砷(As)是一种重要的非金属元素,其在自然界中广泛存在。砷可与肌体细胞中的酶结合,使酶失活造成代谢障碍[1]。自然界中的砷可通过食物链在水产品富集,和庆等研究发现,长江三角洲区域处于池塘养殖环境的水产品体内会存在Cd、Cr和As等重金属,养殖池塘内沉积物的重金属污染与其含量有较大关系[2]。严国等研究表明,海蟹的砷含量高富集,158个蟹类样品中含有0.37—35.81 mg·kg−1总砷[3]。所以人体摄入砷的主要途径之一为水产品的摄入[4-5]。水产品中的砷有砷酸根(arsenate,As(Ⅴ))、亚砷酸根(arsenite,As(Ⅲ))、一甲基砷(monomethyl arsenic acid,MMA)、二甲基砷(dimethyl arsenic acid,DMA)、砷甜菜碱(arsenobetaine,AsB)、砷胆碱(arsenocholine,AsC)、砷糖、砷脂等存在形式,其中As(Ⅴ)和As(Ⅲ)为无机砷,其他的为有机砷[6]。食品和环境中砷超标的情况时有发生,砷的总含量和存在形态决定其的生物毒性强弱,其中砷的存在形态占主要作用[7-9]。研究表明,砷元素在水产品种以AsB和砷糖的形式主要存在,其无毒或低毒[10]。所以,砷在环境中的现实残留状况一直是研究关注的热点。
目前砷形态分析大部分采用原子荧光光谱法、原子吸收光谱法、液相色谱与原子荧光光谱仪或电感耦合等离子体质谱仪联用等技术。与其它分析方法相比, 高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(HPLC-ICP-MS)具有灵敏性高,分离效果好的特点[14],可以对水产品中含有较低含量的砷进行形态分析。前处理方法是分析方法的关键,相关文献多采用低浓度酸[15-19]、甲醇-水[20-22]、甲醇-氯仿[23]等体系来提取目标物,但针对水产品中砷形态的提取报道较少,原因可能是水产品中的砷形态会随着提取方式的不同而发生改变。
Arsenic speciation analysis and edible safety evaluation of aquatic products in typical waters of Central Anhui
摘要: 本文建立了针对水产品中砷元素的不同形态分析的高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱法。前处理方法采用乙酸-水(1∶19,V/V)作为水产品中砷元素形态分析的提取试剂,15 mmol·L−1 NH4H2PO4作为流动相。5种砷形态化合物在2.5—200 µg·L−1范围内线性良好,相关系数(r)均在0.999以上。水产品中5种砷形态的检出限为0.020—0.045 mg·kg−1,加标回收率为78.0%—104.0%,相对标准偏差低于10%。将该方法用于检测皖中典型水域(长江和巢湖水域)水产品(草鱼、河虾、河蟹、鮰鱼)中砷形态化合物,结果显示,受检水产品以毒性较低的砷甜菜碱(AsB)形式为主,河虾和河蟹检出了高风险的无机砷,最高为0.151 mg·kg−1,鱼类未检出无机砷成分。春季的水产品砷含量略高于其他季节,长江水域的河虾和河蟹中无机砷略高于巢湖水域。安全性评价结果表明砷污染对于长江、巢湖水域河虾、河蟹食用风险性贡献很小。Abstract: A high performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) method for the analysis of arsenic species in aquatic products was established. The pretreatment method used acetic acid-water (1∶19, V/V) as the extraction reagent for the speciation analysis of arsenic in aquatic products, and 15 mmol·L−1 NH4H2PO4 as the mobile phase. The linear range of the five arsenic compounds was in the range of 2.5—200 µg·L−1 (r≥0.999). The detection limit of five arsenic forms in aquatic products was 0.020—0.045 mg·kg−1, the recovery rate was 78.0% —104.0%, and the relative standard deviation was less than 10%. The method was applied to the determination of arsenic compounds in aquatic products (grass carp, shrimp, crab and catfish) from typical waters (Yangtze River and Chaohu Lake) in central Anhui Province. The results showed that the detection rate and concentration range of arsenic in the samples were at a low level. High risk inorganic arsenic was detected in shrimps and crabs, with a maximum of 0.151 mg·kg−1. Inorganic arsenic was not detected in fish. The arsenic content of aquatic products in spring was slightly higher than that in other seasons, and the inorganic arsenic content of shrimp and crab in Yangtze River waters was slightly higher than that in Chaohu Lake waters. The results of safety assessment showed that arsenic pollution had little contribution to the risk of shrimp and crab in the Yangtze River and Chaohu Lake.
