Research Progresses on the Bioavailability and Toxicity of Rare Earth Elements towards Aquatic Organisms
摘要: 稀土元素(rare earth elements, REEs)已广泛应用于高科技和清洁生产等领域,并可能通过生产和使用等环节进入水生生态系统。水环境中的REEs可以是自由离子态,或与配体形成络合物,也可以作为胶体留在水相中。REEs可以被水生生物吸收,或吸附在其表面,并通过食物链进行传递,对水生生物或人体造成潜在风险。本文概述了国内外部分水环境中REEs的环境浓度、赋存形态和分布,及其影响因素,总结了目前水环境中REEs在不同营养水平的生物累积和食物链传递规律,阐述了REEs在分子、细胞、器官和个体水平下所产生的毒性和致毒机理,及影响其毒性的生物和非生物因素,并对今后REEs的生物有效性和毒性研究进行展望。Abstract: Rare earth elements (REEs) have been widely applied in high-tech industries and clean production, and can enter into aquatic ecosystems through various stages of production and use. In aquatic environments, REEs can exist as free ions, form complexes with ligands, or remain in the water as colloids. REEs can be absorbed by aquatic organisms, or adsorbed onto their surfaces, and transferred through the food chain, posing potential risks to aquatic organisms. This review summarizes the environmental concentrations, speciation, and distribution of REEs in aquatic environments both domestically and internationally, along with the influencing factors. It also summarizes the bioaccumulation and trophic transfer patterns of REEs in different trophic levels of aquatic ecosystems, elucidates the toxicity and toxic mechanisms of REEs at the molecular, cellular, organ, and individual levels, and discusses the biological and abiotic factors affecting their toxicity. Finally, this review provides an outlook on future research on the bioavailability and toxicity of REEs.
Key words:
- rare earth elements /
- aquatic organisms /
- biological toxicity /
- speciation /
- bioaccumulation
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