随着我国城市化进程的加速,产生的城镇污水逐渐增加,导致污水处理之后产生的污泥量也大幅提升。据统计,至2 020年底,我国城镇污泥的排放量达到了5 130×104 t (以含水率80%计) [1],预计到2025年底,全国污泥的产量大约在9 000×104 t左右 (以含水率80%计) [2]。这些污泥不仅量多,而且含水率高,还含有较高浓度的有机物。若不对污泥进行处理而排入环境中,会对环境产生二次污染,危害人体健康,且国内关于污泥的最终处理处置的方式要求污泥的含水率小于60%[3],然而由于污泥EPS中蛋白多糖通过氢键等作用力使得部分水分与EPS结合,导致传统的污泥脱水技术只能将含水率降到80%左右[4-5],因此对污泥调理降低其含水率是污泥减量化以及处置的必不可少的一环。
絮凝剂调理由于其价格低廉和调理效果好在污泥调理领域使用较为广泛[6]。目前使用最多的絮凝剂是无机高分子絮凝剂和有机高分子絮凝剂。最常见的无机高分子絮凝剂是聚合氯化铝 (PAC),CAO等[7]合成了不同种类PAC,并将其调理污泥之后认为,Alb (中等聚合态铝) 和Alc (高度聚合态铝) 比Ala (单体铝或低聚合态铝) 更稳定且带的正电荷更多,其形成的絮体强度更高,污泥调理效果更好。有机高分子絮凝剂主要是聚丙烯酰胺 (PAM) ,邹鹏等[8]比较了壳聚糖和阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺 (CPAM) 对污泥脱水性能的影响,结果表明CPAM对污泥的絮凝效果比壳聚糖好。微生物絮凝剂和复合絮凝剂也逐渐加入了污泥调理,LEE等[9]从秋葵中提取出了一种生物絮凝剂,发现当其用量为商业絮凝剂的2倍时,2者脱水性能相当;WEI[10]等将3-氯-2-羟丙基三甲基铵氯化物 (CTA) 接枝到淀粉上获得了6种不同聚合度的淀粉基絮凝剂,调理污泥后发现电荷密度越高的絮凝剂电中和及吸附架桥能力越强,脱水效果更好。
然而,不同的絮凝剂也有着各自的缺点。无机絮凝剂虽然价格便宜,但是会导致污泥量增加,泥饼和滤液中铁铝等金属含量增加且脱水性能受pH影响较大;有机絮凝剂价格比无机絮凝剂高,生物毒性未知[11- 12]。聚合硅酸铝絮凝剂作为一种复合絮凝剂,同时结合了铝盐的电中和能力和聚硅酸的吸附架桥功能,受pH影响小、价格低廉、且研究证明聚硅酸用于污水混凝处理时效果好,在污水处理方面具有良好的前景[13-14]。但是,有关将其改性作为絮凝剂用于污泥脱水方面的研究却不多见。
Effectiveness and feasibility of enhanced sludge dewatering in wastewater plants with PASS
摘要: 以硅酸盐和铝盐为原料,通过共聚反应制备了2种Si/Al摩尔比的聚硅酸硫酸铝 (PASS) 絮凝剂。以某市政污水厂污泥为研究对象,比较了PAC和PASS调理后污泥比阻 (SRF) 、毛细吸水时间 (CST) 和泥饼含水率,并分析了胞外聚合物 (EPS) 的蛋白和多糖变化规律分析。结果表明,PASS能够有效的降低SRF、CST和泥饼含水率,且PASS的Si/Al摩尔比为1∶1时,脱水效果最好。经过PASS以及PAC调理后,溶解性EPS (SEPS) 和松散附着EPS (LBEPS) 的蛋白多糖的含量均有下降,而PAC调理后紧密附着层EPS (TBEPS) 下降,PASS调理后却存在上升阶段。通过污泥扫描电子显微镜 (SEM) 发现,污泥絮体表面由光滑、均匀分布变成了粗糙多孔,且Si/Al摩尔比为1∶1时孔隙率及孔径最大。SEPS和LBEPS蛋白多糖与CST和SRF具有正相关性。所制PASS的不计动力和设备损耗的工程成本比PAC要低。本研究结果可为PASS用于污泥脱水提供参考。Abstract: Two Si/Al molar ratios PASS flocculants were prepared by copolymerization reaction with silicate and aluminium salts. The sludge specific resistance (SRF), capillary suction time (CST) and moisture content of sludge cake after flocculating with PAC and PASS were compared, and the changes of protein and polysaccharide of extracellular polymers (EPS) was analyzed. The results showed that PASS could effectively reduce SRF, CST and moisture content of sludge cake, and the best dewatering effect was achieved when the Si/Al molar ratio was 1:1. The contents of protein and polysaccharide in soluble EPS (SEPS) and loosely bound layer EPS (LBEPS) reduced after PASS and PAC flocculation. The contents in tightly bound EPS (TBEPS) also decreased after PAC conditioning, but after PASS conditioning, the contents exerted an increasing trend. The sludge scanning electron microscope (SEM) image revealed that the sludge floc changed from smooth and uniform distribution to rough and porous, and the porosity and pore size reached the maximum at Si/Al molar ratio of 1:1. Additionally, correlation analysis concluded that protein and polysaccharide in SEPS and LBEPS were positively correlated with CST and SRF. Finally, as to economic evaluation, it is found that the cost of PASS without power and equipment considerations was lower than that of PAC, which laid the engineering significance for the application of PASS for sludge dewatering.
Key words:
- PASS /
- EPS /
- sludge dewatering /
- dewatering performance /
- correlation analysis
表 1 原始污泥的性质
Table 1. Properties of raw sludge
含水率/% SRF/(×1012 m·kg−1) pH TSS/(g·L−1) CST/s TOC/(mg·L−1) 94.31±0.025 0.958±0.06 7.71±0.02 56.95±0.25 954±9.3 2 336±14 表 2 制备PASS所需的工业级药剂的单价
Table 2. The unit price of the industrial-grade agent required to prepare PASS
药剂 价格/ (元∙t-1) 硫酸 1 200 九水硅酸钠 2 000 十八水硫酸铝 800 聚合氯化铝 2 400 表 3 不同Si/Al摩尔比的PASS的价格核算
Table 3. Price calculation of PASS with different Si/Al molar ratio
元∙t−1 (以制备1 t PASS计) 絮凝剂 硫酸 九水硅酸钠 十八水硫酸铝 1∶1 PASS 133 1 262 593 1∶2 PASS 93 888 833 注:未包括机械和电力损耗。 -
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