
解春宵, 白春蕾, 潘丁, 李科. 北京市售畜禽肉类食品中多氯联苯的污染特征及风险评价[J]. 环境化学, 2020, (11): 3030-3037. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019103105
引用本文: 解春宵, 白春蕾, 潘丁, 李科. 北京市售畜禽肉类食品中多氯联苯的污染特征及风险评价[J]. 环境化学, 2020, (11): 3030-3037. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019103105
XIE Chunxiao, BAI Chunlei, PAN Ding, LI Ke. Pollution characteristics and risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls in livestock and poultry food from Beijing markets[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2020, (11): 3030-3037. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019103105
Citation: XIE Chunxiao, BAI Chunlei, PAN Ding, LI Ke. Pollution characteristics and risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls in livestock and poultry food from Beijing markets[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2020, (11): 3030-3037. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019103105


    通讯作者: 李科, E-mail: like@th.btbu.edu.cn
  • 基金项目:


Pollution characteristics and risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls in livestock and poultry food from Beijing markets

    Corresponding author: LI Ke, like@th.btbu.edu.cn
  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (41601516), Beijing High-Level Teacher Team Supporting Program (CIT&TCD201704036) during the "13th Five-Year Plan" Period and Funded by the Graduate School of Science and Technology Enhancement Program of Beijing Technology and Business University 2019.
  • 摘要: 于北京市几个大型超市/市场采集5类市售畜禽肉类样品共30份,以气相色谱-质谱联用仪测定样品中28种多氯联苯(PCBs)的含量,对PCBs的组成分布特征进行分析并评价其健康风险.结果表明,北京市售畜禽肉类样品中28种PCBs总含量为2.24-25.83 ng·g-1脂重,瘦猪肉中含量最低,瘦鸡肉中含量最高.12种类二英类PCBs含量为0.56-13.74 ng·g-1脂重,毒性当量为1.94-21.33 pg TEQ·g-1;7种指示性PCBs含量为0.27-9.68 ng·g-1脂重.肥/瘦肉类样品中的PCBs主要集中在三氯到五氯联苯,含量比例在47.7%(瘦猪肉)-84.6%(瘦鸭肉)之间.在所有PCBs单体中,PCB118的贡献率最高.城镇/农村居民对畜禽肉类食品中Dl-PCBs的日摄入量为0.003-1.09 pg TEQ·kg-1·d-1,暴露风险较小.5种畜禽肉类食品中PCBs的致癌风险值均小于参考值,非致癌风险商均小于基准指数,致癌和非致癌风险均属于可接受水平.
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-10-31
解春宵, 白春蕾, 潘丁, 李科. 北京市售畜禽肉类食品中多氯联苯的污染特征及风险评价[J]. 环境化学, 2020, (11): 3030-3037. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019103105
引用本文: 解春宵, 白春蕾, 潘丁, 李科. 北京市售畜禽肉类食品中多氯联苯的污染特征及风险评价[J]. 环境化学, 2020, (11): 3030-3037. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019103105
XIE Chunxiao, BAI Chunlei, PAN Ding, LI Ke. Pollution characteristics and risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls in livestock and poultry food from Beijing markets[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2020, (11): 3030-3037. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019103105
Citation: XIE Chunxiao, BAI Chunlei, PAN Ding, LI Ke. Pollution characteristics and risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls in livestock and poultry food from Beijing markets[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2020, (11): 3030-3037. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019103105


    通讯作者: 李科, E-mail: like@th.btbu.edu.cn
  • 1. 北京工商大学生态环境学院, 北京, 100048;
  • 2. 国家环境保护食品链污染防治重点实验室, 北京, 100048


摘要: 于北京市几个大型超市/市场采集5类市售畜禽肉类样品共30份,以气相色谱-质谱联用仪测定样品中28种多氯联苯(PCBs)的含量,对PCBs的组成分布特征进行分析并评价其健康风险.结果表明,北京市售畜禽肉类样品中28种PCBs总含量为2.24-25.83 ng·g-1脂重,瘦猪肉中含量最低,瘦鸡肉中含量最高.12种类二英类PCBs含量为0.56-13.74 ng·g-1脂重,毒性当量为1.94-21.33 pg TEQ·g-1;7种指示性PCBs含量为0.27-9.68 ng·g-1脂重.肥/瘦肉类样品中的PCBs主要集中在三氯到五氯联苯,含量比例在47.7%(瘦猪肉)-84.6%(瘦鸭肉)之间.在所有PCBs单体中,PCB118的贡献率最高.城镇/农村居民对畜禽肉类食品中Dl-PCBs的日摄入量为0.003-1.09 pg TEQ·kg-1·d-1,暴露风险较小.5种畜禽肉类食品中PCBs的致癌风险值均小于参考值,非致癌风险商均小于基准指数,致癌和非致癌风险均属于可接受水平.

English Abstract

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