当前,在高校校园固废处理研究领域,研究者们主要开展校园垃圾分类管理或提升管理水平等方面研究,而在固体废物灰色模型预测方面,主要针对某个区域或某个城市开展研究。如封辰阳等[14]基于浦东地区历史数据,采用灰色预测模型和优化模型,预测了该区未来10年的垃圾产生量及最优回收方案,并得出了政府需要投入的成本;燕飞等[15]基于灰色预测理论,分别用GM(1,1)模型、分数阶GM(1,1)模型和新陈代谢GM(1,1)模型对广州市2015—2019年城镇生活垃圾清运量数据进行建模、检验和比较,结果表明新陈代谢GM(1,1)模型预测精度最高,预测2020—2024年广州市城镇生活垃圾清运量仍呈现长的趋势,在2024年将会突破1 000×104 t。然而,针对“无废校园”建立固废产量等相关预测模型尚未报道,校园固废产量预测是一个重要的环境管理问题,其直接涉及校园环境的全时空质量与学生健康。因此,通过预测固废产生,可以有效规划和调整管理应对方案,改善校园环境质量;同时,还可以通过强化收运与资源化利用体系建设,针对性建立完善回收网络、建立多种回收渠道、推广先进回收技术,有效降低或消除废弃物的对生态环境的影响,在保护自然资源与资源利用最大化的同时,也可推动循环经济发展,促进绿色产业和低碳经济的实现。
Prediction model of solid waste production of “zero-waste campus” under the construction of “zero-waste city”——Taking Inner Mongolia University of Technology as an example
摘要: 开展“无废城市”建设是我国建设生态文明、实现美丽中国目标的重要工作内容,是推动实现绿色低碳高质量发展的有力抓手,而“无废校园”建设则是“无废城市”建设的必要补充,旨在全面实现校园固废资源化与无害化,打造低碳、环保、节能、友好的校园环境。本研究以内蒙古工业大学为例,通过文献调研、实地走访调查和预测模型构建相结合的方式,系统研究了内蒙古工业大学校园固废产生规律及固废产量预测模型。结果表明,校园固废具有产生数量大、产生空间集中、产生时间具有阶段性等特点,其中教学楼、操场、住宿楼日固废产生均值分别为(6.08±0.77)、(4.50±0.82)、(23.58±5.41) kg,且不同区域之间固废产量呈现季节性差异;校园固废种类较社会面单一,易于分类管理,其中88.10%的学生非上课时间集中活动在教学科研区与宿舍区,并产生了约92.53%的固废量;基于实际数据及GM(1,1)灰色预测模型构建发现系统对夏季和冬季校园固废拟合精度分别为好和合格,预测结果可靠。本研究结果可为“无废城市”建设下的“无废校园”建设提供参考。Abstract: The construction of “zero-waste city” is an important work content of China's construction of ecological civilization and the goal of a beautiful China, and is a powerful starting point for promoting the realization of green, low-carbon and high-quality development, while the construction of "zero-waste campus" is a necessary supplement to the construction of “zero-waste city”, aiming to fully realize the resource and harmlessness of campus solid waste, and create a low-carbon, environmentally friendly, energy-saving and friendly campus environment. Taking Inner Mongolia University of Technology as an example, this study systematically studied the solid waste generation law and solid waste yield prediction model of Inner Mongolia University of Technology campus through a combination of literature research, field survey and prediction model construction. The results showed that the average daily solid waste generation in teaching buildings, playgrounds and accommodation buildings was (6.08±0.77), (4.50±0.82), and (23.58±5.41) kg, respectively, and the solid waste production showed seasonal differences between different regions; The types of solid waste generated were single and easy to classify and manage in comparison to that from society, where 88.10% of the students concentrated on teaching and research areas and dormitory areas during non-school hours with a generation rate of 92.53% of the total solid waste; Based on the actual data and the GM(1,1) gray prediction model, it was found that the system has good fitting accuracy and qualification for campus solid waste in summer and winter, and the prediction results were reliable. Therefore, this study can provide a reference for the construction of “zero-waste campus” under the construction of “zero-waste city”.
