在长时间、远距离、多人驻足的外星球基地航天任务中,能够携带的资源十分有限,如何实现封闭环境内有限资源的再生和利用,是制约长期地外生存等载人航天任务成败的关键,建立受控生态生保系统 (controlled ecological life support system, CELSS) 是解决该问题的根本途径[1-2]。CELSS的作用是为人类在孤立空间中提供生存环境,其主要目的是再生大气、循环用水、提供食物和处理废物,实现密闭条件下的物质循环[3-4]。好氧堆肥技术具有反应条件温和、有害气体排放量小以及所得堆肥产物可直接利用于植物栽培等诸多优点,是未来处理CELSS内生物质固废的一种具有潜在优势的处理技术。然而,地球上常规使用的中大型反应器和垛式堆肥系统由于占地面积大,污染气体难以集中处理[5],并不适用于狭小的CELSS空间环境。因此,探究掌握微小型密闭好氧堆肥装置的运行条件对实现CELSS固废资源化十分重要。
影响好氧堆肥过程的因素有很多,如环境温度、通风条件、物料种类和反应器类型等。其中,通风条件是影响好氧堆肥的关键因子。聂二旗等[6]研究了不同通风量 (0.1、0.2、0.3 m3·(m3·min)−1) 对鸡粪堆肥效果的影响,结果表明通风量为0.2 m3·(m3·min)−1时氮素的损失最小,种子发芽指数最高。PENG等[7]采用了60 L密闭反应器研究了通风速率对厨余垃圾好氧堆肥的影响,发现通风量为0.2~0.3 L·kg−1·min−1,堆体保温效果最好,污染气体排放量较少,腐熟度最高。ZHANG等[8]利用100 L堆肥反应器对厨余垃圾进行好氧堆肥,结果表明,0.1 L·kg−1·min−1的通风速率有利于食物垃圾堆肥过程中的腐殖化和污染气体减量。然而,目前针对小于10 L容积的微小型反应器好氧堆肥相关报道不多,而且由于微小型堆肥自发产热少,载人航天CELSS中产生的生物质固废种类也有所不同,其部分堆肥参数例如通风条件等并不能直接采用以上研究结果,必须针对CELSS特殊物料和反应器类型进行调整。
基于此,项目以CELSS内主要种植作物小麦的秸秆和模拟粪便的混合物为处理对象,利用自研的微小型密闭好氧堆肥装置,重点考察了不同通风速率对堆肥化过程中O2消耗、主要气体 (CO2、CH4、N2O、NH3等) 的产生和物料特性的变化等方面的影响,以掌握适于未来星球基地长期载人航天任务应用的微小型密闭好氧堆肥装置的通风工艺,实现CELSS内生物质固废资源化处理。
Effects of ventilation on miniature and closed aerobic composting process
摘要: 为探究适于未来星球基地长期载人航天任务应用的微小型密闭好氧堆肥装置的运行条件,以小麦秸秆和模拟粪便的混合物为实验材料,开展了4种通风速率对堆肥过程的影响研究。结果表明,0.025、0.050、0.075和0.100 m3·(m3·min)−1处理组高温期分别维持了125、125、43和24 h,0.050 m3·(m3·min)−1的O2消耗速率和CO2产率为4个处理组最大。CH4和N2O主要产生于堆肥初期,累积排放量以0.100 m3·(m3·min)−1处理组的最高,分别为296.50和169.16 mg·kg−1。从堆体氨氮指标测试结果来看,0.050 m3·(m3·min)−1处理组含量最高,其保氮效果最好。4个处理组的GI分别为64.09%、97.26%、72.95%和66.07%。综合各种指标分析认为,适于未来星球基地任务应用的微小型密闭好氧堆肥装置通风速率可以设置为0.050 m3·(m3·min)−1,该通风速率既能确保堆肥过程中微生物对氧气的需求,又能减少热量的损失,产生的污染气体量相对较少,所得的堆肥产品质量最佳。Abstract: In this study, the operating conditions of miniature closed aerobic composting device suitable for long-term manned space mission in the future planet base were explored. The effects of four ventilation rates on composting process were investigated by taking the mixture of wheat straw and simulated human excrement as the experimental materials. The results showed that the high temperature periods of 0.025, 0.050, 0.075 and 0.100 m3·(m3·min)−1 were maintained for 125, 125, 43 and 24 hours, respectively. CH4 and N2O were mainly produced in the initial stage of composting, and the cumulative emissions of 0.100 m3·(m3·min)−1 treatment group were the highest, which were 296.50 and 169.16 mg·kg−1 respectively. The test results of ammonium nitrogen of the pile revealed that, the treatment group with 0.050 m3·(m3·min)−1 had the highest content and the best effect of nitrogen retention. The GI of the four groups were 64.09%, 97.26%, 72.95% and 66.07% respectively. Based on the comprehensive analysis of various indicators, it was concluded that the ventilation rate of the miniature closed aerobic composting device suitable for the future mission of Star Base should be set to 0.050 m3·(m3·min)−1. That ventilation rate can not only ensure the oxygen demand of microorganisms in the composting process, but also reduce the heat loss, resulting less pollution gas, and the best-quality composts.
Key words:
- manned space flight /
- aerobic composting /
- ventilation rate /
- wheat straw
表 1 小麦秸秆和模拟粪便的基本性质
Table 1. Basic properties of wheat straw and simulated human feces
物料名称 含水率/% pH 总碳/% 总氮/% 碳氮比/% 小麦秸秆 4.54±0.78 5.74±0.01 40.68±0.59 1.25±0.06 32.55±1.45 模拟粪便 3.82±0.13 5.76±0.03 49.80±0.25 4.53±0.01 11.01±0.04 -
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