Scale inhibition of AA/MA/HEMA terpolymer and biodegradation performance
摘要: 以马来酸酐(MA)、丙烯酸(AA)和甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯(HEMA)为单体,通过水溶液自由基聚合的方法合成可生物降解的新型三元共聚物阻垢剂。对共聚物进行红外光谱和扫描电子显微镜分析可知,共聚物中含有阻垢所需的羧基、磺酸基和酰胺基等官能团,晶格畸变和络合増溶是共聚物抑制沉淀的主要作用机理。共聚物的生物降解性能评价主要采取基质去除率法及生物摇床培养法,实验研究表明,共聚物的BOD5/COD的均值为0.55,属易生物降解,而生物摇床法表明,在28 d的培养周期内,其生物降解率是呈上升趋势的,在第28天时其降解率最高达到了75%,属于易生物降解材料。通过与4种常用环境友好型阻垢剂聚环氧琥珀酸(PESA)、聚丙烯酸(PAA)、2-磷酸基-1,2,4-三羧酸丁烷(PBTCA)和聚天冬氨酸(PASP)阻垢性能的对比实验,探讨了共聚物的投加量、钙离子质量浓度和水样温度等对共聚物阻垢性能的影响。结果表明,共聚物投加量为3 mg·L-1,水温80℃,钙离子质量浓度480 mg·L-1时,阻垢率达到91.35%。共聚物对碳酸钙的整体阻垢性能优于常规阻垢剂,适用于高温、中高硬的工业循环冷却水。Abstract: In the present investigation,three monomers,maleic anhydride (MA),acrylic acid (AA),and hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HAMA),were synthesized using aqueous radical polymerization,and investigated as novel biodegradable terpolymer scale inhibitors for circulating cooling water.The copolymer was analyzed using infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques.The structure of the polymer was examined.It was found that the copolymer scale inhibitor was contained in the carboxyl,sulfonic acid,and amide functional groups,and that the lattice distortion and complex solubilization is the main mechanism of copolymer inhibition of precipitation.Matrix removal evaluation and shaker cultures showed that the terpolymer is readily biodegradable;the terpolymer BOD5/COD value was 0.55.The biodegradation rate increased with increasing number of days;the extractive degradation rate increased to 75% in a culture period of 28 days.Using the comparative test of the scale inhibition performance of the terpolymer scale inhibitor and four common green scale inhibitors including polyepoxysuccinic acid,polyacrylic acid,2-phosphate butane 2,4-tricarboxylic acid,and poly (epoxy succinic acid),the influences of copolymer dosage,mass concentration of calcium ions,and water temperature on scale inhibition performance were discussed.The results showed that,when the copolymer dosage was 3 mg·L-1,water temperature was 80℃,and mass concentration of calcium ions was 480 mg·L-1,the scale inhibiting rate reached 91.35%.The copolymer performance of the calcium carbonate scale was superior to those of conventional inhibitors,and is especially appropriate for industrial circulating cooling water with high temperature and hardness.
Key words:
- scale inhibition /
- terpolymer /
- scale inhibition performance /
- biodegradability /
- CaCO3 /
- circulating cooling water
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