随着土地资源的日益紧张,垃圾焚烧已经成为我国城市生活垃圾无害化处理的主要方式。根据国家统计局发布的2021中国统计年鉴[1],我国城市生活垃圾焚烧处理量达到567 804 t·d−1,占总生活垃圾日清运量的59%。生活垃圾进行焚烧前通常需要堆酵3~7 d,此过程中垃圾自有水分、发酵产生水分和雨水等环境因素共同作用下将产生大量渗滤液[2-3]。垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液的水质特点主要为有机污染物浓度高、氨氮含量高、有毒物质和无机盐含量高,如果收集和处理不当,将会对周边环境造成严重污染[4]。本课题组在前期研究中采用厌氧膜生物反应器(anaerobic membrane bioreactor,AnMBR)有效去除了垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液中的有机污染物,然而由于厌氧消化过程中含氮有机物进一步分解产生氨氮[5-6],导致出水中仍存在大量氨氮。当前,垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液脱氨工艺多采用多级硝化反硝化工艺,但由于AnMBR出水氨氮质量浓度高达2 000 mg·L−1以上,处理难度较大;此外,出水C/N严重不均衡,需要投加大量碳源,从而导致占地面积大、能耗高和处理成本高等问题[7-9]。因此寻找合适的工艺对AnMBR出水中的氨氮进一步处理十分必要。
目前应用最为广泛的物化脱氨法为吹脱法。此法通常作为垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液处理的预处理,以减少废水中的氨氮尤其是游离氨对厌氧消化的影响[10-12]。其缺点在于:处理过程中对废水的pH有较高要求,需要投加大量碱以维持废水碱度,导致药剂成本较高;另外,吹脱法所用空气量大,导致动力消耗大,运行成本高等[13]。负压原位碱度脱氨法是一种新型高氨氮废水处理方法,在不需要投加碱及真空负压的条件下,废水中的游离氨不断进入气相继而被抽走,从而实现氨氮去除。相对常规脱氨法,负压原位碱度脱氨节约药剂和能耗,成本更低[14]。陈晗[15]采用负压脱氨法去除模拟高氨氮废水,在真空度为−0.015~−0.2 MPa,初始pH为11,停留时间为1.5~2 h时,获得最大脱氨率为46.63%。垃圾渗滤液厌氧消化液是一类特殊的高氨氮废水,由于其本身含有较高的碱度,在吹脱或者负压条件下重碳酸盐可以分解为二氧化碳,释放OH−,从而提高废水的pH。废水中离子铵结合OH−不断转化为分子氨,进一步进入气相,在吹脱或者负压作用下被分离出来,从而达到脱氨的目的[16]。
目前采用负压原位碱度脱氨工艺的报道较少。赵贤广等[17]采用“负压蒸发-吹脱”组合工艺在不调整初始pH条件下处理垃圾渗滤液厌氧消化液,当负压蒸发温度为67 ℃、真空度为−0.08 MPa、吹脱气液比为1 000∶1时,NH4+-N质量浓度由2 621.6 mg·L−1降至500 mg·L−1左右,去除率为80.3%。LEVERENZ等[18]采用负压吹脱工艺处理厌氧沼液,分为加碱处理组和不加碱处理组,发现在温度达到92 ℃时两组具有相似的氨氮去除性能。可见负压原位碱度脱氨法处理高氨氮厌氧消化液废水具有一定可行性,然而,目前的研究主要侧重于单因素影响和去除效果分析,而对多因素参数优化选择鲜有报道。响应面分析法是一种结合数学和统计学的渐近似优化方法,可以对受多个因素影响的响应问题进行建模分析并优化响应值,从而得出最优化工艺条件[12]。
Optimization of vacuum in-situ alkalinity ammonia removal from the effluent of AnMBR treating the incineration leachate by response surface methodology
摘要: 针对垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液厌氧膜生物反应器(anaerobic membrane bioreactor, AnMBR)出水中仍含有高浓度氨氮,无法满足现行排放标准的问题,采用负压原位碱度脱氨工艺对AnMBR出水进行进一步处理;考察了温度、真空度和脱氨时间3个因素对负压原位碱度脱氨工艺氨氮去除率的单独作用,分析了不加碱前提下脱氨过程中体系pH的变化,并利用响应面学的方法对3因素的交互作用进行了探讨和分析。单因素实验结果表明:各因素在响应范围内对氨氮的去除有显著性影响,在温度为60 ℃、真空度为−0.08 MPa、脱氨时间为2 h时,氨氮去除率达到75.5%;在负压原位碱度脱氨过程中,AnMBR出水中自有碱度对pH具有显著调控作用,碳酸氢根水解致使反应体系pH上升进而促进氨氮脱除;利用响应面法探讨了各因素对氨氮去除率的影响,其对于氨氮去除率的贡献排序为温度>真空度>脱氨时间;确定负压原位碱度脱氨的最佳时间为3.5 h,温度为59 ℃,真空度为−0.079 MPa,该条件下氨氮去除率为92%以上,并对该模型进行了实验验证;响应面法的预测值与实验值吻合较好。由此可知,通过负压原位碱度脱氨可以去除垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液AnMBR出水中大部分氨氮,并大幅提高C/N比,为后续与适当的生化处理工艺组合处理奠定了良好基础。该研究结果可为负压原位碱度脱氨法处理垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液AnMBR出水中氨氮的工业化应用提供参考。Abstract: Generally, the quality of anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) effluent from incineration leachate cannot meet the discharge standard due to the high concentration of ammonia nitrogen. In this study, vacuum in-situ alkalinity ammonia removal process was used to conduct the advanced treatment of AnMBR effluent. The respective effect of temperature, vacuum degree or time on ammonia nitrogen removal rate was investigated. Then the change in pH in the system without adding alkalinity was analyzed during the ammonia removal