Pollution assessment and source analysis of heavy metals and nutrients in surface sediments of Jinan section of Xiaoqing River
摘要: 本文分析评价了小清河济南段干流29个点位表层沉积物中有机碳、总氮、总磷以及8种重金属空间分布和风险特征,解析了重金属和营养盐污染来源。结果表明,8种重金属中,Hg未检出,7种重金属平均含量由高到低依次为,Zn>Cr>Cu>Pb>Ni>As>Cd;与《土壤环境质量——农用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》(GB 15618—2018)中风险筛选值(pH>7.5)为标准值比较,Zn和Cd两种重金属平均含量超标,其他5种重金属平均含量未超标;各重金属平均含量均高于背景值。地累积指数评价结果为Zn和Cd为偏中度污染,Cu、Pb、Cr为轻度污染,Ni和As为无污染。潜在生态风险为中度风险,其中Cd为较重风险,其他重金属均为低风险。Cd是综合生态危害指数构成的最主要的金属。有机氮和有机指数均为清洁水平。TN含量水平较低,TP污染水平较高。推测沉积物中Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn主要来源为工业源和城市交通源,营养物主要来源为城市生活源。因此,本研究可为开展小清河济南段环境管理的重金属和营养物的污染防治工作提供技术支撑。Abstract: The spatial distribution and risk characteristics were analyzed including organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and eight heavy metals of the surface sediments located 29 sites along the main stream of Xiaoqing River Jinan section. The results showed that among the 8 heavy metals, Hg was lower than detection limit, and the average content of other heavy metals was from high to low as Zn > Cr > Cu > Pb > Ni > As > Cd. Compared with the value under pH > 7.5 in Soil Environmental Quality---Risk Control Standard for Soil contamination of Agricultural Land (GB 15618—2018), the average content of each heavy metal was all higher than the background value, meanwhile, Zn and Cd exceeded the standard. The geoaccumulation index indicated that Zn and Cd were moderately polluted, Cu, Pb and Cr were slightly polluted, and Ni and As were non-polluted. Thus, the potential ecological risk was moderate, in which Cd was heavier and other heavy metals were low. Cd was the most important metal in the comprehensive ecological hazard index. Organic nitrogen and organic index were clean level. TN concentration was low, but TP pollution was high. It was speculated that Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn in the sediments were mainly from industrial sources and urban traffic sources, while nutrients were mainly from urban life. Therefore, it could provide technical support for the pollution control of heavy metals and nutrients in water environment of Jinan section of Xiaoqing River.
Key words:
- Xiaoqing River /
- heavy metal pollution /
- nutrients /
- risk assessment /
- source analysis
表 1 监测点位描述汇总表
Table 1. Summary of monitoring point location descriptions
Sampling point经纬度
Longitude and latitude描述
Sampling point经纬度
Longitude and latitude描述
Description1 N 36° 39′47.000″
E 116° 49′54.000″睦里庄(源头点) 16 N 36° 42′17.390″
E 117° 02′59.226″二环东路 2 N 36° 41′01.451″
E 116° 50′52.001″位里庄 17 N 36° 43′15.635″
E 117° 04′46.464″华山大沟入河口
下游100 m处3 N 36° 41′23.687″
E 116° 52′26.551″京福高速 18 N 36° 43′35.377″
E 117° 05′00.953″洪园闸上游50 m 4 N 36° 41′31.866″
E 116° 54′17.770″腊山河入河口下游100 m处 19 N 36° 44′03.619″
E 117° 05′39.714″大辛河入河口
下游100 m处5 N 36° 41′25.440″
E 116° 56′08.250″兴济河入河口下游100 m处 20 N 36° 45′36.472″
E 117° 07′08.243″赵王河入河口
下游100 m处6 N 36° 41′47.807″
E 116° 57′51.413″曹家圈虹吸干渠入河口
下游100 m处21 N 36° 46′30.729″
