目前,我国众多城市仍保留了大面积的截流式合流制排水系统。在降雨条件下,超出管网截流倍数的雨污混合水通过溢流井或泵站直接排放到受纳水体而造成的污染,称为合流制溢流(combined sewer overflow, CSO)污染[1]。CSO污染具有水质和水量波动大、非连续性的特点,是导致城市黑臭水体、地表水污染的主要原因之一。近年来,随着城市的快速扩张与持续更新,不透水面大幅增加,暴雨突发性污染事件频发,致使CSO流量大、频次多,严重制约了城市面源污染控制。在黑臭水体整治和海绵城市建设的背景下,CSO污染控制成为当前不可回避且亟待解决的重要问题[2]。CSO污染控制措施主要分为源头减量、管道截流、调蓄储存和末端控制[3]。其中,CSO末端控制技术主要采用物理性处理,例如水力旋流分离器[4-5]、混凝沉淀池[6]、高效沉淀池[7]、溶气气浮[8]等,这些技术的优势是能够应对CSO污水的水量大、非连续性的特点,但是对COD指标去除非常有限,难以消除CSO溢流引起的水体污染问题。CSO末端控制也可采用人工湿地[9]、生物滤池[10]等生态、生物处理方法,但在城市区域存在场地受限、投资成本高、无雨期维护困难等难题。
Treatment of urban combined sewer overflow pollution by ozone flotation process
摘要: 合流制溢流(CSO)污水具有水质水量波动大、非连续产生的特点,采用臭氧气浮技术对CSO污水进行处理,研究该技术对化学需氧量(COD)、总磷(TP)、悬浮固体(SS)等污染指标的控制效果。实验室小试结果表明,在最适工艺条件下,混凝-臭氧同步处理对CSO实际污水SS、TP、COD去除率分别为77.8%、73.6%和57.9%,显著削弱了腐殖质类有机物荧光强度,混凝与臭氧氧化之间表现出良好的协同作用,能够实现CSO污染的有效控制。进一步设计了臭氧气浮撬装式设备,并在武汉市开展了CSO处理现场实验研究,运行结果表明,臭氧气浮工艺系统对SS、TP、COD的平均去除率分别为81.8%、75.4%和61.7%,净化效果良好,实现了对CSO典型污染物的协同治理。通过实验室研究和工程实验结果,证实了臭氧气浮工艺用于CSO污水治理的工程可行性,上述研究结果可为CSO污水的多水质目标协同控制提供理论指导和技术参考。Abstract: Combined sewer overflow (CSO) sewage has the characteristics of large fluctuations of water quality and quantity along with discontinuous generation. Ozone air flotation technology was used to treat CSO wastewater, and its effect on the control of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorus (TP), suspended solids (SS) and other pollution indicators is studied. Laboratory tests reveal that under the optimal process conditions, the coagulation-ozone simultaneous treatment could remove 77.8% of SS, 73.6% of TP, and 57.9% of COD in actual CSO sewage, respectively, as well as significantly decreased the fluorescence intensity of humus organic matter. A strong synergy effect occurred between coagulation and ozonation in this process and could achieve an effective control of CSO pollution. Furthermore, the skid-mounted ozone flotation equipment was designed, and a field test was conducted for CSO treatment in Wuhan City. The operation results demonstrate that the ozone air flotation process system showed the average removal rates of 81.8%, 75.4% and 61.7% for SS, TP, and COD, respectively, indicating effective purification effects. Through laboratory research and engineering trials, the engineering feasibility of ozone air flotation process for CSO sewage treatment was proved. This study provides both theoretical guidance and technical support for the collaborative control of CSO sewage with diverse water quality targets.
表 1 合流制溢流实际污水水质特征
Table 1. Water quality of combined sewer overflows sewage
检测结果 pH SS/(mg·L−1) TP/(mg·L−1) COD/(mg·L−1) UV254/(cm−1) Cl−/(mg·L−1) SO42-/(mg·L−1) 范围 7.32~7.55 36~76 1.77~2.63 63~192 0.0897~0.1796 28.10~51.81 36.77~50.13 平均值 7.44 56 2.2 127.5 0.1347 39.96 43.45 -
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