沙河水库位于北京市昌平区,上接南沙河、北沙河、东沙河,下连温榆河,是北运河上游干流的关键节点[1]。近年来,周边的生产生活使沙河库区水体污染严重,水库水质仅为《我国地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)劣Ⅴ类水体。库区水生植物群落遭到严重破坏,水体自净能力减弱,水生态系统逐渐恶化[2]。因此,亟需开展沙河水库水质提升和水生态修复工作。
水生植物是水生态系统的重要组成部分,参与调控系统的物质循环和能量传递[3],对水生态修复起到关键作用。其中,沉水植物是水生植物群落的重要组成部分,对水体和底泥中的氮、磷等污染物的去除效果良好,同时还能承载水体中的有益微生物[4]。因此,恢复沉水植物群落是水生态系统恢复的关键环节。已有研究表明,沉水植物群落的恢复受温度、pH、营养盐浓度、藻类、风浪等诸多因素影响,其中水体透明度是最关键因素之一[5]。若水体透明度很低,水下光场无法满足沉水植物的生长,植物光合作用受阻而不能成活[6]。现阶段沙河水库水体透明度较低,仅为30~40 cm。因此,提升水体透明度是恢复沙河水库沉水植物群落、修复水库生态系统的先决条件。
投加化学药剂可快速提高水体透明度,但对库区水体内的鱼虾贝壳等水生动物的生长存在风险[7]。近年来,通过投放枝角类等浮游动物的生物操纵手段受到普遍关注[8]。常见的枝角类浮游动物,如大型溞、长肢秀体溞、多刺裸腹溞等,会直接摄食藻类。其分泌物还会促进悬浮颗粒态污染物的沉降,可在短期内提高水体透明度,进而为沉水植物的恢复提供条件[9]。其中,大型溞的应用最为广泛。任文彬[10]在武汉市东湖植物园的研究发现,大型溞在短期内可使湖内水体透明度由50 cm提高至138 cm,效果明显;霍元子等[11]的研究结果表明,大型溞在5 d内便可将上海滴水湖的水体透明度提高至150 cm。上述2个研究中,利用大型溞提高水体透明度的特性,可成功为沉水植物的重建创造条件,从而间接净化水质。而在实际工程应用中,也不乏大型溞提高污染水体透明度的成功案例。如管卫兵等[12]在太湖水域围隔修复区内投放大型溞,利用其对藻类的控制效应,提高了太湖水域的透明度,为后期移栽沉水植物解决太湖水体富营养化问题创造了良好条件。南京市月牙湖通过投放大型溞,后期建立“大型溞-沉水植物”共生生态系统,促进了湖泊生态环境的修复和平衡,使其水质稳定在地表Ⅳ类[13]。
Effect of Daphnia magna density on water quality improvement and sediment pollutants in Lake and reservoir water
摘要: 向北京市沙河水库投放大型溞(Daphnia magna),利用其摄食藻类、促进悬浮颗粒态污染物沉降的特性,以提升水体的透明度,为后续沉水植物群落的恢复创造条件,并探索大型溞的投放密度,以及投放后对水质及底泥主要污染物的影响。结果表明:向沙河水库投加大型溞的最佳密度为5~15 ind·L−1;在该条件下,水体透明度可在3~5 d由40 cm提升至100 cm,浊度由19.7 NTU降至3 NTU,藻密度由2.4×106 cell·mL−1降至(4~6)×104 cell·mL−1;大型溞可在沙河水库长期存活,并可长期抑制藻类、维持水体的透明度;水体COD并未发生明显改变;大型溞的分泌物促进了悬浮颗粒态氮、磷的沉降,使TN和TP的去除率分别达到70.2%和54.9%;由于投溞后藻类浓度迅速下降,藻对NH3-N的吸收量降低,使水体NH3-N升高了32.2%;底泥中有机质、TN、TP均出现了一定程度的升高。针对于湖库水体透明度低的问题,应投放适宜密度的大型溞,调整水质状态,并结合水中藻类、底泥污染物等条件,综合考虑有效改善水质的方法。Abstract: To improve the transparency of the Beijing Shahe reservoir and create conditions for the recovery of submerged macrophytes, we added Daphnia magna in the reservoir water to enhance transparency by taking advantage of its characteristic of eating algae and promoting particle deposition. The density of added Daphnia magna and its effect on water and sediment quality were investigated. Results showed that the optimum density of Daphnia magna was 5~15 ind·L−1. At this density, the density of algae decreased from 2.4×106 to 4~6×104 cell·mL−1. The transparency increased from 40 to 100 cm, while the turbidity decreased from 19.7 to 3 NTU within 3~5 d. After the Daphnia magna releasing, the COD of water did not change significantly, while the removal efficiency of TN and TP was 70.2% and 54.9%, respectively. That is because Daphnia magna promoted the deposition of suspended particulate nitrogen and phosphorus. The concentration of NH3-N increased by 32.2%, mainly due to the rapid decrease of algal, which weakened its adsorption of NH3-N. The organic matter, TN and TP in the sediment increased after adding Daphnia magna.Therefore, the low transparency of lake and reservoir should be treated by adding appropriate density of Daphnia magna, and comprehensive measures need to be taken by considering the algae and sediment conditions in the reserviors.
Key words:
- Daphnia magna /
- adding density /
- transparency improvement /
- water quality improvement /
- sediment
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