Screening, Identification and Degradation Characteristics of Galaxolide Degrading Bacteria
摘要: 佳乐麝香(HHCB)为药品与个人护理品(PPCPs)类新型污染物之一,因其特有的持久性和亲脂性,在环境介质中广泛积累,造成了一定程度的环境污染。为探究人工合成麝香的微生物修复机制,采用富集、分离、驯化的方法,从受污染的土壤样品筛选到一株能利用HHCB生长并具有较好降解能力的菌株H10。根据菌种形态特征、生理生化分析及16S rRNA序列比对结果,初步鉴定其为金黄杆菌属(Chryseobacterium sp.)细菌。该菌降解HHCB的最适宜降解条件为:接种量5%、pH 7.0、温度30 ℃,72 h后对200 mg·L-1的HHCB降解率为68.07%。响应面实验结果显示:当接种量为5.95%,pH为7.4,温度为30.55 ℃、底物浓度为200 mg·L-1时,72 h后菌体密度可达0.662,优化后菌株在此条件下对HHCB的降解率为70.15%。研究发现菌株H10具有降解HHCB的能力,不仅丰富了HHCB降解菌库,也为受人工合成麝香污染环境的微生物修复提供了理论基础。Abstract: The synthetic musk galaxolide (HHCB) is a new pollutant among pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), which accumulates widely in environmental media due to its unique persistence and lipophilicity, resulting in significant environmental pollution. In order to investigate the microbial remediation mechanism of synthetic musk, a strain H10 was screened from contaminated soil samples by enrichment, isolation, and domestication methods. It exhibited excellent degradation ability towards HHCB. The strain H10 was preliminarily identified as the Chryseobacterium sp., based on morphological characteristics, physiological and biochemical analysis, as well as 16S rRNA sequence comparison. The most suitable optimal conditions for HHCB degradation were determined as follows: inoculation amount of 5%, pH 7.0, temperature of 30 ℃. After 72 h of incubation under these conditions, the degradation rate of HHCB at a concentration of 200 mg·L-1 reached 68.07%. The results of the response surface experiment indicated that when the inoculation amount was adjusted to 5.95%, pH to 7.4, temperature to 30.55 ℃ and substrate concentration remained at 200 mg·L-1 after optimization for bacterial density reached up to 0.662 after incubation for another period of time while achieving a degradation rate of HHCB at approximately 70.15%. The study found that the strain H10 had the ability to degrade HHCB, which not only enriches the HHCB degrading bacterial library, but also provides a theoretical basis for microbial remediation of environments contaminated with artificially synthesized musk.
Key words:
- galaxolide (HHCB) /
- Chryseobacterium /
- degradation rate /
- microbial degradation
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