Key words:
- aquatic products /
- arsenic /
- speciation analysis /
- the Yangtze River /
- Chaohu Lake
表 1 水产品基本信息
Table 1. Basic information of aquatic products
地区Area 生物种类Biological species 数量Quantity 体长/cm Body length 体重/g Body weight 脂肪含量/% Fat content 长江The Yangtze Rver 草鱼Grass carp 9 17±0.42 682±35 9.05 河虾Shrimp 120 8.2±0.71 10±1.93 3.57 河蟹River crab 15 6.2±0.53 215±1.8 3.51 鮰鱼Longsnout catfish 9 23±1.2 1207±1.9 4.70 巢湖Chaohu Lake 草鱼Grass carp 9 16±0.61 629±17 8.14 河虾Shrimp 120 9.2±0.51 12±0.49 3.70 河蟹River crab 15 5.67±0.42 198±2.4 3.40 鮰鱼Longsnout catfish 9 20±0.83 1092±2.4 4.58 表 2 检出限、线性范围实验结果
Table 2. The instrument relative standard deviation of the experimental results
Linear range线性方程
Linear equation相关系数(r) RSD/% LOD/(mg·kg−1) As(Ⅲ) 2.5—200 y=12763ρ−413 0.9995 0.65 0.020 As(Ⅴ) 2.5—200 y=6289ρ−2532 0.9997 0.41 0.040 AsB 2.5—200 y=6843ρ−3774 0.9999 0.63 0.045 MMA 2.5—200 y=6574ρ+2036 0.9995 0.53 0.035 DMA 2.5—200 y=11574ρ+1036 0.9994 0.37 0.030 表 3 鱼、蟹样品中五种形态砷的加标回收结果(n=6)
Table 3. Recovery data of five arsenic speciations from spiked fish(n=6)
Arsenic compounds添加水平/(µg·L−1)
Add level)回收率范围/%
Recovery rangeRSD/% As(Ⅲ) 2.5 88.5%—103.0% 9.97% 10.0 87.0%—99.7% 9.42% 50.0 81.0%—97.4% 5.11% As(Ⅴ) 2.5 78.5%—89.9% 9.21% 10.0 79.0%—93.2% 5.33% 50.0 78.0%—99.5% 3.59% AsB 2.5 82.0%—92.2% 3.27% 10.0 78.0%—89.3% 7.69% 50.0 82.5%—94.2% 7.39% MMA 2.5 86.0%—104.0% 5.66% 10.0 84.2%—100.2% 5.73% 50.0 80.0%—97.2% 4.52% DMA 2.5 81.0%—96.0% 3.95% 10.0 80.4%—98.4% 4.09% 50.0 78.4%—92.6% 5.68% 表 4 不同水产品中5种砷形态化合物检测结果(n=6)
Table 4. The results of four arsenic species in different aquatic products(n=6)
水域/Waters 样品/Sample As(Ⅲ)/(mg·kg−1) As(Ⅴ)/(mg·kg−1) AsB/(mg·kg−1) MMA/(mg·kg−1) DMA/(mg·kg−1) 长江(3月)The Yangtze River 草鱼Grass carp ND ND ND—0.301 ND ND 河虾Shrimp ND ND—0.151 ND—2.830 ND—0.0805 ND—0.0532 河蟹River crab ND ND ND—1.192 ND—0.0426 ND 鮰鱼Longsnout catfish ND ND ND—0.642 ND—0.0371 ND 长江(7月)The Yangtze River 草鱼Grass carp ND ND ND—0.240 ND ND 河虾Shrimp ND ND—0.0490 ND—1.293 ND—0.0362 ND—0.0357 河蟹River crab ND ND ND—0.977 ND—0.0751 ND—0.0326 鮰鱼Longsnout catfish ND ND