土壤重金属污染问题大多表现为复合污染。河北省张家口市某电镀厂旧址场地受铜(Ⅱ)、铬(Ⅵ)和镍(Ⅱ)复合污染,点位超标率分别为2.8%、2.8%和12.3%[6];江西省贵溪市贵溪农田耕层土壤受铜(Ⅱ)和镉(Ⅱ)复合污染,其中铜(Ⅱ)质量分数高达864.77 mg·kg−1 [7];济源市平原区土壤中重金属镉(Ⅱ)、铅(Ⅱ)和砷(Ⅴ)的超标率均大于100%[8];广东省汕头市莲花山部分矿区土壤因重金属镉(Ⅱ)和砷(Ⅴ)严重超标,已影响下游稻田生长[9];常熟市严重复合重金属污染土壤已对大豆的生长发育产生了不利影响[10]。复合污染时重金属离子间存在相互作用[11-12],不仅影响彼此存在形态,甚至改变其毒性[13],需统筹考虑。
重金属污染物在土壤中的迁移与土质、污染浓度、土壤深度及粒径等因素有关。熊钡等[14]以砂土、砂壤土和黏土3种土壤为研究对象,外加电场下,镍(Ⅱ)在砂土和砂壤土的迁移速度明显比黏土快,最高迁移率分别为99.9%、68.3%和37.8%;LI等[15]指出土壤团聚体粒径<15 μm时有助于提高镉(Ⅱ)的迁移能力;VILLEN-GUZMAN等[16]选取西班牙某矿区砂壤土,证实土壤老化后铅(Ⅱ)的迁移速率降低;陈榕等[17]发现铅(Ⅱ)污染液浓度增加,迁移速率加快,穿透时间显著减小;吕达等[18]用砂箱试验装置模拟重金属在土壤系统中的迁移特征,表明重金属的垂向迁移能力铬(Ⅵ)>镍(Ⅱ)≈钴(Ⅱ)>铜(Ⅱ)。
本研究以典型阴阳离子复合重金属 (铜(Ⅱ)-铬(Ⅵ)) 污染为对象,以砂土粒径、电压梯度、初始污染物浓度为影响因素,借助界面取样及多元重组构建重金属污染物的界面迁移规律,摸清影响因素的作用,明确污染物间的交互影响。以期丰富离子迁移理论,为复合重金属污染土的污染控制提供参考,并推动电动修复技术的工程应用。
Interfacial migration of heavy metals in copper (II) -Chromium (VI) contaminated soil under electrokinetic action
摘要: 厘清污染物的界面迁移是实现污染控制的前提。以铜(II)-铬(VI)复合污染砂土为研究对象,以电压梯度、砂土粒径及污染浓度为影响因素,研究电动驱动作用下复合重金属污染物的界面迁移规律。结果表明:重金属污染物的横向迁移方向取决于离子赋存状态所带电荷类型,纵向迁移方向取决于赋存形态及其摩尔质量双重作用;电动作用下带有相反电荷的物质复合污染时,各物质保持原始迁移方向,但各界面浓度趋于均匀化。横向迁移方面存在以协同作用为主导的局部拮抗现象,纵向迁移方面存在迁移减缓及物质共沉现象。铜和铬最佳迁出所对应的组合条件分别为:S3 (粗砂)+0.750 V·cm−1+50 mg·kg−1和S3 (粗砂)+1.125 V·cm−1+200 mg·kg−1。电压梯度是作为影响重金属迁移效率的主要外在因素,与大粒径及风险筛选值对应的浓度相匹配有利于重金属污染物在电动作用下的迁出。不同污染物的影响因素敏感度分布并不一致,建议复合污染土体的修复治理应针对污染物种类对主导因素进行细化。本研究结果可为电动修复技术的工程应用提供参考。Abstract: Clarifying the interface migration of contamination is the premise of control. Based on copper (II)-chromium (VI) composite contaminated sandy soil, the interface migration law of composite heavy metal contamination under electric drive was studied with some influencing factors, such as voltage gradient, soil particle diameter and contaminated concentration. The results show that the transverse migration direction of heavy metal contamination depends on the charge type in the occurrence state, while the longitudinal migration depends on the dual effect of contamination occurrence form and its molar mass. In the case of compound contamination with opposite charges, each substance retains its original migration direction under electric action, but the concentration tends to homogenize. Although there is local antagonism in the transverse migration, the dominant force is the synergistic function which can alleviate the aggregation problem and enhance the transverse migration of ions. In the aspect of longitudinal migration, there are a slower migration rate and co-sedimentation for compound contamination. The optimal combination conditions of Cu and Chromium are of S3 (coarse sand)+0.750 V·cm−1+50 mg·kg−1 and S3 (coarse sand)+1.125 V·cm−1+200 mg·kg−1, respectively Voltage gradient is a major external factor affecting the migrated efficiency of heavy metal , and it need match with the large particle diameter and the concentration corresponding to the risk screening value are conducive to the removal of heavy metal contaminants under electric action. The sensitivity distribution of the influencing factors of different pollutants is not consistent. It is suggested that the main factors should be refined according to the types of pollutants in the remediation of composite polluted soil.
表 1 砂土筛分粒径及物理化学性质
Table 1. Particle size distribution and physical-chemical properties of sand
编号 粒径/mm 饱和含水率 标准砂筛分 SiO2含量 可溶性盐含量 密度/ (g·cm−3) 比表面积/ (m2·kg−1) S0 0.08~2.0 17.6% 混合砂 >96% <0.2% 1.51~1.54 13.18 S1 0.08~0.5 20.0% 细砂 S2 0.5~1.0 19.4% 中砂 S3 1.0~2.0 12.3% 粗砂 表 2 正交实验设计L9 (3/4)
Table 2. Orthogonal test design L9 (3/4)
编号 筛分粒径 电压梯度/(V·cm−1) 初始质量分数/(mg·kg−1) i值/% 1 S1 0.375 50 (259.74,276.57) 2 S1 0.750 200 (273.16,314.64) 3 S1 1.125 500 (254.57,305.31) 4 S2 0.375 200 (263.62,297.41) 5 S2 0.750 500 (272.64,311.26) 6 S2 1.125 50 (275.28,303.72) 7 S3 0.375 500 (269.27,284.39) 8 S3 0.750 50 (288.30*,311.28) 9 S3 1.125 200 (265.29,336.16*) 表 3 正交实验结果L9 (3/4)
Table 3. Orthogonal test results L9 (3/4)
筛分粒径K1 电压梯度K2 初始质量分数K3 极差R (787.47,896.52) (811.54,912.39) (822.86*,931.83*) (35.39,35.31) (792.63,858.37) (834.10*,937.18) (795.14,945.19*) (41.47*,86.82*) (823,32*,891.57) (811.09,948.21*) (796.48,900.96) (26.84,56.64) 注:迁移效率、Ki及极差R中 (xxx,xxx) 形式,左右两侧数值分别代表铜、铬所对相应数值;*代表极大值。 -
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