${\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - } $ 、${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ 和${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ (SNA)离子为主。SNA的形成包括均相和非均相反应,例如${\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - } $ 由大气中的SO2在TMI催化下与O2反应或经OH或HO2自由基氧化转变为SO3,这是气相均相反应,SO3与H2O反应形成H2SO4,并与NH3反应形成(NH4)2SO4或NH4HSO4颗粒,这是气-液相非均相反应。$ {\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ 是由NO2主要经过两大氧化途径形成:(1)NO2被OH氧化形成HNO3(白天途径);(2)N2O5水解反应形成HNO3(夜间途径)(这个夜间途径也包括NO3被HC有机质氧化反应,通常占比较少[6]),生成的HNO3与NH3或其他离子反应形成硝酸盐颗粒。这些反应过程不但受大气中SO2、NO2和NH3浓度的影响,也受地形、风向风速、气温、湿度等气象条件的影响[7],导致不同地区气溶胶形成的机制不同。作为灰霾形成的关键污染物,PM2.5的来源复杂,包括化石燃料燃烧、生物质燃烧和建筑扬尘等[8],区域特征明显并且季节性变化较强[9]。因此,分析PM2.5的水溶性无机离子组成特征及其排放源不但对制订相应的减排计划、降低排放的负面环境效应至关重要,而且对更好地理解全球大气传输也有重要意义。中国中部地区包括江西、湖南和湖北,两两相连,以南昌、长沙、武汉为省会城市,呈三角形态分布,地处长江中下游,水陆交通发达,城市人口密集,能源消耗、工业生产和机动车辆等都是重要经济支撑。中部地区属亚热带季风气候,秋季温暖,冬季寒冷。我国南北气候、工业分布等差别很大,空气污染研究多聚集在京津冀、长三角和珠三角城市,对华中城市系统研究相对较少。本研究以南昌市为主要采样点,通过持续6个月的秋冬季(2017.09—2018.02)的日采样,采用化学计量法、同位素方法、PMF溯源及气团后向轨迹分析等方法,分析南昌市秋、冬季大气PM2.5及其水溶性无机离子的化学特征及其来源,并在典型的秋季(10月)和冬季(1月)同步采集另两个中部省会城市(长沙和武汉)的PM2.5日样品,对比分析3个中心城市水溶性离子的化学组成特征及其来源,以期对中部城市大气污染的区域传输研究提供一定的理论支撑。
Chemical characteristics and sources of PM2.5 and water-soluble ions in autumn and winter in central China
摘要: PM2.5是影响空气质量、引发灰霾污染发生的关键污染物。本研究以南昌为主要采样对象,分析了南昌市2017—1018年秋、冬季PM2.5和水溶性无机离子(WSIIs)的化学组成及其来源,并同时期采样和对比分析了中部城市(武汉和长沙)秋冬季(10月和1月)PM2.5及WSIIs化学特征及其来源。结果表明,南昌市采样期间WSIIs平均占PM2.5质量浓度的60%以上,PM2.5和WSIIs组成在秋、冬季差别明显,在秋季,PM2.5为(22.5±9.1)μg∙m−3,空气质量较清洁,以
${{\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - }} $ 为WSIIs中最高含量的组成离子;${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - } $ 的氧同位素(δ18O)值为+72.2‰±5.5‰,贝叶斯同位素混合模型表明${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - }$ 以OH氧化为主要生成路径(占比54%,N2O5水解路径占比46%);以${{\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - }} $ 和过量的${{\rm{NH}}_4^ +} $ 作比较表明秋季一般亏损${{\rm{NH}}_4^ +} $ 。而在冬季,PM2.5和WSIIs浓度水平比秋季有较大提高,分别为(57.6±20.9)μg∙m−3和(47.2±16.2)μg∙m−3,冬季以${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - } $ 为WSIIs的最高含量组成离子,δ18O-${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - } $ 值明显提高为+86.1%±5.1‰,${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - } $ 以N2O5水解为主要生成路径(占比为75%);${{\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - }} $ 和过量的${{\rm{NH}}_4^ + } $ 作比较表明富${{\rm{NH}}_4^ +} $ ,冬季${{\rm{NO}}_3^ -} $ 的快速增长和${{\rm{NH}}_4^ + } $ 富余是PM2.5浓度增加的重要驱动因素。基于PMF和后向轨迹分析,气团在中部城市的环流是三大城市PM2.5和SNA共同污染的重要因素,说明中部城市的大气污染区域效应明显,尤其是在冬季。南昌秋季PM2.5主要由二次源和扬尘贡献(共占78%),冬季主要由二次源和工业贡献(共占69%)。武汉和长沙PM2.5秋冬季都以二次源和工业贡献为主。Abstract: PM2.5 is the main pollutant of air quality, and haze weather often occurs in autumn and winter. Water-soluble ions are the main components accounting for more than 60% of PM2.5. In this study, the chemical characteristics and sources of PM2.5 and water-soluble ions (WSIIs) in autumn and winter during 2017—2018 were compared and analyzed using a variety of chemical and statistical methods during Nanchang, Wuhan and Changsha cities. The results showed that the composition of PM2.5 and WSIIs in Nanchang was significantly different in autumn and winter. The air was