相较于传统处理方法,电化学方法具有环保、反应条件适中、降解效率高等特点,已成为新兴的研究方向。樊玉新等[13]研究了电絮凝预处理+电化学氧化工艺处理压裂返排液,处理后耗氧有机污染物(以COD计)的浓度降至80 mg·L−1以下。孟宣宇等[14]考察了各操作条件对电絮凝处理效果的影响,确定最佳条件为反应时间60 min,电流密度10.0 mA·cm−2,极板间距3 cm,pH=7。王啸等[15]采用絮凝预处理+电絮凝氧化组合法处理海上压裂返排废水,处理后污水COD去除率达到85.9%。吴磊等[16]通过电絮凝电化学氧化-臭氧氧化耦合处理技术去除压裂返排液中的总有机碳(TOC),在不分室和分室情况下TOC去除率分别为80%和95%。以上研究对于电化学处理压裂返排液具有重要意义,但多集中在工艺参数的优化[17-20]和处理效率的提升方面,对电化学处理油田压裂返排液的机理研究则较少。
本研究采用电絮凝和电化学氧化方法处理压裂返排液,采用响应面法对电化学处理过程进行拟合,并分析相关因素对COD去除效果的影响;通过探究COD去除效果与反应时间的关系研究电化学法处理压裂返排液的反应动力学;通过Al-Ferron 逐时络合比色法和自由基淬灭实验,分析了电化学处理过程中COD的去除机理;研究了电化学反应前后极板表面的变化以及影响极板钝化的因素,以期为电化学技术处理油田压裂返排液的工业化应用提供参考。
Electrochemical treatment of oilfield fracturing flowback fluid
摘要: 为探究电絮凝和电化学氧化法处理油田压裂返排液的机理,采用响应面法拟合了反应过程,考察了电化学反应动力学、活性物质以及电极板的形貌和成分的变化。结果表明,电絮凝和电化学氧化法的响应面模型相关性显著,精确度和可信度均在合理范围内,在最优实验条件下其对应的COD去除率分别可达88.2%和100.0%;压裂返排液经电絮凝和电化学氧化处理后去除COD的动力学分别适用于零级和一级动力学模型,反应速率常数分别为4.49 mg·(L·min)−1和0.005 4 min−1;电絮凝和电化学氧化处理压裂返排液起主要作用的活性物质分别是OH·和O2·−;电絮凝反应后,阳极和阴极表面分别附有碳酸钙和絮体有机物,电化学氧化反应后,阳极和阴极表面分别覆盖着致密的有机污染物和钙镁碳酸盐。Abstract: To investigate the mechanism of electrocoagulation and electrochemical oxidation methods treating oilfield fracturing backflow fluid, response surface methodology was used to fit the reaction process, and the electrochemical reaction kinetics, active substances, and changes in the morphology and composition of electrode plates were studied. The results showed that the correlation between the response surface models of electrocoagulation and electrochemical oxidation methods was significant, and the accuracy and reliability were in a reasonable range. Under the optimal experimental conditions, their COD removal rates could reach 88.16% and 100.00%, respectively. The COD removal kinetics for fracturing flowback fluid after electrocoagulation and electrochemical oxidation treatment were applicable to the zero order and first order kinetic models, respectively, and the reaction rate constant were 4.49 mg·L−1·min−1 and 0.005 4 min−1 , respectively. The active substances that played a major role in the treatment of fracturing backflow fluid by electrocoagulation and electrochemical oxidation were OH· and O2·− , respectively. After the electrochemical reaction, the electrocoagulation anode and cathode were coated with calcium carbonate and flocculent organic matter on the surface, respectively, while the electrochemical oxidation anode and cathode surfaces were covered with dense organic pollutants and calcium magnesium carbonate, respectively.
