近年来,臭氧(O3)污染已成为重要的环境污染问题之一,高浓度臭氧对人体健康和生态环境造成很多不利影响[1-3]. 挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)作为O3生成的重要前体物之一,是影响环境空气臭氧污染的重要物质. 环境空气中VOCs种类众多,来源复杂[4],不同区域VOCs浓度、特征和来源具有显著差异[5-8],因此对比研究不同区域VOCs的污染特征和对臭氧的影响对于解决当前严峻的臭氧污染问题具有重要的指导意义.
目前大量对VOCs的研究主要有基于最大增量反应活性(Maximum Increment Reactivity,MIR)[9]计算VOCs的臭氧生成潜势(ozone formation potential,OFP)[10-14]识别对臭氧生成有显著贡献的VOCs物种,利用PMF[15-18]模型追溯VOCs的来源及其贡献,运用OBM[19-23]模型模拟臭氧生成机制并识别关键活性物种,以及绘制EKMA[24-27]曲线识别臭氧主控区并找出前体物NOx/VOCs消减的最佳比例. 李凯等[28]发现,泰安市VOCs浓度占比最高的是含氧VOCs(OVOCs),其次为烷烃、芳香烃和烯烃,最大的排放源为液化石油气(LPG)和溶剂源;赵敏等[29]利用本地化MIR值计算了东营市VOCs的OFP,发现芳香烃对OFP贡献明显,利用OBM模型模拟得出臭氧污染受到VOCs和NOx的协同控制;王帅等[30]研究表明淄博市芳香烃和烯烃类VOCs的OFP贡献较大,并利用PMF模型解析出淄博市主要的VOCs来源为移动源、固定燃烧源和溶剂使用源. 但是环境空气中VOCs种类众多,城市不同区域排放的VOCs存在明显差异,例如在对石化区VOCs[31-33]的大量研究发现,OFP较高的是甲苯、1,3-丁二烯、二甲苯,主要与企业生产排放有关,其次还有溶剂源、液化石油气泄露和化石燃料源对VOCs的贡献也较大;汕头市城区[34]和武汉市城区[35] VOCs中烷烃浓度占比最大,主要来自于人为源中的燃烧源、机动车排放源和溶剂使用源;王雨燕等[36]和Mazzuca等[37]对背景点的研究发现,芳香烃类对OFP贡献较大,主要有间/对-二甲苯和异戊二烯,高频率的O3污染事件发生是由于VOCs及臭氧的传输所引起的,也受局地机动车尾气和工业源排放影响. 因此深入开展 VOCs 相关研究,尤其在不同区域的VOCs进行对比分析,对改善区域臭氧污染具有重要意义.
济南作为山东的省会城市,近几年PM2.5虽有明显改善,但夏季臭氧污染仍较严重,2020年济南市臭氧浓度位于全国排名的第8位(倒数). 自2017—2019年济南市臭氧浓度逐年升高,分别为190、202、203 μg·m−3,2020年(184 μg·m−3)虽有下降,但仍然超标. 目前对其VOCs的研究主要针对市区某一个点位VOCs污染特征和来源解析[38-40],且缺乏从VOCs对臭氧生成机制出发系统识别VOCs的关键物种和不同区域之间的VOCs活性差异对比. 因此,为深入探讨不同区域臭氧的污染机制和关键VOCs活性物种,本研究通过分析济南市3个典型区VOCs的污染特征,计算OFP和运用MCM模式进行敏感性分析,以识别不同区域的关键活性物种,结合气象因素并利用PMF模型解析VOCs的来源,期望为不同区域臭氧污染控制对策提供科学依据.
