土壤是生态系统的主要媒介,也是人类赖以为生的重要基础,土壤污染问题一直受到高度关注[1]. 随着经济的不断发展,土壤污染问题日益加剧[2],其中有色金属开采及加工是主要的污染来源之一[3-5]. 土壤重金属污染具有显著的潜伏性、不可逆性、持久性等典型特征[6-7],通过各种途径进入土壤中并随之积累,最终随着食物链进入人体和生物体内,对人体健康和生态安全形成威胁. 因此,精确、全面、高效地评价土壤重金属的污染情况、查明污染源,对于矿区及其周围土壤污染防治具有重要意义[8-10].
目前,相关研究主要针对重金属污染评价、空间分布规律、污染源分析和修复治理等方面[10-17]. 重金属污染来源分析包括源识别及源解析两类,主要包括因子分析法(FA)、主成分分析法(PCA)、化学质量平衡模型法(CMB)、主成分多元线性回归法(APCS-MLR)、正定矩形因子分解法(PMF)、主成分/绝对主成分分数法(PCA/APCS)和UNMIX模型法等[18-19]. 其中PMF模型[20-21]由于无需构建污染源成分谱,且能对因子分解矩阵进行非负约束,近年来已被广泛用于土壤污染源解析. 张扣扣等[22]采用IDW插值、空间统计分析及PMF模型对某矿区周边土壤重金属污染分析表明:重金属污染区域主要集中在采矿区、选矿区和种植区,主要污染来源为矿业活动和农业活动. 陈航等[23]对铜山矿区周边农田土壤污染分析表明土壤重金属主要来自于矿业开发排放、农业活动、自然母质和化石燃烧释放. 有色金属开采及其相关工业活动对周围土壤重金属含量影响较大,通常存在多种重金属复合污染情况,对区域生态环境造成不良影响. 因此,针对重点区域开展土壤重金属污染调查、来源解析及土壤修复治理相关研究是十分有必要的.
Analysis of heavy metal contamination characteristics and sources in farmland soil around copper dressing and smelting plant
摘要: 为分析云南某铜选冶厂周边农田土壤重金属污染特征及来源,通过测定农田土壤中重金属(Cu、Zn、Cr、Ni、Pb、Cd、As、Hg)的含量,采用污染负荷指数、地累积指数及潜在生态危害指数法评价农田土壤重金属污染特征,并结合相关性分析和PMF模型对土壤重金属来源进行分析. 结果表明:研究区土壤中Cr、As、Pb、Hg 4种重金属元素的平均含量均高于云南省土壤背景值;污染负荷指数处于轻微污染;地累积指数中As(0.92)>Hg(−0.05)>Cr(−0.41)>Pb(−0.52)>Cu(−1.05)>Zn(−1.20)>Ni(−1.21)>Cd(−3.23),As元素属于轻度累积,其余重金属均为无累积;潜在生态风险单项指数中除Hg元素达到中等生态风险,其余7种重金属元素均为轻微生态风险,研究区整体处于轻微生态风险. 土壤重金属来源分析中PMF模型解析5个因子,贡献率分别为14.8%、16.1%、15.3%、26.6%和27.2%. 其中As元素主要为工业活动源,Cu、Zn、Cr、Ni元素主要为土壤成土母质源、Cd元素主要为农业活动源、Pb元素主要为交通源、Hg元素主要为化石燃料源.Abstract: To analyze the characteristics and sources of heavy metal pollution in farmland soils around a copper dressing and smelting plant in Yunnan, the content of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd, As, Hg) in farmland soils was measured, and the pollution load index, ground accumulation index and potential ecological hazard index methods were used to evaluate the characteristics of heavy metal pollution in farmland soils, and the sources of soil heavy metals were analyzed by combining correlation analysis and PMF model.The results show that the average contents of Cr, As, Pb and Hg in the soils of the study area are higher than the background values of soils in Yunnan Province; the pollution load index is slightly polluted; the geoaccumulation index is As (0.92) > Hg (−0.05) > Cr (−0.41) > Pb (−0.52) > Cu (−1.05) > Zn (−1.20) > Ni (−1.21)>Cd (−3.23), the element As belongs to light accumulation, and the rest of heavy metals are non-accumulative; among the potential ecological risk single index, except for the element Hg, which reaches medium ecological risk, the other seven heavy metals are all at slight ecological risk, and the study area as a whole is at slight ecological risk. The PMF model analyzed five factors in the analysis of soil heavy metal sources, with contributions of 14.8%, 16.1%, 15.3%, 26.6% and 27.2%, respectively. Among them, element As is mainly the source of industrial activities, Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni are mainly the sources of soil-forming parent material, Cd is mainly the source of agricultural activities, Pb is mainly the source of traffic, and Hg is mainly the source of fossil fuels.
