植物修复是指利用植物从环境中去除和积累污染物[13],包括利用植物来减轻、转移、稳定或降解土壤、沉积物和水中的污染物。根据近期对特定植物的研究,在污水处理设施末端过滤出的污染物,可通过植物进行净化和去除[14]。水生植物可以通过富集和自身生长的生物量累积作用,以及与微生物的协同修复,有效净化水体[15]。沉水植物植株整体生活在水中,各器官直接吸收养分[16];漂浮水生植物在光竞争中具有明显优势,通过迅速繁殖,其茎和根吸收营养[17]。此外,挺水植物根系发育良好,能有效吸收养分,同时为微生物提供良好的生长环境[18]。植物修复技术在水处理中研究包括水体中金属[19]、除草剂修复[20]等。不同的植物种类,如水葫芦 (Eichhornia crassipes) 、浮萍 (Lemna minor) 、水莴苣 (Pistia stratiotes) 、香根草 (Chrysopogon zizanioides) 和芦苇 (Phragmites australis) ,已用于污染河水的修复[21-22]。其中,水葫芦可以改善水质,减少总溶解性固体 (26%) 和磷酸盐 (33%) [23]。对比不同水生植物净化水质除机理方面,水葫芦、水莴苣、狐尾藻3种水生植物对氮和磷的去除主要依赖于植物吸附,水葫芦和水莴苣对氮的去除也与微生物硝化/反硝化密切相关[13]。以往研究多集中在水生植物对水体氮、磷的去除上,但关于不同挺水植物对水质净化效能及影响因素的研究相对较少[24],这在微污染水体植物修复中至关重要。
Simulation study on water purification of emergent plant floating island
摘要: 针对地表水生态系统环境治理与生态保护的实际需求,植物修复技术作为成本较低和适用范围较广的生态修复技术,水生植物类型及配置模式对水质净化功能需系统探讨。为解决微污染水体人工湿地水质净化问题,以美人蕉、千屈菜、香蒲、鸢尾和慈姑5种挺水植物及不同配置模式开展水质净化功能研究,筛选水质净化优势植物基础上探讨不同温度下污染物去除效果。结果表明:水生植物在30 d试验周期内对氨氮 (NH4+-N) 的去除率均大于95%;对总氮 (TN) 和总磷 (TP) 的去除率最高的为美人蕉和千屈菜,其中对TN去除率为60.2%、57.8%,对TP去除率最高为66.3%和73.2%;慈姑因植株枯萎掉落下来进入水体,导致植物向水体释放氮磷,释放率分别为18.7%和43.0%;鸢尾组出现根部腐烂状态,并出现反硝化和TP释放。组合植物试验中,鸢尾与美人蕉、千屈菜的组合对污染水体的净化效果要明显优于香蒲与美人蕉、千屈菜组合,适合运用到湿地等生态修复措施治理微污染水中。水质净化优势植物美人蕉在不同环境温度下净水效能研究表明,低温 (5~10 ℃) 条件下TN平均去除率显著降低,对COD的降解速率影响较小,环境温度20~25 ℃条件下美人蕉对微污染水体COD、NH4+-N、TN和TP的去除效率显著高于低温环境;常温环境下复合浮岛植物根际填料样品的细菌群落多样性高于低温环境,常温环境样品中变形菌门 (Proteobacteria) 为优势菌门,低温环境中优势菌门为绿弯菌门 (Chloroflexi) 。Abstract: According to the actual needs of environmental treatment and ecological protection of surface water ecosystem, phytoremediation technology, as an ecological remediation technology with low cost and wide application range, needs to be systematically discussed for water purification function of aquatic plant types and allocation modes. In this paper, aiming at the water purification problem of constructed wetland in micro-polluted water, five emergent plants, Typha orientalis, Iris tectorum, Canna indica, Lythrum salicaria, Sagittaria trifolia, and their different configuration modes were used to study the water purification function. On the basis of screening the dominant plants for water purification, the pollutant removal efficiency at different temperatures was discussed. The results revealed that the removal rate of ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) by aquatic plants in 30 days was more than 95%. Canna and Lythrum groups had the highest removal rates of of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP), and the removal rates of TN were 60.2% and 57.8%, and the removal rates of TP were 66.3% and 73.2%. Sagittaria arrowhead felled into the water body due to withering of plants, which led to the release