Pollution characteristics and risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls in livestock and poultry food from Beijing markets
摘要: 于北京市几个大型超市/市场采集5类市售畜禽肉类样品共30份,以气相色谱-质谱联用仪测定样品中28种多氯联苯(PCBs)的含量,对PCBs的组成分布特征进行分析并评价其健康风险.结果表明,北京市售畜禽肉类样品中28种PCBs总含量为2.24-25.83 ng·g-1脂重,瘦猪肉中含量最低,瘦鸡肉中含量最高.12种类二英类PCBs含量为0.56-13.74 ng·g-1脂重,毒性当量为1.94-21.33 pg TEQ·g-1;7种指示性PCBs含量为0.27-9.68 ng·g-1脂重.肥/瘦肉类样品中的PCBs主要集中在三氯到五氯联苯,含量比例在47.7%(瘦猪肉)-84.6%(瘦鸭肉)之间.在所有PCBs单体中,PCB118的贡献率最高.城镇/农村居民对畜禽肉类食品中Dl-PCBs的日摄入量为0.003-1.09 pg TEQ·kg-1·d-1,暴露风险较小.5种畜禽肉类食品中PCBs的致癌风险值均小于参考值,非致癌风险商均小于基准指数,致癌和非致癌风险均属于可接受水平.Abstract: Thirty samples from five types of livestock and poultry meat products were collected several supermarkets or common markets in Beijing. The concentrations of 28 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in these samples were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The distribution characteristics of PCBs were analyzed and the health risks were evaluated. The results showed that the total concentrations of 28 PCBs in the livestock and poultry samples were between 2.24-25.83 ng·g-1 fat weight, and the highest and lowest concentrations were detected in the lean pork and lean chicken, respectively. The concentrations of 12 dioxin-like PCBs were 0.56-13.74 ng·g-1 fat weight, and the concentrations of TEQ were 1.94-21.33 pg TEQ·g-1; while the concentrations of the 7 indicator PCBs were 0.27-9.68 ng·g-1 fat weight. PCBs in the fatty/lean livestock and poultry samples were mainly tri-chlorobiphenyls to penta-chlorobiphenyls, with their contents ranging from 47.7% (lean pork) to 84.6% (fatty duck). The dominant PCB was PCB118. The daily intake of Dl-PCBs by urban/rural residents was 0.003-1.09 pg TEQ·kg-1·d-1, and the exposure risk was low. The carcinogenic risk values of PCBs in the five livestock and poultry products were all lower than the reference value, the non-carcinogenic risk indices were all lower than the benchmark index, suggesting that the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks were all acceptable.
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