污染土壤修复技术早在二十世纪70年代就已在国外开始应用[4],近年由于国内原位热修复需求日益增多,相关技术被逐步引进。根据加热方式不同,原位热修复技术主要分为蒸汽强化抽提技术(Steam-Enhanced Extraction, SEE)、电阻加热技术(Electrical Resistive Heating, ERH)和热传导加热技术(Thermal Conduction Heating, TCH)3种[7]。对于上述3种原位热修复技术,由于其加热机制不同,所适用的场合也各不相同。如SEE技术,仅适用于低沸点、高渗透率的污染物场地,其修复效率低但修复成本也较低;ERH技术同样仅适用于低沸点污染物,但其升温效率和温度均匀性较好;而TCH技术可适用于含高沸点污染物场地,修复效果彻底、周期短,但其修复方式粗犷,成本较高。表1对比了3种典型原位热修复技术的优缺点和各自适用场合。
Recent advances and prospects of heat and mass transfer in soil during in-situ thermal remediation
摘要: 近年来,原位热修复技术因其具有修复周期短、可靠性高、适用性强、二次污染可控等优点,已被广泛应用于有机污染地块修复领域。概述了国内外原位热修复技术研究进展,对比了蒸汽强化抽提技术(SEE)、电阻加热技术(ERH)和热传导加热技术(TCH) 3种典型原位热修复技术的优缺点和适用条件,并分析了污染物性质、土壤非均质性、含水率及加热温度等主要因素对不同技术的修复效果的影响。在此基础上,从理论、实验和数值3方面阐述了原位热修复过程中热质传递机理的研究现状。Abstract: In recent years, in-situ thermal remediation technology has been widely used in the remediation of organic contaminated land because of its short remediation cycle, high reliability, strong applicability, and controllable secondary pollution. This article summarized the research progress of in-situ thermal remediation technology for contaminated land at home and abroad. It compared the advantages of three typical in-situ thermal remediation technologies: namely steam enhanced extraction (SEE), electrical resistance heating (ERH) and thermal conduction heating (TCH). Disadvantages and applicable conditions, and analyzed the effects of main factors such as the nature of pollutants, soil heterogeneity, moisture content and heating temperature on its remediation effect. On this basis, the research status of the heat and mass transfer mechanism in-situ thermal remediation was explained from three research aspects of theory, experiment and numerical value.
表 1 典型原位热修复技术优缺点比较
Table 1. Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of typical in-situ thermal repair technology
手段修复成本概况 加热
范围适用场合 技术优势 技术缺陷 SEE 修复挥发性、半挥发性有机物成本较低[10] 蒸汽、热空气 0~
170 ℃[7]挥发性有机物,高渗透率土壤,地下流速大 去除效率较高、成本低、易操作、可与其他技术灵活组合 受土壤不均质性、渗透率、含水率影响大,处理温度低 ERH 修复成本高[10] 电阻加热 0~
100 ℃挥发性有机物,中低渗透率土壤,适合质地细密的土壤[11] 对地下非均质性不敏感,加热均匀性强[8],可与生物修复联合使用[9] 不适合干燥的土壤,难以处理高沸点污染物[12] TCH 修复氯化挥发性有机物成本较高[13] 电加热棒、高温烟气 700~
800 ℃挥发、半挥发、难挥发有机物,中、低渗透率土壤 升温速率快,加热温度高,不受渗透率、土壤质地的影响 能耗高,易受高地下水通量的影响 -
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