畜禽饲料添加蓝矾或称胆矾(CuSO4·5H2O)、皓矾(ZnSO4·7H2O)等重金属化合物,以增强畜禽的免疫力,促进畜禽的生长[1-2],其中的Cu、Zn等重金属元素通过粪便排出体外[3],导致畜禽粪污中重金属含量超标,其中猪粪的Cu、Zn超标最为显著[4]. 我国一些地区对畜禽粪污排放管控不严,粪污未经处理就被排放到农田作为农肥,引起潜在的土壤重金属污染风险. 重金属Cu、Zn虽然是植物生长所需的微量元素,但过量的Cu、Zn会损害植物根系,抑制动植物生长,还会降低土壤中的生物量及生物活性,最终影响农作物的生长及农产品的安全.
为了减少猪粪农用风险,国家大力倡导利用厌氧发酵技术处理畜禽粪便[5],该技术不仅可以产生清洁能源、减少粪便体积,还能在一定程度上降低重金属生物有效性. 李轶等[6]研究表明,猪粪发酵过程中重金属钝化与发酵原料腐殖化存在着一定关系. 发酵原料腐殖化会产生腐殖质,腐殖质中含有大量羧基、羰基等官能团会与重金属发生吸附络合反应[7],从而降低重金属的生物有效性. 但由于重金属超标,发酵过程中微生物群落代谢功能会受到高浓度重金属的抑制[8],导致腐殖化程度低,钝化效果差. 单一的猪粪厌氧发酵对重金属钝化效果较差,因此就有学者研究在发酵过程中添加钝化剂来有效减少重金属的危害,提高重金属钝化效果[9-10].
腐殖酸(HA)本身就是腐殖化的产物,是农业废弃物转化的产品,可以作为园艺生物改良剂,促进种子萌发、根系发育和植物生长[11]. 同样,腐殖酸可以改善植物细胞内的生化反应并具有直接的营养价值. 此外,腐殖酸被认为是一种含有多种官能团的钝化剂,包括酚类、羧酸类和酮类,可以通过吸附和络合反应与重金属结合[12]. 但是,关于添加腐殖酸对猪粪厌氧发酵中重金属钝化的研究很少,主要都研究发酵前后变化,很少研究发酵过程中的动态变化. 同时在厌氧发酵过程中,腐殖化程度的高低是一个重要的评判标准. 目前由于光谱技术的快速发展,傅里叶红外光谱技术(FTIR)已成为分析厌氧发酵过程中有机物和腐殖质含量变化的常规技术,主要归功于其所需样品量少,测样速度快,灵敏度高等特点. 李轶等[13]就采用FTIR研究猪粪厌氧发酵沼渣中的光谱特性,FTIR可以有效反映猪粪厌氧发酵后的腐殖化程度.
Effect of adding humic acid on the passivation of copper and zinc during anaerobic digestion of pig manure/corn stover
摘要: 针对畜禽饲料添加蓝矾或称胆矾(CuSO4·5H2O)、皓矾(ZnSO4·7H2O)等重金属化合物,引起畜禽粪便重金属污染风险,本研究通过构建以猪粪/玉米秸秆为发酵原料、腐殖酸为钝化剂的发酵系统,考察添加腐殖酸对猪粪/玉米秸秆厌氧发酵过程中产气量、重金属(Cu、Zn)形态变化及沼渣光谱特性的影响. 结果表明,添加的腐殖酸对猪粪/玉米秸秆厌氧发酵产气具有显著促进作用,添加腐殖酸样本组(编号:F1、F2、F3)较未添加组(编号:CK)的累积产气量分别提高了19.81%、28.44%、50.25%;通过BCR提取法分析沼渣中的Cu、Zn形态动态变化,显示添加腐殖酸有利于Cu、Zn的有效态向稳定态转化,F3中Cu、Zn有效态转化为稳定态的效果最佳;显著性分析表明F3中Cu、Zn的钝化效果最佳,Cu、Zn的钝化效果分别为58.72%、17.95%,显著优于其他处理组;腐殖酸对Cu的钝化效果整体优于Zn;FTIR结果显示,厌氧发酵后各处理组沼渣中碳水化合物、脂肪族化合物等有机物分解、减少,芳香族化合物等腐殖质含量增多,且F3中腐殖化程度最高. 因此添加适量腐殖酸有利于降低Cu、Zn的生物有效性,提高腐殖化程度,可为降低猪粪中重金属Cu、Zn有效性、降低重金属污染风险和提高发酵质量提供技术指导.Abstract: The introduction of heavy metal compounds, such as blue vitriol (CuSO4·5H2O) and halo alum (ZnSO4·7H2O), in the livestock and poultry feeds could bring heavy metal pollution risk from livestock manure. This study established an anaerobic digestion system using pig manure/corn stalk and humic acid as fermentation raw materials and the passivator respectively. Effects of adding humic acid on the gas production, state transformation of heavy metals (Cu, Zn) and the spectral characteristics of the biogas residue were examined. The results show that the addition of humic acid can promote significantly gas production during the anaerobic digestion of pig manure/corn stover. The sample group with humic acid (serial number: F1, F2, F3) increased by 19.81%, 28.44%, and 50.25% comparing with the group