cleaner in autumn, with${\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - } $ as the primary ion of WSIIs, and the mean value of δ18O-${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ was +72.2‰±5.5‰. Based on bayesian isotope mixing model, the main formation path of${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ was OH oxidation accounting for 54%, and compared${\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - } $ and excess${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ ,${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ was poor in autumn. In winter, PM2.5 and WSIIs were (57.6±20.9) μg∙m−3 and (47.2±16.2) μg∙m−3,respectively.${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ was the primary ion of WSIIs, and the mean value of δ18O-${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ was +86.1‰±5.1‰.${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ was mainly generated by the hydrolysis of N2O5, which accounted for 75%, and${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ was excess. The rapid increase of${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ and excess${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ are the driving factors for the increase of PM2.5 concentration in winter. The concentrations of${\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - } $ in autumn and winter are mainly controlled by SO2 and SOR, while the concentrations of${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ are not only controlled by NO2, NOR and formation pathway, but also influenced by temperature. Based on PMF and backward trajectory analysis, the circulation of air mass in the central cities is an important factor for the co-pollution of PM2.5 and SNA in the three cities, which also indicates that the regional effect of air pollution in the central cities is obvious, especially in winter. In autumn, the PM2.5 in Nanchang was mainly contributed by biomass combustion and dust (78%), and in winter, it was mainly contributed by industrial and vehicle exhaust (69%).In Wuhan and Changsha, the main contribution of PM2.5 in autumn and winter was from industrial and vehicle exhaust.-
Key words:
- water-soluble ions /
- source apportionment /
- oxygen isotope /
- PMF /
- backward trajectory
表 1 中部城市PM2.5及WSIIs在10月和1月的比较(均值)
Table 1. The comparison of PM2.5 and WSIIs in October and January in central China
SitePM2.5/(μg∙m−3) 风速/(m·s−1)
TO3/(μg∙m−3) CO/(mg∙m−3) SO2/(μg∙m−3) NO2/(μg∙m−3) 南昌 10月 23.8 2.2 72 19.8 82 0.67 10 20 长沙 51.4 3.5 82 17.2 47 0.73 13 37 武汉 33.7 1.7 87 16.6 48 1.05 8 34 南昌 1月 55.8 1.6 70 5.8 47 1.18 14 41 长沙 88.5 2.9 80 3.3 30 1.02 11 44 武汉 76.9 1.9 82 2.2 34 1.13 10 45 地点
Site /(μg∙m−3)${\rm{NO}}_3^ - $ /(μg∙m−3)${\rm{SO}}_4^{2 - } $ /(μg∙m−3)${\rm{NH}}_4^ + $ NOR SOR Cl−/(μg∙m−3) K+/(μg∙m−3) Ca2+/(μg∙m−3) 南昌 10月 7.7 10.3 5.0 0.22 0.42 0.4 0.7 1.0 长沙 10.0 11.7 6.4 0.17 0.38 0.5 0.7 0.9 武汉 9.1 9.7 5.2 0.17 0.42 0.5 0.4 0.9 南昌 1月 20.6 13.8 10.6 0.27 0.44 1.4 0.8 1.3 长沙 16.5 11.3 8.6 0.22 0.42 1.2 0.6 1.2 武汉 21.3 12.5 11.1 0.26 0.45 1.8 0.7 1.2 -
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