医院是提供疾病诊疗、护理和康复等医疗服务的重要场所,在增进人类健康福祉和促进医学水平提升中发挥了关键作用. 据中国2020年卫生健康事业发展统计公报显示,全国医院数量近35万个,床位910万张[1]. 大中小型医院日耗水量分别为每床650—800、500—600、350—400 L·d−1 [2],每天产生大量含特殊污染物的医疗废水,其中含有 Cd、Cu、Ni、Hg和Sn等重金属、抗生素、消毒剂和病原微生物等[3],COD和BOD 含量分别为450—2300 mg·L−1和150—603 mg·L−1,高出市政污水2—3倍[4]. 而医疗废水中溶解性有机物(dissolved organic matter, DOM)成分复杂、结构多样、不易降解和矿化[5]. DOM的含量及组成既增加医疗废水的处理难度,也直接影响出水水质,对水生生态环境构成潜在威胁[6]. 此外,DOM多种活性组分如多糖、蛋白质和木质素等对重金属、病毒微生物和抗生素等污染物的迁移转化和生态风险有着重要的调控作用[7-8]. 部分国家医疗废水未经处理直接排放被认为是水环境中有毒有害元素输入的主要来源[9]. 在我国,医疗废水须处理达标后进入市政污水处理厂二次处理,以提高医疗废水的可生物降解性,避免致病微生物、耐抗生素细菌的传播.
长期以来,人类活动产生的生活废水、垃圾渗滤液以及畜禽养殖等废水中的DOM受到关注[10-12]. 而医疗废水中DOM的研究报道多集中于利用荧光光谱(excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy, EEMs)对处理工艺的效果进行监测与评价. Khongnakorn等[13]利用EEMs评价了陶瓷光催化薄膜反应器处理医疗废水的效果,发现医疗废水DOM组分主要为类酪氨酸、类色氨酸、类腐殖酸和类富里酸. Tang等[14]采用臭氧氧化降解医疗废水经生物处理后出水中的药物和毒性,研究表明有机物荧光强度与废水中的药物浓度呈正相关,T1峰(λEx/λEm=275 nm/340 nm)与药物浓度的关系最为密切,可以作为废水中药物去除效果的替代物. Ouardadeng等[15]则利用紫外-可见光谱(UV-visible spectroscopy, UV-vis)和荧光光谱研究电化学氧化法处理医疗废水残留药物,认为254 nm的吸光度和总荧光强度可作为医疗废水残留药物监测的替代参数.
紫外-可见光谱、三维荧光光谱和傅里叶变换红外光谱(fourier transform infrared spectrometer, FTIR)具有使用方便、响应速度快、成本低、灵敏度高和分辨率高等优点[16-17],已成为DOM含量、组分和结构等特性表征的重要手段[18-20]. 平行因子分析(parallel factor analysis, PARAFAC)可有效解析DOM重叠的三维荧光光谱和量化荧光组分[21],本研究基于紫外可见吸收、三维荧光以及红外光谱表征手段与平行因子分析,对医疗废水处理前后DOM组分、含量和结构进行表征,可增进医疗废水DOM光谱特征的认识,对开展医疗废水的光谱监测和水环境保护具有十分重要的现实意义.
Spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter in medical wastewater before and after treatment
摘要: 医院诊疗过程中产生大量富含溶解性有机物(DOM)的医疗废水,DOM会影响医疗废水的处理效率和出水水质. 本研究利用紫外可见吸收、三维荧光以及红外光谱技术分析了14家医疗废水处理前后DOM的光谱特征. 结果表明,医疗废水DOM的荧光组分由类蛋白质(类色氨酸C1和类酪氨酸C4)及类腐殖质(C2和C3)两大类组成,结构性质相似,多为含O—H、N—H、C═O、C—H、C—OH、C—O和C—O—C等官能团的苯酚类、醇类、苯胺类、脂类、芳香类有机物及氯等物质. DOM自生源性较强,腐殖化程度低,腐殖质来源于生物源和非生物源. 处理后DOM结构未出现明显变化,不饱和程度略有降低,苯环C骨架的聚合度和腐殖化程度增加. DOM的去除以类蛋白质为主,总荧光强度由13.29—75.17 R.U.降至0.98—33.73 R.U.. 类腐殖质C2和C3去除效果相对较低,其去除与3440—3350 cm−1、1421—1387 cm−1和703—599 cm−1波段范围含O—H、N—H,C—H和C—OH以及苯环等官能团的有机物有关. 而临床使用的抗菌药物载体AgNPs在医疗废水中不易被降解去除.Abstract: The hospital diagnosis and treatment process produce a large amount of medical wastewater (MW). These kinds of wastewaters are rich in dissolved organic matter (DOM), which can affect the efficiency and effluent quality of MW treatment. In this study, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMs), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to analyze the spectral characteristics of DOM in MW before and after treatment from 14 hospitals. The results show that fluorescent components of DOM are composed of protein-like (tryptophan-like C1 and tyrosine-like C4) and humic-like (C2 and C3) with similar structural properties, mostly containing phenols, alcohols, anilines, lipids, aromatic organics, and chlorine with functional groups such as O—H, N—H, C═O, C—H, C—OH, C—O, and C—O—C. The DOM is highly authigenic and has a low degree of humification. Both allochthonous and autochthonous sources are contributed to humic substances. The structure of DOM does not change significantly after treatment, the degree of unsaturation decreases slightly, while the degree of polymerization of benzene ring C skeleton and humification increases. The removal of DOM is mainly protein-like. The total fluorescence intensity decreased from 13.29—75.17 R.U. to 0.98—33.73 R.U.. The removal rate of humic-like substances(C2 and C3) are relatively low and related to the organic matters with functional groups O—H, N—H, C—H and C—OH and benzene rings in the bands 3440—3350 cm−1, 1421—1387 cm−1, and 703—599 cm−1. Respectively, AgNPs, as clinically used antimicrobial drug carriers, are not easily removed by degradation in medical wastewater.
表 1 紫外光谱和荧光光谱相关参数及其指示意义
Table 1. The summary and implications of ultraviolet and fluorescence spectra index
Spectral type光谱参数
Spectral parameters参数定义
Parameter definition指示意义
Indicative meaningUV-vis A254 254 nm处的紫外吸光度 表征DOM的不饱和程度[23] E2/E3 250 nm和365 nm处的紫外吸光度之比 反应DOM相对分子质量大小[24] E2/E4 254 nm和436 nm处的紫外吸光度之比 表征DOM的芳香性[25] E4/E6 465 nm和665 nm处的紫外吸光度之比 表征DOM聚合程度[26] EEMs FI Ex=370 nm时,Em在470 nm与520 nm处的荧光强度比值 判断DOM腐殖质来源[27] HIX Ex为250 nm时,Em在435—480 nm以及300—345 nm间荧光峰值面积之比 表示DOM腐殖化程度[28] BIX Ex为310 nm时,Em在380 nm和430 nm处荧光强度的比值 反应DOM的自生源特性[29] 表 2 医疗废水DOM的荧光组分特征
Table 2. Characteristics of fluorescent components of DOM in medical wastewater
ComponentsλEx/λEm /nm 物质
Before and after前
AfterC1 278/352 278/354 287/336* 类色氨酸 280/354[51] C2 281,362/463 278,368/461 260,362/458 类腐殖质 260(345)/476[52] C3 <251,320/404 <251,314/413 251,314/415 类腐殖质 < 250(320)/410[53] C4 272/297 272/297 272/311 类酪氨酸 270/302[54] *.出水C1组分 (λEx/λEm=287 nm/ 494 nm和λEx/λEm=413 nm/ 500 nm)为类腐殖质,本表标注 (λEx/λEm = 287 nm/336 nm)为类色氨酸.
*. Component C1 (λEx/λEm = 287 nm/494 nm and λEx/λEm = 413 nm/500 nm) is humic-like in effluent, while (λEx/λEm = 287 nm/336 nm) is tryptophan-like and labeled.表 3 医疗废水处理前后DOM荧光强度变化与红外光谱特征峰变化的相关性
Table 3. Correlations between change of DOM fluorescence intensity and infrared spectrum before and after treatment of medical wastewater
ΔT3440—3350 ΔT1421—1387 ΔT1146—1044 ΔT1649—1630 ΔT866—830 ΔT703—599 ΔC1 0.30 0.40 0.41 0.30 0.44 0.52 ΔC2 0.60* 0.56* 0.53 0.33 0.31 0.63* ΔC3 0.55* 0.59* 0.59* 0.29 0.39 0.64* ΔC4 0.20 0.19 0.24 0.21 0.22 0.35 -
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