Key words:
- zero-waste cities /
- zero-waste campus /
- campus solid waste /
- yield forecast model
表 1 内蒙古工业大学新城校区单建筑物校园固废产量数据
Table 1. Solid waste production data of single building campus of Xincheng Campus of Inner Mongolia University of Technology
建筑物 可回收平均值/kg 不可回收平均值/kg 不可分类平均值/kg 数据属性 北区公寓四号楼 4.87 3.20 2.60 单层 北区公寓五号楼 9.10 4.20 1.00 单层 东区公寓三号楼 4.20 1.67 0.67 单层 东区公寓六号楼 3.60 1.12 0.23 单层 第二教学楼 0.67 0.36 0.00 单层 科学楼 1.42 1.55 5.53 单层 操场 1.74 0.88 0.74 单层 思源餐厅 0.05 0.046 0.00 每人次 馨苑餐厅 0.009 0.048 0.00 每人次 住宿区 5.44 2.55 1.13 每层 教学区 1.05 0.96 2.77 每层 餐厅 0.030 0.047 0.00 每人次 表 2 内蒙古工业大学某教学楼不同季节下固废产量数据GM(1,1)灰色预测模型计算表
Table 2. Calculation table of GM(1,1) gray prediction model of solid waste production data in different seasons of a teaching building of Inner Mongolia University of Technology
季节 日期 x(0)/kg x(1)/kg 灰色预测 季节 日期 x(0)/kg x(1)/kg 灰色预测 x^(1)/kg x^(0)/kg ε^(0) x^(1)/kg x^(0)/kg ε^(0) 春季 3.05 8.23 8.23 8.23 8.23 0.00 秋季 9.08 5.22 5.22 5.22 5.22 0.00 3.06 6.33 14.56 14.85 6.62 −0.29 9.09 4.69 9.91 11.56 6.34 1.65 3.07 7.72 22.28 21.43 6.58 1.14 9.10 6.49 16.40 17.98 6.42 −0.07 3.08 4.89 27.12 27.96 6.53 −1.64 9.11 7.64 24.04 24.47 6.50 −1.15 3.09 8.28 35.45 34.46 6.49 1.79 9.12 7.88 31.92 31.05 6.57 −1.31 3.10 4.67 40.12 40.90 6.45 −1.78 9.13 8.30 40.22 37.70 6.65 −1.65 3.11 7.19 47.13 47.31 6.41 0.78 9.14 4.21 44.43 44.43 6.73 2.52 3.12 / / 53.68 6.36 / 9.15 / / 51.24 6.81 / 3.13 / / 60.00 6.32 / 9.16 / / 58.13 6.89 / 3.14 / / 66.28 6.28 / 9.17 / / 65.11 6.98 / 3.15 / / 72.52 6.24 / 9.18 / / 72.17 7.06 / 夏季 5.25 5.69 5.69 5.69 5.69 0.00 冬季 12.17 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 0.00 5.26 6.26 11.95 11.69 6.00 0.26 12.18 3.77 6.84 6.89 3.82 −0.05 5.27 7.52 19.47 18.50 6.81 0.71 12.19 4.27 11.11 11.15 4.26 0.01 5.28 7.04 26.51 26.24 7.74 −0.70 12.20 4.23 15.34 15.90 4.75 −0.52 5.29 8.02 34.53 35.04 8.80 −0.78 12.21 5.32 20.66 21.20 5.30 0.02 5.30 10.53 45.06 45.03 10.00 0.58 12.22 7.27 27.93 27.11 5.91 1.36 5.31 11.54 56.60 56.38 11.35 0.19 12.23 5.77 33.70 33.71 6.60 −0.83 6.01 / / 69.28 12.90 / 12.24 / / 41.07 7.36 / 6.02 / / 83.93 14.65 / 12.25 / / 49.29 8.21 / 6.03 / / 100.58 16.65 / 12.26 / / 58.46 9.17 / 6.04 / / 119.49 18.91 / 12.27 / / 68.68 10.23 / -
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