ND—0.369 ND ND 长江(11月)The Yangtze River 草鱼Grass carp ND ND ND—1.383 ND ND 河虾Shrimp ND ND ND—1.606 ND—0.0381 ND—0.0353 河蟹River crab ND ND—0.0570 ND—0.560 ND—0.0410 ND—0.0376 鮰鱼Longsnout catfish ND ND ND—0.498 ND—0.0472 ND 巢湖(3月)Chaohu Lake 草鱼Grass carp ND ND ND—0.191 ND ND 河虾Shrimp ND ND—0.0630 ND—0.630 ND—0.0810 ND—0.0357 河蟹River crab ND ND ND—1.572 ND—0.0512 ND—0.0381 鮰鱼Longsnout catfish ND ND ND—0.472 ND—0.0377 ND 巢湖(7月)Chaohu Lake 草鱼Grass carp ND ND ND—0.183 ND ND 河虾Shrimp ND ND ND—1.573 ND ND 巢湖(7月)Chaohu Lake 河蟹River crab ND ND ND—0.317 ND—0.0433 ND—0.0310 鮰鱼Longsnout catfish ND ND ND—0.257 ND ND 巢湖(11月)Chaohu Lake 草鱼Grass carp ND ND ND—0.192 ND ND 河虾Shrimp ND ND ND—0.497 ND—0.0468 ND 河蟹River crab ND ND ND—0.351 ND ND 鮰鱼Longsnout catfish ND ND ND—0.249 ND—0.0495 ND—0.0380 ND.未检出. ND. not detected. 表 5 长江和巢湖水域虾、蟹可食部分无机砷含量
Table 5. Inorganic arsenic content in shrimp and crab edible parts of the Yangtze River and Chaohu Lakes in March
水域 Waters 样品 Sample 平均值/(mg·kg−1)Mean 长江The Yangtze River 河虾Shrimp 0.0778±0.019 河蟹River crab 0.0897±0.013 巢湖Chaohu Lake 河虾Shrimp 0.0643±0.028 河蟹River crab 0.0694±0.009 表 6 长江和巢湖水域虾、蟹无机砷的污染指数
Table 6. The general composite pollution indexes of inorganic arsenic in shrimp and crab edible parts of the Yangtze River and Chaohu Lakes
水域Waters 样品 Sample 污染指数 Pollution index 长江The Yangtze River 河虾Shrimp 0.16 河蟹River crab 0.18 巢湖Chaohu lake 河虾Shrimp 0.13 河蟹River crab 0.14 表 7 平均每人每周实际重金属摄入量
Table 7. Estimated per capita weekly intakes of heavy metals from shellfish consumption
Average content of heavy metals
in edible part每周实际摄入量/mg
Actual weekly intake重金属含量占
The Yangtze River河虾Shrimp 0.015 0.9 0.078 0.0316 3.51 河蟹River crab 0.015 0.9 0.090 0.0361 4.01 巢湖
Chaohu Lake河虾Shrimp 0.015 0.9 0.064 0.0257 2.86 河蟹River crab 0.015 0.9 0.069 0.0276 3.07 注:PTWI1.暂定每周可耐受摄入量(mg·kg−1体质量);PTWI2.按照成人体质量为60 kg计算得出的暂定每周可耐受摄入量(mg).
Note: PTWI1. Tentative weekly tolerable intake (mg·kg−1 body mass); PTWI2. Tentative weekly tolerable intake (mg) calculated according to adult body mass of 60 kg. -
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