Toxic Effects of Polyethylene Particles and Phenanthrene and Their Combined Toxic Actions on Daphnia magna
摘要: 为研究微塑料与多环芳烃联合暴露对水生生物的毒性效应,本文以大型溞为受试生物,选用粒径范围为1~10 μm的聚乙烯颗粒以及菲为实验材料,研究不同浓度聚乙烯颗粒与菲对大型溞的单独及联合毒性,通过6种方法(毒性单位法、相加指数法、混合毒性指数法、联合指数法、相似性参数法和等效线法)评价二者的联合毒性作用模式。结果表明,单独暴露48 h后,聚乙烯和菲对大型溞均有活动抑制作用,呈现出明显的剂量-效应和时间-效应关系。EC50分别为5.07 mg·L-1和0.61 mg·L-1。在联合暴露条件下,大型溞的活动抑制作用增强,6种评估方法均表明,聚乙烯微粒与菲对大型溞的联合毒性作用模式为协同作用。本研究结果有助于进一步认识水生环境中微塑料与其他污染物联合暴露对生物的影响,为微塑料的生态风险研究提供数据支撑和参考。Abstract: To investigate the combined toxic effects of microplastics (MPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on aquatic organisms, the individual and combined exposures were conducted using Daphnia magna as the test organism. The polyethylene microplastics (PE-MPs) with particle size range of 1-10 μm and phenanthrene were selected as experimental materials. Six methods including the toxicity unit method, the additive index method, the mixed toxicity index method, the combination index method, the similarity index method, as well as the equivalent line method were employed to assess their combined mode of toxicity. The results demonstrated that both PE-MPs and phenanthrene posed significant immobilisation effects on D. magna, exhibiting a dose-response relationship along with a time-dependent correlation following a 48-hour period of individual exposure. The EC50 values were determined to be 5.07 mg·L-1 and 0.61 mg·L-1 for PE-MPs and phenanthrene, respectively. Furthermore, there was an enhancement in the toxic effects caused by co-exposure conditions. Based on six evaluation methods, it was indicated that the combined toxic effects of PE-MPs and phenanthrene on D. magna were synergistic joint action. It was implied that MPs in aquatic environments could enhance the biological toxicity of PAHs to Cladocera. The findings of this study provided valuable data and a reference for investigating the combined toxicity of MPs and other pollutants, thereby contributing to enhancing our understanding of the ecological risks of MPs in aquatic environments.
Key words:
- microplastics /
- phenanthrene /
- Daphnia magna /
- combined exposure /
- toxic effects
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