表 1 响应面实验设计因素水平和编码
Table 1. Factor level and code for response surface experimental design
变量 因素 电流密度
(C)/min−1 1 2 20 0 5.5 3 40 1 10 4 60 表 2 电絮凝处理的响应面结果
Table 2. Response surface results of electrocoagulation treatment
序号 X1 X2 X3 COD去除率/% 1 −1 −1 0 63.2 2 1 −1 0 75.6 3 −1 1 0 59.7 4 1 1 0 70.3 5 −1 0 −1 52.0 6 1 0 −1 69.5 7 −1 0 1 67.4 8 1 0 1 74.7 9 0 −1 −1 58.2 10 0 1 −1 43.8 11 0 −1 1 75.0 12 0 1 1 54.7 13 0 0 0 69.8 14 0 0 0 69.2 15 0 0 0 70.3 注1:Y1 = 0.697 7+0.059 7A − 0.054 4B+0.060 4C − 0.004 5AB − 0.025 5AC − 0.014 8BC+0.027A2 − 0.052 7B2 − 0.065 7C2。 表 3 电絮凝回归方程的方差分析
Table 3. Analysis of variance for the regression equation of electrocoagulation
来源 平方和 自由度 均方和 F P 模型 0.114 0 9 0.012 7 6.95 0.023 A 0.028 6 1 0.028 6 15.66 0.010 8 B 0.023 7 1 0.023 7 12.97 0.015 5 C 0.029 2 1 0.029 2 15.99 0.010 3 AB 0.000 1 1 0.000 1 0.044 4 0.841 4 AC 0.002 6 1 0.002 6 1.43 0.285 9 BC 0.009 0 1 0.009 0 0.477 3 0.520 4 A2 0.002 7 1 0.002 7 1.48 0.277 9 B2 0.010 3 1 0.010 3 5.63 0.063 8 C2 0.015 9 1 0.015 9 8.74 0.031 6 残差 0.009 1 5 0.001 8 失拟项 0.009 1 3 0.003 0 纯误差 0.000 1 2 0 表 4 电化学氧化处理的响应面结果
Table 4. Response surface results of electrochemical oxidation treatment
序号 X1 X2 X3 COD去除率/% 1 −1 −1 0 62.0 2 1 −1 0 97.9 3 −1 1 0 62.4 4 1 1 0 94.4 5 −1 0 −1 59.4 6 1 0 −1 81.8 7 −1 0 1 78.9 8 1 0 1 96.1 9 0 −1 −1 62.9 10 0 1 −1 67.0 11 0 −1 1 100.0 12 0 1 1 78.3 13 0 0 0 100.0 14 0 0 0 100.0 15 0 0 0 95.9 注2:Y2=0.985 3+0.134 4A − 0.025 9B+0.102 8C − 0.009 7AB − 0.013 0AC − 0.064 5BC -0.087 3A2 − 0.107 3B2 − 0.108 5C2。 表 5 电化学氧化回归方程的方差分析
Table 5. Analysis of variance for the regression equation of electrochemical oxidation
来源 平方和 自由度 均方和 F P 模型 0.351 1 9 0.039 0 11.88 0.007 0 A 0.144 5 1 0.144 5 43.98 0.001 2 B 0.005 4 1 0.005 4 1.63 0.257 7 C 0.084 5 1 0.084 5 25.71 0.003 9 AB 0.000 4 1 0.000 4 0.115 8 0.747 5 AC 0.000 7 1 0.000 7 0.205 8 0.669 1 BC 0.016 6 1 0.016 6 5.07 0.074 2 A2 0.028 1 1 0.028 1 8.56 0.032 8 B2 0.042 5 1 0.042 5 12.94 0.015 6 C2 0.043 5 1 0.043 5 13.24 0.014 9 残差 0.016 4 5 0.003 3 失拟项 0.015 3 3 0.005 1 纯误差 0.001 1 2 0.000 6 表 6 电化学处理压裂返排液的反应速率常数和动力学方程式
Table 6. Reaction rate constant and kinetic equation of treating fracturing flowback fluid by electric flocculation and electrochemical oxidation
处理方法 反应速率常数k 动力学方程式 R2 电絮凝 4.49 mg·(L·min)−1 cCOD = −4.49t+1253.6 0.935 8 电化学氧化 0.005 4 min−1 ln cCOD = −0.0054t+6.433 0.773 7 表 7 电化学法处理前后有机物成分变化
Table 7. Changes in organic matter composition before and after electrochemical treatment
水样 主要成分 压裂返排液 C9H20O2Si、C13H14OS3、C14H22O、C14H29I、C15H32、C16H34、C17H36、C18H37I、C19H40C20H41I、C26H54、C29H60、C32H66 电絮凝处理后 C10H16O2、C22H13NO4 电化学氧化处理后 C5H10N6、C6H14O、C6H13Cl、C8H7F3O3S2、C9H14O2、C12H12F6O2、C22H13NO4 表 8 电絮凝阳极极板的EDS分析
Table 8. EDS analysis of electroflocculation anode plate
电絮凝阳极极板 电絮凝阴极极板 元素 质量比/% 原子百分比/% 元素 质量比/% 原子百分比/% C 49.75 66.25 O 49.04 60.55 Al 39.59 23.47 C 8.63 14.18 O 10.11 10.11 Ca 26.55 13.08 Ca 0.16 1.06 Na 8.62 7.41 Fe 0.08 0.11 Mg 2.92 2.37 表 9 电化学氧化阳极极板的EDS分析
Table 9. EDS analysis of electrochemical oxidation anode plate
电化学氧化阳极极板 电化学氧化阴极极板 元素 质量比/% 原子百分比/% 元素 质量比/% 原子百分比/% O 21.90 40.97 O 46.45 56.93 Ti 54.33 33.96 C 14.64 23.91 C 6.93 17.27 Ca 28.64 14.01 Ru 12.06 3.57 Mg 2.81 2.26 S 1.51 1.41 Na 1.95 1.66 -
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