1,4-丁炔二醇(1,4-butynediol, BYD)是一种重要的化工原料,主要用于合成1,4-丁二醇(1,4-butanediol, BDO),进而生产四氢呋喃、聚四亚甲基乙二醇醚(PTMEG)、聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(PBT)和聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(PBS)等重要化工产品[1-3]。目前,我国已经是世界上最大的BDO生产国[4],BDO生产首先利用乙炔和甲醛经铜铋催化合成BYD,BYD再经过精馏提浓,提浓后BYD需要通过阴阳离子树脂脱除含有的铜离子、二氧化硅和醋酸根离子等杂质,进而再催化加氢生成BDO[5]。其中,阴阳离子树脂再生产生的脱离子废液含有高浓度BYD残留[6],废水化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand, COD)可达到6 000~20 000 mg·L−1,是BDO生产过程产生的主要高浓度有机废水,由于部分企业使用5%的硫酸进行阳离子树脂再生,从而导致该废水中硫酸盐含量也较高(6 000~10 000 mg·L−1)。BYD脱离子废液与生活污水、冲洗废水和BDO精馏废水等低浓浓度有机废水混合后即为BDO生产废水,BYD脱离子废液水量占BDO生产废水的比例为50%~70%。 BYD脱离子废液的高效低耗处理是BDO生产废水处理的关键。
厌氧生物处理技术因为具有能耗低、可回收甲烷气和污泥产量少等优势,广泛应用于高浓度有机废水的预处理[7]。其利用水解产酸菌、互养产氢产乙酸菌和产甲烷菌的协作实现有机物的厌氧甲烷转化[8]。当废水中含有硫酸根离子时,硫酸盐还原菌(sulfate reducing bacteria,SRB)也会参与厌氧代谢过程,在低浓度硫酸盐含量条件下,SRB可以促进难降解有机物的降解和乙酸产生,进而促进甲烷代谢[9];当硫酸盐含量过高时,硫酸盐还原产生的过多硫化氢可以抑制产甲烷古菌和SRB,进而抑制厌氧有机物代谢[10]。考虑到BYD是BDO生产脱离子废液的主要COD贡献者,阐明其在不同厌氧处理条件下的生物降解效果,对于脱离子废液及其他高含BYD废水的处理工艺设计具有重要指导意义。
目前关于BYD可生化性的研究较少,GOTVAJN[11]和TISLER等[12]利用快速生物降解实验方法评估了BYD的好氧可生化性,发现在60 d的培养周期内BYD浓度基本没有降低,认为BYD是一种不易生物降解有机物。陈庆磊等[13]利用批次实验评估了BDO生产废水的厌氧处理效果,发现COD去除率约为56%,没有研究BYD的去除率。且BYD分子中含有内炔烃超共轭结构,化学性质十分稳定[11],明确BYD厌氧可生化性对于指导工程实践具有积极意义。
Evaluation of the anaerobic biodegradability of 1,4-butynediol
摘要: 该研究首先利用批次实验评估了1,4-丁炔二醇(1,4-butynediol,BYD)在三种厌氧生化条件下的降解效果,发现在单纯厌氧颗粒污泥体系中BYD的降解较慢,厌氧颗粒污泥与活性污泥复配及添加SO42−都可以提高BYD降解速率。之后以模拟BYD废水为处理对象,以厌氧颗粒污泥与活性污泥复配污泥作为种泥,研究了UASB反应器长期连续运行条件下BYD在厌氧产甲烷体系和硫酸盐还原体系下的降解情况。发现在厌氧产甲烷体系中BYD去除效果不佳,并且高浓度BYD (2 980 mg·L−1)会络合微量金属元素,导致产甲烷古菌活性降低,长期运行会导致挥发性脂肪酸累积,通过补加微量元素可以恢复产甲烷菌活性。通过增加SO42−浓度降低进水COD/SO42−可以促进硫酸盐还原成为主导厌氧代谢途径,在进水COD/SO42− (质量比)为1,硫酸盐浓度为10 000 mg·L−1时,BYD的去除率可提高至21.92%,硫酸盐还原菌Desulfovibrio和Desulforhabdus成为优势菌属,但此时高浓度游离硫化氢同时抑制了产甲烷古菌和硫酸盐还原菌,使得厌氧体系挥发性脂肪酸再度大量累积,即使停止进水,硫化氢的抑制在短时间内难以恢复。本研究表明BYD为一种厌氧难生物降解有机物,硫酸盐还原作用可以促进其降解,研究结果可为含BYD废水的处理工艺设计提供指导。Abstract: This study evaluated the degradation efficiency of 1,4-butynediol (BYD) under three types of anaerobic biochemical conditions through batch experiments. The results showed that direct BYD degradation was relatively slow by anaerobic granular sludge with BYD as a solo carbon source, whereas the combination of activated sludge and anaerobic granular sludge, as well as sulfate (SO42−) augmentation, could enhance the degradation of BYD. Thereafter, the simulated BYD wastewater was taken as treatment object, anaerobic granular sludge combined with activated sludge was taken as seed sludge, The long-term running of UASB reactors was performed. The BYD degradation was studied under anaerobic methanogenic metabolism condition and sulfate reduction condition, respectively. The result showed that the removal of BYD under anaerobic methanogenic metabolism condition was not good, and the complexation reaction could occur between BYD with high concentration (2 980 mg·L−1) and trace metal elements, which led to the decrease of the methanogenic archaea activity and accumulation of volatile fatty acids after long-term running.The methanogenic archaea activity could be recovered through supplementary addition of trace metal elements. The increase of SO42− concentration and decrease of COD/SO42− ratio in influent could result in sulfate reduction dominating the anaerobic metabolic pathway. At the influent COD/SO42− ratio of 1 (m/m, SO42− concentration of 10 000 mg·L−1), the degradation of BYD increased to 21.92%, and sulfate reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio and Desulforhabdus became the dominant genera in UASB. At this time, the free hydrogen sulfide with high concentration inhibited the methanogenic archaea and sulfate reduction bacteria, causing the high accumulation of volatile fatty acid in anaerobic system occurred again. Even though the influent was stop, the inhibiting results by free hydrogen sulfide was difficult to recover in a short period of time. This study indicated that sulfate reduction can promote the anaerobic biodegradation of BYD, which could provide the guidance for the design of treatment processes for BYD containing wastewater.
表 1 厌氧批次实验设计
Table 1. Design of anaerobic batch experiments
mg·L−1 实验组别 接种污泥 BYD 碱度(以CaCO3计) NH4Cl KH2PO4 K2HPO4 SO42− 颗粒污泥组 厌氧颗粒污泥 500 1 000 140 30 30 — 污泥复配组 厌氧颗粒污泥与活性污泥复配a 500 1 000 140 30 30 — 外加硫酸盐组 厌氧颗粒污泥与活性污泥复配a 500 1 000 140 30 30 1 670 注:厌氧颗粒污泥与活性污泥浓度比为2:1。 表 2 厌氧UASB反应器不同阶段的运行参数
Table 2. Operating parameters of anaerobic UASB reactors at different stages
阶段 HRT
(mg·L−1)葡萄糖(mg·L−1) TCOD
(mg·L−1)S1 10 0.5 — — 4 686 5 000 — S2 10 1 — 2 980 4 686 10 000 — S3 10 1 10 2 980 4 686 10 000 1 000 S4 10 1 5 2 980 4 686 10 000 2 000 S5 10 1 1 2 980 4 686 10 000 10 000 S6 — — — — — — — -
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