of nitrogen and phosphorus into the water body, with the release rates of 18.7% and 43.0%, respectively. Root decay, denitrification and total phosphorus release appeared in Iris group. In the combined plant experiment, the combination of Iris, Canna and Lythrum showed better purification effect on polluted water than the combination of Typha, Canna and Lythrum, which was suitable for wetland and other ecological restoration measures to control micro-polluted water. The study on water purification efficiency of Canna, a dominant plant for water purification, at different environmental temperatures showed that the average TN and COD removal rate decreased significantly at low temperature (5~10 ℃). Moreover, the removal efficiency of COD, NH4+-N, TN and TP in micro-polluted water at 20~25 ℃ was significantly higher than that in low temperature environment. The diversity of bacterial community in rhizosphere fillers of composite floating island plants in normal temperature environment was higher than that in low temperature environment. Proteobacteria was the dominant bacterium in normal temperature environment, while Chloroflexi was the dominant bacterium in low temperature environment.
Key words:
- slightly polluted water /
- emergent plant /
- water purification /
- low temperature
表 1 挺水植物水质净化试验中生物量和根长变化
Table 1. Changes of biomass and root length of emergent plants in water purification experiment
测量项目 检测指标 鸢尾 美人蕉 香蒲 千屈菜 慈姑 生物量 初始鲜重/g 33.65±1.26 48.64±6.78 36.12±4.06 21.91±1.80 29.62±2.16 结束鲜重/g 38.35±3.56 67.12±9.74 40.71±7.18 26.51±2.91 29.02±4.11 鲜重增长率 13.91%±3.48% b 38.03%±5.20% a 12.21%±7.23% b 21.07%±3.30% b 5.13%±8.89% b 初始干重/g 21.45±2.20 29.26±4.15 21.28±4.92 10.86±1.28 11.78±2.97 结束干重/g 25.58±2.83 35.72±6.24 25.08±5.72 15.14±0.97 13.18±1.68 干重增长率 19.25±5.50% ab 21.87±9.95% ab 17.92±1.83% ab 39.94±10.16% a 11.86±10.58% b 根长 初始/cm 14.17±1.51 7.15±0.77 18.86±42.21 9.33±1.21 20.94±2.21 结束/cm 20.94±1.56 25.57±4.59 25.42±4.66 18.79±4.21 23.99±2.87 增长率 46.72%±22.00% b 259.86%±72.30% a 34.68%±4.20% b 104.46%±36.77% b 14.80%±4.20% b 注:表中数值为各指标平均值±标准差,不同小写字母为不同处理同一项指标差异显著 (p<0.05) 。 表 2 挺水植物系统对水体总氮和总磷的去除率
Table 2. Removal rate of total nitrogen and phosphorus by emergent plants
% 测量项目 鸢尾 美人蕉 香蒲 千屈菜 慈姑 总氮去除率 62.77~50.23 43.66~48.53 49.76~59.78 37.21~42.08 −19.21~−12.55 总磷去除率 −50.23~−37.52 72.45~80.77 18.27~37.42 60.56~77.15 −45.50~−36.22 表 3 微生物多样性指数统计
Table 3. Statistics of microbial diversity index
样品种类 Ace Chao Coverage Shannon Simpson Sobs 常温20~25 ℃ 1 663 1 660 0.9949 5.858 0.015 1 576 低温5~10 ℃ 1 076 1 061 0.9943 4.623 0.066 968 -
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