E 117° 09′10.645″龙脊河入河口
下游100 m处7 N 36° 41′42.883″
E 116° 56′58.767″北太平河入河口
下游100 m处22 N 36° 46′39.428″
E 117°10′31.959″石河入河口
下游100 m处8 N 36° 42′11.555″
E 116° 59′25.358″西工商河入河口
下游100 m处23 N 36° 48′39.387″
E 117° 12′16.540″机场路桥以东 9 N 36° 42′09.301″
E 117° 00′12.431″东工商河入河口
下游100 m处24 N 36° 48′51.156″
E 117° 13′1.546″临港污水厂排口
下游100 m处10 N 36° 42′06.205″
E 117° 00′41.321″生产路桥东南侧溢流口
下游50 m25 N 36° 49′05.874″
E 117° 13′54.317″巨野河入河口
下游100 m处11 N 36° 42′09.403″
E 117° 00′57.185″裕兴东沟下游50 m 26 N 36° 51′23.861″
E 117° 15′44.303″柴村闸 12 N 36° 42′05.031″
E 117° 01′06.960″西泺河入河口下游100 m处 27 N 36° 53′03.502″
E 117° 19′08.809″梨珩大桥 13 N 36° 42′02.383″
E 117° 01′48.059″东泺河入河口下游100 m处 28 N 36° 54′35.216″
E 117° 21′37.362″S321省道 14 N 36° 42′01.283″
E 117° 02′21.974″柳行河入河口下游100 m处 29 N 36° 56′39.950″
E 117° 23′38.654″辛丰庄(出境断面) 15 N 36° 42′08.551″
E 117° 02′50.308″全福河入河口下游100 m处 表 2 各重金属监测方法汇总表
Table 2. Summary of methods for monitoring heavy metals
Analysis method最低检出限
Minimum detection limit检测仪器
Detection instrumentCu 高分辨率电感耦合等离子体质谱法(HR-ICP-AES) 0.003 μg·L− 1 SPECTRO ARCOS EOP Pb 高分辨率电感耦合等离子体质谱法(HR-ICP-AES) 0.001 μg·L− 1 SPECTRO ARCOS EOP Zn 高分辨率电感耦合等离子体质谱法(HR-ICP-AES) 0.003 μg·L− 1 SPECTRO ARCOS EOP Hg 高分辨率电感耦合等离子体质谱法(HR-ICP-AES) 0.001 μg·L− 1 SPECTRO ARCOS EOP Ni 高分辨率电感耦合等离子体质谱法(HR-ICP-AES) 0.005 μg·L− 1 SPECTRO ARCOS EOP As 原子荧光法(HJ 694-2014) 0.03 μg·L− 1 PF52原子荧光光度计 Cd 高分辨率电感耦合等离子体质谱法(HR-ICP-AES) 0.003 μg·L− 1 SPECTRO ARCOS EOP Cr 高分辨率电感耦合等离子体质谱法(HR-ICP-AES) 0.02 μg·L− 1 SPECTRO ARCOS EOP TOC 元素分析仪测定法 0.01 mg·kg− 1 元素分析仪 TN 碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法 0.05 mg·kg− 1 TU-19紫外可见光光度计 TP 微波消解ICP-AES法 0.01 mg·kg− 1 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱 表 3 地累积指数污染分级表
Table 3.
pollution classification table$ {I}_{\mathrm{g}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{o}} $ 污染程度
Contamination degree无污染
No pollution轻度污染
Light pollution偏中度污染
Moderate pollution中度污染
More than moderate pollution偏重污染
Heavy pollution重度污染
More than heavy pollution严重污染
Severe pollution级别Degree 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 $ {I}_{\mathrm{g}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{o}} $ ≤0 (0,1] (1,2] (2,3] (3,4] (4,5] >5 表 4 沉积物中重金属背景值和毒性系数
Table 4. Background values and toxicity coefficients of heavy metals in sediments
Cu Pb Zn Hg Ni As Cd Cr $ {C}_{\mathrm{n}}^{i}1 $ 24.0 23.6 68 0.030 29.2 10.0 0.150 72.8 $ {C}_{\mathrm{n}}^{i}2 $ 18.45 23.18 57.87 0.019 27.21 8.79 0.047 52.75 $ {T}_{\mathrm{r}}^{i} $ 5 5 1 30 5 10 30 2 表 5 沉积物重金属污染程度和潜在生态风险指数划分标准
Table 5. Standards for classification of heavy metal pollution degree and potential ecological risk index in sediments
生态风险水平 $ {E}_{r}^{i} $ 总生态风险水平 $ \mathrm{R}\mathrm{I} $ 低Light <40 低度Light <150 中Medium [40,80) 中度Medium [150,300) 较重Strong [80,160) 重度Strong [300,600) 重Very strong [160,320) 严重Extremely strong ≥600 严重 Extremely strong ≥320 表 6 沉积物有机指数与有机氮评价标准
Table 6. Sediment evaluation standards by organic index and organic nitrogen
Organic index描述
Organic nitrogen描述