without humic acid (serial number: CK). The state transformation of Cu and Zn is analyzed by BCR extraction method, adding humic acid is beneficial to the conversion of Cu and Zn from effective state to stable state, and conversion ratios of Cu and Zn from effective state to the stable state in F3 is maximum. Significance analysis shows that Cu and Zn have the best passivation effects in F3. 58.72% and 17.95% of Cu and Zn are passivated, the passivation of Cu by humic acid is better than Zn. FTIR results showed that organic matter in the biogas residue of each treatment group, such as carbohydrates and aliphatic compounds, decomposed accompanying with the increase in the content of humus such as aromatic compounds, and the degree of humification in F3 was the highest. Therefore, adding an appropriate amount of humic acid is beneficial to reduce the bioavailability of Cu and Zn and promote the humification degree. This study can provide technical guidance for reducing the effectiveness and pollution risk of Cu and Zn in pig manure and improving anaerobic digestion efficiency.
Key words:
- Pig manure /
- anaerobic digestion /
- heavy metal state /
- humic acid /
表 1 猪粪/玉米秸秆主要成分
Table 1. Main components of pig manure/corn stover
Water content总有机碳含量/%
Total organic carbon content总氮含量/%
Total nitrogen contentC/N Cu含量/(mg·kg−1)
Cu contentZn含量/(mg·kg−1)
Zn content猪粪 79.84 9.20 0.59 15.59 254.17 1039.83 玉米秸秆 4.45 15.13 0.36 42.03 ND ND 注:ND表示未检出. ND means not detected. 表 2 实验处理组
Table 2. Experimental treatment groups
Serial number处理组
Treatment groupCK 猪粪+玉米秸秆 F1 猪粪+玉米秸秆+2.5%腐殖酸 F2 猪粪+玉米秸秆+5.0%腐殖酸 F3 猪粪+玉米秸秆+7.5%腐殖酸 表 3 FTIR特征吸收带归属
Table 3. Assignment of characteristic absorption bands of FTIR
波数/ cm−1
Vibration peak基团
Group3408—3450 O—H 碳水化合物、酰胺化合物、蛋白质、水 2850—2922 C—H 碳水化合物、脂肪族化合物的亚甲基 1600—1653 C=O、—COO—、C=C、N—H 羧酸盐、烯烃、酯类、酰胺类、芳香族 1400—1430 C—O、—COO—、—OH、—CH2 木质素、脂肪族化合物、羧酸盐 1105—1160 C—O—C、C—O、C—N 糖类、脂肪族化合物、氨基酸盐 表 4 各处理组的特征参数比值
Table 4. The ratio of characteristic parameters of each treatment group
Treatment group时间
Aromatic carbon /
Carbohydrate carbonB芳香族碳/脂肪族碳
Aromatic carbon /
Aliphatic carbonC芳香族碳/羧酸碳
Aromatic carbon /
Carboxylic carbonD芳香族碳/多糖碳
Aromatic carbon /
Polysaccharide carbon猪粪/玉米秸秆 未发酵 1.035 0.933 0.950 1.031 CK 发酵后 1.037 0.951 0.982 1.064 F1 发酵后 1.046 0.988 1.014 1.065 F2 发酵后 1.049 1.002 1.027 1.085 F3 发酵后 1.144 1.012 1.028 1.136 -
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