果,比较几种不同基质组合对径流雨水的渗滤速度、最大持水量和对污染物的去除效果。结果表明:改进后的渗滤柱渗透速度可承受连续72 h大暴雨,最大持水量为39.73%,可有效削减城市径流洪峰;沸石+蛭石+陶粒分层渗滤柱对污染物的去除效果最好,出水NH4+-N浓度满足《城市污水再生利用 城市杂用水水质》(GB/T 18920-2002)中道路清扫、消防等各项用水指标,COD浓度满足《建筑与小区雨水控制及利用工程技术规范》(GB 50400-2016)除娱乐性水景以外的各项用水要求;除此之外,出水中NH4+-N、TP和COD浓度均满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)一级A要求;研究结果可为海绵城市建设提供技术支撑。Abstract: To deal with the water logging and rainwater runoff pollution in the city, vermiculite, zeolite, ceramsite and cinder are used as underlying surface in a sponge city. This study developed a system composed of artificial rainwater and infiltration column to simulate the effect of the matrix layer on rainwater infiltration, retention and purification. The effect of several different matrix combinations on the infiltration velocity, the maximum water holding capacity and pollutant removal effect were compared at the end. The results show that the improved column could withstand the infiltration of continuous heavy rain for 72 hours, had a maximum water holding capacity of 39.73%, and could effectively reduce the urban runoff peak. The column filled with layered vermiculite, zeolite and ceramsite demonstrated best pollutant removal effect. The resulting column effluent levels of ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) can meet the water quality requirement for highway cleaning and firefighting, as set in the Engineering Technical Code for Rain Utilization in Building and Sub-District (GB/T 18920-2002). The chemical oxygen demand (COD) level could meet the water quality requirement for all water usage except recreational waterscape, as set in the Technical Code for Rainwater Management and Utilization of Building and Sub-District (GB 50400-2016). Besides, the levels of NH4+-N, total phosphorus (TP) and COD in column effluent all met the class A for Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB 18918-2002). The research results can provide technical support for the sponge city construction.
Key words:
- sponge city /
- urban rainwater runoff /
- underlying surface /
- matrix optimization /
- rainwater purification
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