人粪污无害化处理对于疾病预防控制和农村人居环境整治具有重要意义。我国将推进人粪污无害化处理和资源化利用作为乡村振兴和美丽乡村战略的重要实施策略[1]。人粪污中含有大量有机物和营养元素[2],每人每年产生的粪污中约含5.7 kg氮、0.6 kg磷和1.2 kg钾[3],并且没有重金属污染的风险,可有效替代化肥[4]。我国自古一直有将人粪污堆沤还田农用的习惯,除了用作肥料,还可作为土壤改良剂,补充腐殖质[5]。但人粪污中含有大量病原体和大分子有机物质,为了避免粪口传播,在施入农田前必须充分腐熟以降低肠道疾病感染风险[6]。人粪污堆肥经过充分腐熟,可杀灭其中的病原菌以及寄生虫卵,形成含有高有机质以及氮磷钾等营养元素的农家肥,但若堆肥腐熟不充分,人粪污农用则会导致病原体的传播,造成二次污染。
Effect of the initial moisture content on the maturity extent and the microbial community structure of the aerobic compost with human excrement
摘要: 为探究人粪污好氧堆肥最佳工艺参数,探究初始含水率对人粪污好氧堆肥腐熟及微生物群落结构变化的影响。以人粪污为原料,玉米秸秆为调理剂,设置初始含水率55% (MC55) 、60% (MC60) 和65% (MC65) 3个处理组,在60 L的密闭发酵罐中堆肥30 d。结果表明,在不同初始含水率条件下,堆肥产品均可达到腐熟标准,堆肥产物没有作物毒性 (GI>80%) 。MC60和MC65处理堆肥产物均已达到无害化卫生标准,MC55处理堆肥产物未达到无害化卫生标准,其粪大肠菌群数依然高于102 MPN·g−1。3组处理中,细菌丰度均高于真菌,MC65有助于提高堆肥过程中细菌丰富度与多样性,但MC60可提高真菌多样性。3组处理间主要细菌门和真菌门组成一致,MC65处理增加了腐熟期拟杆菌门和担子菌门的相对丰度。升温期和高温期3个处理优势细菌属具有明显差异;腐熟期MC60和MC65处理细菌属组成具有相似性,MC55和MC65处理真菌属随时间的变化具有相似性。MC65处理增加了高温期Bacillus和Meyerozyma的相对丰度,增加了腐熟期uncultured_bictureium和Coprinopsis的相对丰度。MC对真菌演替的影响大于细菌,随着堆肥的进行,MC对微生物群落结构的影响逐渐减小。MC65处理高温期持续时间最长,堆肥产物粪大肠菌群数最低,增加了腐熟期木质素降解菌的相对丰度,是人粪污好氧堆肥最佳初始含水率。本研究结果可为优化人粪污好氧堆肥工艺参数提供参考。Abstract: In order to study the optimal process parameter of the aerobic composting with the human excrement, the effect of the initial moisture content (MC) on the maturity extent of the aerobic composting and the microbial community structure of the human excrement were studied. Adopting the human excrement as the raw material and the corn straw as conditioner, three treatment groups were set up with initial moisture content of 55% (MC55), 60% (MC60) and 65% (MC65), respectively. The experiment was conducted in three 60 L closed fermenters with composting for 30 days. The results showed that the compost products could fulfill the maturity standard and had no crop toxicity (GI>80%) with different initial moisture contents. The compost products of MC60 and MC65 had satisfied the non-hazardous sanitary standard, while the compost products of MC55 could not, with the fecal coliforms which was higher than 102 MPN·g−1. The bacterial abundances were higher than those of fungi in all three treatments, which indicated that the treatment of MC65 could improve the richness and the diversity of the bacteria during the composting process, but MC60 could increase the diversity of the fungi. The compositions of the major bacterial phyla and fungal phyla were consistent among the three treatments. The treatment of MC65 increased the relative abundance of the Bacteroidetes and Basidiomycetes during the mature phase. The dominant bacterial generas among the three treatments were significantly different during the heating and the thermophilic phases. The bacterial genus was similar between MC60 and MC65 during the mature phase, and the variations of fungal genera during the compost period were similar for MC55 and MC65. The treatment of MC65 improved the relative abundances of Bacillus and Meyerozyma during the thermophilic phase, as well as uncultured_bictureium and Coprinopsis during the mature phase. The effect degree of MC on the fungal succession was greater than that of the bacteria, and the effect of MC on microbial community structure gradually decreased throughout the composting process. For compost products, MC65 has the longest thermophilic phase and the lowest number of fecal coliforms, and the relative abundance of lignin-degrading bacteria was increased in the mature phase, which illustrated that it was the best initial moisture content for the aerobic compost with human excrement. This research can provide the reference for optimizing the technological parameters for aerobic compost with human excrement and promote the resource utilization of human excrement.
Key words:
- moisture content /
- human excrement /
- aerobic composting /
- microbial community structure
表 1 原料性质
Table 1. Characteristics of raw materials
原料 含水率/% pH TC/% TN/% C/N 沙门氏菌 蛔虫卵死亡率/% 人粪污 89.69 7.39 43.69 3.48 12.55 未检出 100 玉米秸秆 5.47 7.1 45.02 1.53 29.42 - - 注:“-”代表未检测。 表 2 不同处理组实验设计方案
Table 2. Experimental design schemes for different treatments
编号 人粪污/kg 玉米秸秆/kg MC/% MC55 14 10 55 MC60 14 7.5 60 MC65 14 5.8 65 表 3 不同初始含水率人粪污好氧堆肥过程不同阶段细菌和真菌Chao1和Shannon指数
Table 3. Bacteria and fungi Chao1 and Shannonindex at different phases of human excrement composting with different initial moisture content
样品编号 细菌 真菌 Chao1 Shannon Chao1 Shannon MC55-0 676.51 6.71 698.1 4.78 MC55-2 399.49 3.39 566.77 2.67 MC55-30 264.36 3.39 513.8 1.06 MC60-0 637.00 3.51 382.69 3.89 MC60-2 450.14 3.02 371.06 4.26 MC60-30 621.63 5.88 274.28 4.04 MC65-0 769.51 6.16 453.28 6.08 MC65-2 508.12 4.36 365.94 2.99 MC65-30 602.15 6.13 272.94 2.78 -
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