进入土壤后,一部分抗生素通过生物及非生物的作用被降解甚至矿化[5],另一部分抗生素母体及其转化产物则残留于土壤或土壤生物(植物、动物)中,其中部分残留在不破坏基质结构的前提下无法用有机溶剂提取出来,这部分残留为不可提取态残留(non-extractable residues, NERs)[6]。NERs的形成曾被认为是土壤应对外源污染物的一种解毒机制,当土壤环境条件变化时,NERs可能会被重新释放并带来风险[7]。然而,目前抗生素在土壤中形成NERs的机制及其生物可利用性尚不明确。本文旨在综述抗生素在土壤中的归趋,重点阐明NERs的形成、影响因素及其稳定性和生物可利用性,并对未来研究方向提出展望。
Fate and non-extractable residues of antibiotics in soil
摘要: 抗生素是近年来备受关注的一种新兴环境污染物,进入环境后会被降解或残留在环境介质和环境生物体内。在土壤中形成不可提取态残留(NERs)是抗生素重要的环境归趋,然而有关土壤中抗生素NERs形成机理和环境风险的研究尚处于起步阶段。NERs的形成能在一定程度上降低抗生素的环境危害,但当土壤环境条件改变时NERs仍有重新释放的潜在风险。本文在综述环境中抗生素的污染来源、浓度和风险的基础上,总结了土壤中抗生素的归趋,讨论了 NERs的形成机理及影响因素、稳定性和生物可利用性,并指出了环境中抗生素的归趋尤其是NERs的研究中尚存在的科学问题。未来研究中应关注土壤生物活动对抗生素NERs形成的影响,以及非靶向生物内的抗生素转化,建立标准化的NERs分析方法,为全面揭示土壤中抗生素的归趋、准确评估抗生素的环境风险提供理论和技术支撑。Abstract: Recently antibiotics receive extensive attention as emerging organic contaminants. They are either degraded or remained in environmental matrices after entering the environment. Formation of non-extractable residues (NERs) is the key fate of antibiotics in the soil environment, which reduces environmental risks of antibiotics. However, NERs are very likely to release and become extractable in the soil when the soil conditions change and related research is still in its infancy. Here, we reviewed sources, concentrations, and environmental risks of various antibiotics in the environment, and summarized the fate of antibiotics in soil. The formation mechanism and influencing factors of NERs as well as their stability and bioavailability were discussed. Finally, challenges were proposed for studies on fate of antibiotics and especially their NERs in soil, including impact of organisms on the formation of NERs, fate of antibiotics in non-target organisms, standardization of NER extraction methods and qualification of NER formation and release. This review helps for comprehensive understanding of fate of antibiotics in soil, which provides theoretical and technical supports for evaluation of environmental risks of antibiotics.
Key words:
- antibiotics /
- soil /
- organisms /
- fate /
- non-extractable residues /
- environmental risks
图 1 环境中抗生素污染的主要来源,其中土壤是抗生素重要的汇[8]
Figure 1. Major sources of antibiotic pollution in the environment, among which soil is a crucial sink of the antibiotics
表 1 常用四类抗生素在不同环境介质中的检测浓度水平
Table 1. Concentrations of four commonly used classes of antibiotics in environmental matrices
Environment matrices地表水/(ng·L−1)
Surface water地下水/(ng·L−1)
Soil喹诺酮类 广谱性抗菌药物,常用于革兰阴性细菌感染的治疗[28] 环丙沙星 ND−390 [29-31] ND−43[15, 32-33] ND−652[34-36] 诺氟沙星 ND−253[29- 30, 37] ND−1900[32, 33, 38] ND−288[34-36] 恩诺沙星 ND−70[30, 32, 39] ND−42[32, 33, 38] ND−167[34-36] 氧氟沙星 ND−633[9, 29- 30] ND−8[15, 32, 37] ND−113[15, 35, 40] 磺胺类 广谱性抗菌药物,可用于治疗各种细菌性感染的疾病[41] 磺胺甲恶唑 ND−1484[9, 30, 42] ND−1110[27, 33, 43] ND−55[15, 35, 44] 磺胺嘧啶 ND−170[9, 42, 45] ND−54[32, 33, 43] ND−86[35, 40, 44] 磺胺二甲嘧啶 ND−940[30, 42, 46] ND−616[32, 33, 43] ND−1688[40, 44, 47] 大环内酯类 治疗革兰阳性菌感染,畜禽支原体感染的预防和治疗[48] 罗红霉素 ND−741[9, 30, 42] ND−11[33, 37] ND−6[49-50] 红霉素 ND−2834[9, 30, 42] ND−2380[33, 37, 43] ND−4[40, 50- 51] 四环素类 治疗革兰阳性菌
感染[48]四环素 ND−130[9, 30, 46] ND−115[15, 32-33] ND−105[15, 40, 44] 土霉素 ND−1210[31, 42, 46] ND−29[15, 32-33] ND−3683[15, 40, 44] 金霉素 ND−122[30, 32] ND−87[15, 32-33] ND−12900[15, 40, 44] 注:ND,未检出;not detected. 表 2 抗生素在土壤中形成NERs的量
Table 2. The amount of antibiotic NERs formed in soil
Soil type培养时间/d
Incubation time提取方法
Extraction methodNERs形成量/%
The amount of NERs磺胺甲恶唑 砂壤土 156 环糊精、乙腈、NaOH、Mc Ilvaine缓冲溶液3次提取,离心前超声2次 50[56] 环丙沙星 砂壤土 156 同上 72.2—77.6[56] 沙拉沙星 壤土 66 1∶1(V∶V) 的乙腈和水萃取 63[79] 粉壤土 66 22[79] 砂壤土 66 14[79] 磺胺甲恶唑 添加10%生物固体(biosolid) 84 60/40(V/V)乙酸乙酯/甲醇萃取2次 81[87] 未添加生物固体 84 37[87] N-乙酰基磺胺
甲恶唑添加粪肥和污泥 156 环糊精、乙腈、NaOH、Mc Ilvaine缓冲溶液3次提取,离心前超声2次 56–60[56] 未添加改良剂 156 50[56] -
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