垃圾焚烧技术由于具有高效减容减量和回收热量等优点,促使我国垃圾焚烧产业迅速发展,已成为我国生活垃圾无害化处置的主流方式之一。飞灰是垃圾焚烧过程中不可避免的副产物,富集了高浓度重金属、二噁英类物质和金属氯盐[1],属于典型的危险废物。随着垃圾焚烧技术的进一步推广,2020年我国飞灰预计产量突破1×107 t[2]。当前,飞灰的主流处理工艺是水泥固定/稳定化后填埋,然而这种传统的处理方式存在二次污染风险高、占用大量宝贵的土地和资源化利用率低等缺点。在面对新建填埋场“邻避效应”、土地短缺和资源匮乏的三重压力下,迫切需要开发非填埋式的飞灰无害化和资源化技术。
Preparation of ceramsites with fly ash originated from sewage sludge-assisted hydrothermal coupled pyrolysis process
摘要: 应开发非填埋式飞灰无害化与资源化处理处置技术的迫切需要,采用污泥辅助水热耦合热解工艺对飞灰进行脱毒脱氯,利用污泥的硅铝质组分辅助飞灰水热-热解处置产物制备陶粒;并阐明了烧结过程有害重金属的固化行为与固化机制。结果表明,在1 200~1 250 ℃的温度下,烧制20 min可成功制备密度等级为900~1 200级的高强陶粒;其最优抗压强度超过19 MPa,吸水率、有害物质含量(氯化物含量≤0.000 5%,硫含量≤0.22%)等指标均符合GB/T 17431.1-2010国家标准。高温焙烧过程形成的铝硅酸钙和磷灰石矿物有助于重金属的固化稳定。陶粒的残渣态重金属比例超过85%,浸出毒性低于GB 5085.3-2007规定的限值,重金属潜在生态风险处于轻微水平。飞灰经污泥辅助水热-热解处置后的产物制备陶粒可作为飞灰资源化利用的途径之一。Abstract: There is an urgent need to develop non-landfilled treatment and disposal technology for the aim of innocuity and recycling of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash. In this paper, sewage sludge-assisted hydrothermal coupled pyrolysis process was applied to achieve detoxification and dechlorination of MSWI fly ash, while the silico-aluminum component of sludge was contributed to sinter the end-product to make ceramsite. The solidification behavior and mechanism of harmful heavy metals during the roasting process were analyzed in the meantime. The results indicated that high-strength ceramsite with a classified density of 900~1 200 level could be successfully prepared by firing the green pellets for 20 min at the temperature of 1 200~1 250 ℃ and the optimal compressive strength was up to 19 MPa. Water absorption, harmful substance content (chloride content≤0.0005 %, sulfur content≤0.22%) and other indicators met the requirements of national standards GB/T 17431.1-2010. The calcium aluminosilicate and apatite minerals formed during sintering was conducive to the solidification of heavy metals. The residual fraction accounted for more than 85% of the heavy metals species, and the leaching of heavy metals was lower than the limit in GB 5085.3-2007. The potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the ceramiste was at a slight level as well. Therefore, fly ash originated from sewage sludge-assisted hydrothermal-pyrolysis treatment as raw material for preparing sintered ceramsite is one of the potential ways to realize the safe resource utilization of MSWI fly ash.
表 1 陶粒样品命名和煅烧条件
Table 1. Nomenclature of ceramsite samples and sintering conditions
样品 煅烧温度/℃ 煅烧时间/min C1 150-20 1 150 20 C1 175-20 1 175 20 C1 200-20 1 200 20 C1 225-20 1 225 20 C1 250-20 1 250) 20 表 2 P25的重金属浸出浓度
Table 2. Heavy metal leaching concentration of P25
mg·L−1 重金属 浸出浓度 GB 8978-1996限值[22] Mn 0.194 2.01) Ni 0.022 1.02) Cu 0.047 0.51) Zn 0.041 2.01) Cd 0.001 0.12) Pb 0.010 1.02) 注:1)为按照第二类污染物最高允许排放浓度按照一级标准执行;2)为按照一类污染物最高允许排放浓度执行。 表 3 污泥、飞灰和P25的元素分析
Table 3. Chemical components analysis of sludge, fly ash and P25
% 化学成分 污泥 飞灰 P25 SiO2 24.06 3.51 25.24 Al2O3 16.28 0.81 20.18 Na2O 0.88 9.80 1.38 MgO 1.41 1.09 2.39 K2O 1.41 5.64 1.30 CaO 3.42 44.72 16.21 Fe2O3 17.91 0.89 12.58 Cl 0.56 24.53 2.30 P2O5 10.20 0.30 10.67 SO3 3.056 6.20 2.89 表 4 不同温度烧制陶粒的有害物质含量
Table 4. Hazardous substances content of ceramsite at different sintering temperature
% 供检有害物质 P25 C1 175-20 C1 200-20 C1 225-20 C1 250-20 Cl (以Cl−计) 0.014 9 0.003 9 0.000 5 0.000 4 0.000 3 S (以SO3计) 3.431 0.211 5 0.129 0 0.164 3 0.174 8 表 5 P25和不同温度烧制陶粒的重金属浸出
Table 5. Heavy metal leaching concentration of P25 and ceramsite sintered at different temperatures
mg·L−1 重金属 P25 C1 175-20 C1 200-20 C1 225-20 C1 250-20 GB 5085.3-2007标准值[14] Cr 0.014±0.001 0.002±0.00 0.001±0.00 0.001±0.00 N.D. 15 Mn 323.6±12.60 14.75±0.180 19.30±0.278 38.16±1.785 76.78±0.663 — Co 0.020±0.012 0.006±0.00 0.008±0.00 0.027±0.00 0.083±0.001 — Ni 0.046±0.017 0.007±0.004 0.004±0.00 0.012±0.00 0.033±0.001 5 Cu N.D. 9.191±0.313 7.892±0.283 12.51±0.338 15.00±0.073 100 Zn 0.099±0.027 0.091±0.001 0.264±0.032 1.451±0.064 54.32±0.900 100 Pb N.D 0.001±0.00 0.001±0.00 0.002±0.00 0.002±0.00 5 注:N.D.表示未检出。 表 6 陶粒的重金属潜在生态风险评价
Table 6. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in ceramsite sintered at different temperatures
样品 Er值 RI值 潜在生态
风险程度Cr Mn Co Ni Cu Zn Pb C1 175-20 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.23 轻微 C1 200-20 0.02 0.00 0.04 0.12 0.09 0.01 0.07 0.36 轻微 C1 225-20 0.07 0.00 0.19 0.43 0.29 0.03 0.43 1.45 轻微 C1 250-20 0.13 0.01 0.37 0.29 0.53 0.14 0.33 1.79 轻微 -
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