Toxicological Research Progress of Microplastics: Toxicological Effects of Microplastics on Microorganism, Algae, Fish and Mammal
摘要: 微塑料具有粒径较小和比表面积较大的特征,可吸附包括重金属在内的种类繁多的有毒物质,从而产生联合毒性,对生物可造成组织、细胞和分子水平等不同程度的损害,现有的研究表明微塑料可对微生物、藻类、鱼类和哺乳动物类等造成不利影响。微塑料对生态环境的危害逐渐引起了人们的注意,但目前对于微塑料的毒理学研究尚处于起步阶段。基于国内外已有研究,本文综述了微塑料对典型微生物、藻类、鱼类和哺乳动物类的毒理学影响以及微塑料在食物链中的迁移转化,同时也对未来微塑料的相关毒理学研究提出了一些设想与建议。Abstract: Microplastic can absorb a wide variety of toxic substances including heavy metals due to its small particle size and large specific surface area, resulting in joint toxicity that causes tissue, cell, molecule and other damages. Recent studies revealed that microplastics were able to confer to the adverse effects on microorganism, algae, fish, mammals and so on. Although the harm of microplastics has been attracted more attentions, the toxicological research of microplastics was still limited. This study summarized the current research process on the toxicology of microplastics on the microorganism, algae, fish and mammals, as well as the fate of microplastics via the food chain. Additionally, the ideas and suggestions for the future study on the toxicology of microplastics were discussed.
Key words:
- microplastics /
- nano-plastics /
- toxicology
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