Pollution characteristics of volatile organic compounds and mechanism of ozone formation in typical areas of Jinan, China
摘要: 基于2020年6—8月济南市石化区、市区和南部山区VOCs以及臭氧和气态污染物等在线监测数据,结合气象因素分析了各典型区夏季VOCs污染特征,并通过计算臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和MCM模型模拟分析了不同区域不同污染等级VOCs对臭氧生成的影响,采用PMF模型对市区夏季VOCs进行了来源解析研究. 结果表明,石化区VOCs浓度(158.29 μg·m−3)明显高于市区(47.71 μg·m−3)和南部山区(24.65 μg·m-3),VOCs中均以烷烃占比最大,其次为芳香烃,3个区域VOCs浓度均随污染等级升高而升高;不同污染等级下均为石化区OFP(743.7—1474.9 μg·m−3)大于市区(156.9—378.1 μg·m−3)和南部山区(113.4—168.7 μg·m−3),3个区域均是芳香烃OFP占比最大,其次为烯烃,说明芳香烃和烯烃类VOCs对臭氧生成的贡献最大,其中OFP贡献最大的单体为间/对-二甲苯; MCM模拟结果表明石化区O3净生成速率(33.51×10-9 ·h−1)最高,其次为市区(22.97×10−9 ·h−1)和南部山区(3.91×10−9 ·h−1);石化区的1-戊烯、甲苯、异戊二烯、间-乙基甲苯和邻二甲苯,市区的1-丁烯、间/对-二甲苯和顺式-2-丁烯,南部山区的顺式-2-丁烯、异戊二烯、反式-2-丁烯相对增量反应活性(RIR)较大,对臭氧生成的影响较为明显. PMF模型解析结果表明济南市区夏季燃烧源、移动源和餐饮油烟源对VOCs贡献较大.Abstract: Pollution characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in typical areas of Jinan, China, in summer were analyzed and simulated. The analyses were based on online monitoring data of VOCs, ozone (O3) and other related trace gases in a petrochemical area, urban area and southern mountainous area collected from June to August 2020, along with meteorological factors. The influence of different ozone pollution levels of VOC pollutants in different functional areas of Jinan on O3 formation was assessed by calculating the Ozone Formation Potential (OFP) and using a Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) model. The sources of VOCs in urban areas in summer were analyzed by a Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model. The concentration of VOCs in the petrochemical area (158.29 μg·m−3) was significantly higher than that in the urban area (47.71 μg·m−3) and southern mountainous area (24.65 μg·m−3). Alkanes accounted for the largest proportion of VOCs, followed by aromatic hydrocarbons. The concentration of VOCs increased with increasing pollution level in all three areas. The calculated OFP in petrochemical areas (743.7–1474.9 μg·m−3) was higher than that in the urban area (156.9–378.1 μg·m−3) and southern mountainous area (113.4–168 μg·m−3). Alkene and aromatic hydrocarbons accounted for the largest proportion in three areas, indicating that these molecules contributed most to the formation of O3. The monomer with the largest contribution to OFP was m/p-xylene. MCM stimulation revealed the highest net rate of O3 formation in the petrochemical area (33.51×10−9·h−1), followed by urban area (22.97×10−9·h−1) and southern mountainous area (3.91×10−9·h−1). Large increases in the relative incremental reaction activity were evident in the petrochemical area (1-pentene, toluene, isoprene, m-ethyl toluene, and o-xylene), urban area (1-butene, m/p-xylene, and cis-2-butene), and mountainous area (cis-2-butene, isoprene, and trans-2-butene). The increases had an obvious impact on O3 formation. The PMF model analytical results revealed that combustion source, mobile source, and cooking fume source contributed greatly to VOCs in summer.
表 1 不同污染等级下OFP值及占比(μg·m−3)
Table 1. OFP value and proportion under different pollution levels(μg·m−3)
Pollution level典型区
Typical areas烷烃
Aromatic hydrocarbon炔烃
AlkyneVOCs OFP 占比 OFP 占比 OFP 占比 OFP 占比 OFP 良 石化区 173.1 23.3% 176.5 23.7% 377.0 50.7% 17.1 2.3% 743.7 市区 33.5 21.3% 53.0 33.8% 68.5 43.6% 2.0 1.3% 156.9 南部山区 20.7 12.3% 39.3 23.3% 106.3 63.0% 2.5 1.5% 168.7 轻度污染 石化区 180.0 22.5% 225.2 28.2% 373.5 46.7% 20.7 2.6% 799.5 市区 48.7 22.0% 77.9 35.2% 92.1 41.6% 2.5 1.1% 221.2 南部山区 16.4 14.4% 34.0 30.0% 59.9 52.8% 3.2 2.8% 113.4 中度污染 石化区 414.4 28.1% 518.7 35.2% 503.7 34.2% 38.1 2.6% 1474.9 市区 69.2 18.3% 87.0 23.0% 219.4 58.0% 2.7 0.7% 378.1 南部山区 37.0 22.5% 57.5 35.0% 63.2 38.5% 6.7 4.1% 164.3 -
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