Effect of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes on Growth and Development of Wheat Seedlings Under Potassium Stress
摘要: 为探讨羧基化单壁碳纳米管(SWCNTs-COOH)的生物效应,本研究选用“品育8012”小麦为实验材料,采用水培的方式研究不同浓度SWCNTs-COOH(0、5、10、30、50、70和90 mg·L-1)对低钾(K+,0.01 mmol·L-1)胁迫下小麦幼苗生长发育的影响。结果表明:5~50 mg·L-1的SWCNTs-COOH对小麦幼苗的生长指标(株高、根系、叶面积、鲜质量、干质量)、光合作用指标(细胞色素含量、叶绿素荧光参数)、抗氧化酶(SOD、POD)活性均存在一定的促进作用,其中50 mg·L-1浓度时促进效果最明显;当SWCNTs-COOH的浓度达到70 mg·L-1及以上时小麦幼苗的生长指标、光合作用指标、SOD活性、POD活性逐渐降低,丙二醛(MDA)含量明显上升,即高浓度的SWCNTs-COOH加重了低钾胁迫下小麦幼苗的毒理学效应。综上,SWCNTs-COOH对低钾胁迫下小麦幼苗生长发育的影响存在明显的浓度效应,低浓度的SWCNTs-COOH可以缓解低钾胁迫对小麦幼苗造成的部分损伤,高浓度的SWCNTs-COOH会对小麦幼苗产生一定的生理毒性。Abstract: To explore the biological effects of carboxylated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs-COOH), this work selected “Pinyu 8012” wheat as the experimental material and used hydroponics cultivation method to investigate the effects of various concentrations of SWCNTs-COOH (0, 5, 10, 30, 50, 70, and 90 mg·L-1) on the growth and development of wheat seedlings under low potassium stress (K+, 0.01 mmol·L-1). With the most notable impact being observed at a concentration of 50 mg·L-1, the results revealed that SWCNTs-COOH concentrations ranging from 5 to 50 mg·L-1 positively affected growth parameters (plant height, root system, leaf area, fresh weight, dry weight), photosynthetic indicators (cytochrome content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters), and antioxidant enzyme (SOD, POD) activities in wheat seedlings. However, at doses of 70 mg·L-1 or higher, growth indicators, photosynthetic parameters, SOD activity, and POD activity in wheat seedlings dropped while the malondial-dehyde (MDA) content rose dramatically. This implies that high quantities of SWCNTs-COOH exacerbate the toxicological effects of low potassium stress on wheat. In summary, there is a significant concentration effect of SWCNTs-COOH on the growth and development of wheat seedlings under low potassium stress. Low concentrations of SWCNTs-COOH can help to reduce some of the low potassium stress-induced damage in wheat seedlings, while high concentrations of SWCNTs-COOH can cause certain physiological toxicity to wheat seedlings.
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