Level<0.05 清洁 Clean Ⅰ <0.033 清洁 Clean Ⅰ [0.05,0.20) 较清洁 Comparative clean Ⅱ [0.033,0.066) 较清洁 Comparative clean Ⅱ [0.20,0.50) 尚清洁 Still clean Ⅲ [0.066,0.133) 尚清洁 Still clean Ⅲ ≥0.50 有机污染 Organic pollution Ⅳ ≥0.133 有机氮污染 Organic nitrogen pollution Ⅳ 表 7 各金属含量描述性统计
Table 7. Descriptive Statistics of Metal Contents
极小值/ (mg·kg−1)
Minimum极大值/ (mg·kg−1)
Maximum均值/ (mg·kg−1)
Mean value标准差/ (mg·kg−1)
Standard deviation/变异系数/%
Coefficient of variation /$ {C}_{\mathrm{n}}^{i}1 $
(mg·kg−1) /$ {C}_{\mathrm{n}}^{i}2 $
(mg·kg−1)风险筛选值(pH>7.5)/ (mg·kg−1)
Risk screening valuesAs 7.15 22.15 11.10 3.41 30.69 10 8.79 25 Cd 0.09 1.31 0.62 0.25 40.58 0.15 0.047 0.6 Cr 54.60 878.17 171.61 163.00 94.98 72.8 52.75 250 Cu 20.33 116.75 62.77 24.38 38.84 24 18.45 100 Ni 21.73 41.52 31.99 4.66 14.56 29.2 27.21 190 Pb 23.84 136.32 49.06 20.96 42.72 23.6 23.18 170 Zn 91.22 701.89 314.24 137.59 43.78 68 57.87 300 表 8 3类点位各金属均值
Table 8. Mean value of each metal at three types of points
As Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn A类 8.49 0.22 58.21 23.37 24.82 26.72 113.95 B类 10.50 0.67 132.40 68.65 33.08 47.31 323.77 C类 15.97 0.85 434.00 79.83 35.02 78.08 478.33 表 9 TOC、TN、TP含量描述性统计
Table 9. Descriptive Statistics of TOC,TN,TP
极小值/ (mg·g−1)
Minimum极大值/ (mg·g−1)
Maximum均值/ (mg·g−1)
Mean value标准差/ (mg·g−1)
Standard deviation变异系数/%
Coefficient of variationTOC 0.04 6.87 2.55 1.65 64.84 TN 0.04 0.98 0.36 0.22 61.99 TP 0.59 8.29 2.72 1.68 62.03 表 10 Pearson相关性分析
Table 10. Pearson correlation analysis
As Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn TOC TN TP As 1.000 0.680** 0.785** 0.638** 0.643** 0.756** 0.551** 0.27 0.21 0.411* Cd 1.000 0.645** 0.893** 0.696** 0.827** 0.762** 0.524** 0.459* 0.547** Cr 1.000 0.541** 0.427* 0.880** 0.420* 0.045 -0.139 0.088 Cu 1.000 0.759** 0.759** 0.714** 0.734** .614** 0.633** Ni 1.000 0.521** 0.556** 0.482** .464* 0.598** Pb 1.000 0.609** 0.299 0.091 0.213 Zn 1.000 0.461* 0.465* 0.602** TOC 1.000 .876** 0.686** TN 1.000 0.869** TP 1.000 ** P<0.01, *P<0.05. 表 11 沉积物重金属和营养物主成分分析的总方差解释
Table 11. Total variance of heavy metals and nutrients in sediments explained using principal component analysis
Initial eigenvalue提取平方和载入
Extract square sum load旋转平方和载入
Rotate square sum load合计
Accumulate1 6.021 60.213 6.021 60.213 4.397 43.969 2 2.219 82.407 2.219 82.407 3.844 82.407 3 0.528 87.689 4 0.471 92.404 5 0.357 95.978 6 0.174 97.721 7 0.110 98.818 8 0.053 99.346 9 0.041 99.761 10 0.024 100.000 表 12 沉积物各成分主成分分析的因子载荷矩阵
Table 12. Loadings of components in sediments based on principal component analysis
Component matrix旋转成份矩阵
Rotation component matrix成份1
Component 1成份2
Component 2成份1
Component 1成份2
Component 2As 0.773 −0.407 0.852 0.197 Cd 0.923 −0.152 0.798 0.488 Cr 0.616 −0.729 0.943 −0.149 Cu 0.951 0.044 0.691 0.655 Ni 0.803 0.026 0.591 0.544 Pb 0.784 −0.545 0.949 0.100 Zn 0.803 0.011 0.601 0.533 TOC 0.687 0.575 0.144 0.884 TN 0.624 0.753 −0.020 0.978 TP 0.722 0.548 0.188 0.887 提取方法: 主成份。旋转法: 具有Kaiser标准化的正交旋转法。旋转在3次迭代后收敛。 -
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