process. Furthermore, the interaction of three factors was discussed and analyzed by response surface methodology (RSM). The results of single factor experiment showed that each factor presented a significant effect on ammonia nitrogen removal rate. At 60 ℃, the vacuum degree of −0.08 MPa, and the deamination time of 2 h, the ammonia nitrogen removal rate reached 75.5%. The own alkalinity in AnMBR effluent had a significant regulation effect on pH during the vacuum in-situ alkalinity ammonia removal process. Bicarbonate in the AnMBR effluent hydrolyzed under the conditions of vacuum and heating, and the produced carbon dioxide volatilized from the system. This process could lead to a pH increase and promote ammonia nitrogen removal. In addition, the effects of temperature, vacuum degree and time on ammonia nitrogen removal rate were investigated by RSM. The order of contribution of three factors to ammonia nitrogen removal rate was as follows: temperature > vacuum degree > time. Under the optimum conditions as follows: time of 3.5 h, temperature of 59 ℃ and vacuum degree of −0.079 MPa, the ammonia nitrogen removal rate was over 92%. Then the model was further verified by experiments. The results showed that the predicted values were in agreement with the experimental values. Therefore, most of ammonia nitrogen in AnMBR effluent could be removed by vacuum in-situ alkalinity ammonia removal process, and the C/N ratio of the incineration leachate increased substantially. The results of this study can provide a reference for the industrial application of vacuum in-situ alkalinity ammonia removal process treating the AnMBR effluent from incineration leachate.
表 1 Box-Behnken实验因子编码及水平
Table 1. Variables and levels chosen for Box-Behnken
变量 因素 时间(A)/h 真空度(B)/MPa 温度(C)/℃ −1 2 0.06 40 0 3 0.07 50 1 4 0.08 60 表 2 响应面实验设计方案及数据
Table 2. Experiment design and data of RSM
编号 时间(A)/h 真空度(B)/MPa 温度(C)/℃ 氨氮去除率/% 1 3 0.08 40 70.55 2 3 0.07 50 72.84 3 2 0.08 50 60.89 4 2 0.06 50 44.12 5 3 0.07 50 73.2 6 4 0.07 60 80.09 7 4 0.06 50 62.46 8 3 0.07 50 72.75 9 3 0.07 50 73.54 10 2 0.07 60 53.61 11 3 0.06 40 51.15 12 3 0.07 50 72.36 13 3 0.08 60 87.85 14 2 0.07 40 44.24 15 3 0.06 60 64.13 16 4 0.07 40 63.04 17 4 0.08 50 88.7 表 3 响应面方差分析结果
Table 3. Variance analysis of response surface experiments results
项目 平方和 自由度 均方 F值 P值 模型 2 817.08 9 313.01 791.38 <0.000 1*** A 401.86 1 401.86 1 016.03 <0.000 1*** B 927.30 1 927.30 2 344.49 <0.000 1*** C 1 044.93 1 1 044.93 2 641.90 <0.000 1*** AB 22.42 1 22.42 56.69 0.000 1** AC 14.75 1 14.75 37.28 0.000 5** BC 4.67 1 4.67 11.80 0.010 9* A2 306.74 1 306.74 775.53 <0.000 1*** B2 0.546 4 1 0.546 4 1.38 0.278 3 C2 72.79 1 72.79 184.03 <0.000 1*** 残差 2.77 7 0.395 5 失拟项 1.96 3 0.652 9 3.22 0.143 9 纯误差 0.81 4 0.202 5 模型+残差 2 819.85 16 注:***表示差异极其显著(P<0.001),**表示差异高度显著(P<0.01),*表示差异显著(P<0.05);回归模型的决定系数R2=0.9991,校正决定系数R2adj=0.9980。 表 4 响应面预测处理组条件
Table 4. The conditions for response surface prediction
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