Application and Development of Aquatic Toxicity Test in Environmental Forensics
摘要: 近年来,随着环境损害案件日益增多,我国生态环境损害赔偿制度日渐成熟,政府打击生态环境破坏案件的力度也在不断增大,环境损害司法鉴定意见的重要性和必要性日益凸显。如何选择科学、全面的判定方法以确保环境损害司法鉴定的科学性和公正性?这逐渐成为法庭毒物学和生态环境领域的研究热点。在现有环境损害案件中,水污染案件占据重要部分。水生生物毒性评价试验对环境损害司法鉴定意见(尤其是水体污染案件)的形成具有重要的生态毒理学意义。通过水生生物毒性试验可以综合、全面地分析污染物对生态环境以及生命体的影响。本文从环境损害司法鉴定实践应用角度出发,对发光细菌、藻类、溞类、鱼类以及大型甲壳类等《生态环境损害鉴定评估技术指南》推荐的水生模式生物的优缺点进行了系统性总结,并对不同的水生生物毒性评价方法在生态环境常见污染物毒性试验中应用概况进行了综述,旨在为我国环境损害司法鉴定水生生物毒性的研究和判定提供借鉴和参考。Abstract: In recent years, along with the growing number of environmental damage cases, China's ecological damage compensation system is becoming more mature, and Chinese Authorities have been increasing their efforts to prosecute offenders that cased ecological and environmental damages, which leads to the emerging importance and necessity of environmental forensic services. The issue as to how to choose a scientific and comprehensive determination method to ensure the scientificity and fairness of judicial appraisal of environmental damage, has gradually become a research hotspot in the field of forensic toxicology as well as ecological environment. Among the existing environmental damage cases, water pollution cases occupy an important part. The aquatic toxicity evaluation test has an important ecotoxicological significance to the formation of environmental forensic reports (especially for water pollution cases). This method can be used to analyze the impact of pollutants on the ecological environment and living organisms in an integrated and comprehensive manner. From the practical perspective, this paper summarized the advantages and disadvantages of the aquatic model organisms recommended in the Technical Guidelines for Identification and Evaluation of Ecological Damage, such as luminescent bacteria, algae, Daphnia magna, fish and macro-crustaceans, and reviewed the applications of different aquatic toxicity evaluation methods that have been used in the toxicity tests of common pollutants in the ecological environment. It aims to provide references for the analysis and determination of aquatic organism toxicity for judicial appraisal in China.
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