Research Progress on Toxic Effects and Mechanisms of Nanoplastics on Organisms
摘要: 环境中的纳米塑料污染已成为全球关注的热点。纳米塑料的粒径极小,容易被鱼类、藻类、贝类、蚤类、甲壳类、棘皮类、环节/节肢动物和农作物等生物摄取并沿食物链进行传递,诱发基因毒性、氧化应激、炎症、代谢紊乱、有丝分裂异常、线粒体损伤和细胞凋亡等,进而影响生物的光合作用效率、生长和繁殖、寿命及存活能力;纳米塑料与细菌接触后会破坏菌体细胞膜的完整性,增加活性氧的产生,抑制酶的活性。由于纳米塑料具有较大的比表面积和强疏水性,易与环境中的其他污染物发生相互作用,将重构污染物的生物有效性,从而改变(增加或削减)其对生物的毒性效应。纳米塑料能够诱发人类源细胞系的氧化应激、炎症、代谢紊乱和细胞毒性等,但目前还未见关于纳米塑料对人体的直接毒性效应的报道。Abstract: With the large amount of attention being given to nanoplastics pollution in the environment, the smallest size of nanoplastics facilitated their ingestion by various species (fish, algae, shellfish, fleas, crustaceans, echinodermata, annelids/arthropods, crops and vegetables) and transferred along the food chain. These could induce genotoxicity, oxidative stress, inflammation, metabolic disorder, mitotic anomalies, mitochondrial damage and apoptosis, which affected the photosynthetic efficiency, growth and reproduction, life span and survivability of organisms. After contact with bacteria, nanoplastics might lead to damage in cell membrane integrity, excess generation of reactive oxygen species and inhibition of enzymatic activities. Nanoplastics can easily interact with other pollutants due to the large surface area and strong hydrophobicity, so resulting in reconstituting the bioavailability of pollutants. Thus, the toxic effects of nanoplastics on organisms were changed (increased or reduced). Nanoplastics are able to induce oxidative stress, inflammation, metabolic disorder and cytotoxicity in human cell lines. However, the direct toxicity of nanoplastics to human body were unknown until now.
Key words:
- nanoplastics /
- toxic effects /
- mechanism
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