Key words:
- copper dressing and smelting plant /
- farmland /
- heavy metals /
- pollution assessment /
- PMF model
表 1 污染负荷指数分级
Table 1. Pollution load index classification
Pi 等级
GradePLI 等级
GradePi<0.7 无污染 PLI<0.7 无污染 0.7≤Pi <1 轻微污染 0.7≤PLI<1 轻微污染 1≤Pi <2 轻度污染 1≤PLI<2 轻度污染 2≤Pi <3 中度污染 2≤PLI<3 中度污染 Pi≥3 重度污染 PLI≥3 重度污染 表 2 地累积指数分级
Table 2. Classification of the geoaccumulation index
Igeo Igeo<0 0≤Igeo<1 1≤Igeo<2 2≤Igeo<3 3≤Igeo<4 4≤Igeo<5 Igeo≥5 等级 无累积 轻度累积 偏中度累积 中度累积 偏重度累积 重度累积 严重累积 表 3 单项潜在生态风险指数(Ei)和综合潜在生态风险指数(RI)分级
Table 3. Classification of individual potential ecological risk index (Ei) and comprehensive potential ecological risk index (RI)
Ei 风险等级
Risk levelRI 风险等级
Risk levelEi<40 轻微 RI<150 轻微 40≤Ei<80 中等 150≤RI<300 中等 80≤Ei<160 强 300≤RI<600 强 160≤Ei<320 很强 RI≥600 很强 Ei≥320 极强 表 4 重金属含量统计表
Table 4. Statistical table of heavy metal content (mg·kg−1)
Coefficient of
value0—0.2 m Cu 37.03 18.00 190.00 21.10 0.57 5.28 37.09 46.30 50.00 Zn 59.02 23.00 145.00 17.87 0.30 1.82 6.94 89.70 200.00 Cr 78.91 8.00 163.00 33.71 0.43 0.13 −0.57 65.20 150.00 Ni 29.63 5.00 55.00 13.01 0.44 −0.02 −1.15 42.50 60.00 Pb 43.80 11.30 94.30 13.83 0.32 1.18 2.82 40.60 70.00 Cd 0.09 0.01 2.60 0.30 3.18 8.08 68.33 0.22 0.30 As 55.86 6.99 163.00 24.34 0.44 1.18 3.95 18.40 40.00 Hg 0.09 0.02 0.32 0.04 0.46 2.13 9.96 0.06 1.30 0.3—0.5 m Cu 34.88 18.00 63.00 10.93 0.31 0.56 −0.07 46.30 50.00 Zn 63.41 30.00 159.00 23.48 0.37 2.56 7.61 89.70 200.00 Cr 84.03 21.00 165.00 33.73 0.40 0.30 −0.44 65.20 150.00 Ni 32.08 9.00 57.00 13.47 0.42 −0.04 −1.21 42.50 60.00 Pb 45.38 17.30 128.00 14.94 0.33 2.44 11.70 40.60 70.00 Cd 0.04 0.01 0.18 0.04 0.93 1.47 1.51 0.22 0.30 As 62.74 3.86 178.00 32.15 0.51 1.32 3.01 18.40 40.00 Hg 0.09 0.02 0.23 0.04 0.45 0.93 1.84 0.06 1.30 表 5 重金属元素相关性系数矩阵
Table 5. Correlation coefficient matrix of heavy metal elements
Cu Zn Cr Ni Pb Cd As Hg Cu 1.00 Zn 0.72** 1.00 Cr 0.72** 0.75** 1.00 Ni 0.66** 0.72** 0.85** 1.00 Pb 0.30* 0.22 0.15 -0.10 1.00 Cd 0.19 0.12 -0.03 -0.13 0.26 1.00 As 0.43** 0.51** 0.47** 0.48** 0.29 -0.15 1.00 Hg 0.32* 0.30* 0.15 0.30* -0.22 -0.02 0.09 1.00 **在0.01(双侧),相关性极显著;*在0.05(双侧),相关性显著.
**At 0.01 (bilateral), the correlation is extremely significant; * At 0.05 (bilateral), the correlation is significant.表 6 土壤重金属污染PMF模型源解析结果
Table 6. Source analysis results of PMF model of soil heavy metal pollution
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 R2 Cu 4.1 16.9 12.7 38.6 27.7 0.92 Zn 12.2 26.2 4.1 30.3 27.2 0.72 Cr — 17.0 2.5 55.1 25.4 0.86 Ni 3.4 — 0.8 62.0 33.8 0.83 Pb 15.1 62.0 4.0 — 19.0 0.99 Cd — — 94.3 — 5.7 0.99 As 62.9 5.9 4.3 26.8 — 1.00 Hg 20.3 0.9 — — 78.8 0.99 -
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